ISSUE-80: namespace for ssn and friends

ssn namespace

namespace for ssn and friends

Semantic Sensor Network Ontology
Raised by:
Kerry Taylor
Opened on:
Dear all,

I have re-read the minutes of the lisbon f2f meeting where the namespace was discussed and it is not clear to me that all attendees were on the same page.
The question arose under the agenda item on SOSA core goals So I’d like to restate the central issue and seek comments. I have also created an issue for this.

The current ssn namespace, as published by the ssn incubator group was

I believe that, irrespective of any changes SDW wishes to make, we MUST NOT retain this namespace as purl is dying. As the actual ontology was stored in w3 space ( (and purl redirects to there were used) we COULD arrange to continue with the same W3 space location, but as it was not the namespace anyway I can see no value in doing that. We SHOULD (and can) ensure that the .html and (I suppose) .owl at that location is edited to contain a comment about deprecation and redirect (informally, in text) to any new sdw namespace.

We have available, and our indeed our FPWD uses, the new sdw namespace . In my opinion we SHOULD be publishing our new Recommendation/Standard version of ssn at this namespace. I believe that we SHOULD use the https: protocol in the uri here, but I seek confirmation of that.

I think, because purl is dying, we might not suffer from the "vcard problem" but we SHOULD do all we can to help our existing user base. The orignal ssn namespace is not going to go away in the many instances of ssn out there, but the ability to resolve those ssn uris will be lost. The kindest thing I can think of to existing users of the old ssn is to give them a simple new namespace that can be universally used by them to replace all previous uses.

There is still ongoing discussion about use of differing namespaces or not and redirection for what might be seen as “parts” of the ssn ontology such as dul alignment, sosa-core, and other bits and pieces (other alignments, maybe examples in the rec track doc,...) In fact our FPWD also implements a proposal for how this might be done wrt the dul alignment “part” of ssn (note however the dul alignment introduces no new terms, and this case may not generalise). This is an important topic that, following a request from Maxime, I hope to schedule for the next SSN sub-group meeting when Maxime will be available.

Meanwhile comments on this list are very welcome and encouraged!

Related Actions Items:
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Related emails:
  1. RE: Different or same Namespace for SOSA/SSN (from on 2017-02-09)
  2. RE: Different or same Namespace for SOSA/SSN (from on 2017-02-09)
  3. Re: Different or same Namespace for SOSA/SSN (from on 2017-02-09)
  4. RE: Different or same Namespace for SOSA/SSN (from on 2017-02-09)
  5. Re: Different or same Namespace for SOSA/SSN (from on 2017-02-09)
  6. Add RAMI to list of SSN implementations (Industrie 4.0) (was: RE: Different or same Namespace for SOSA/SSN) (from on 2017-02-09)
  7. RE: Different or same Namespace for SOSA/SSN (from on 2017-02-09)
  8. Re: Different or same Namespace for SOSA/SSN (from on 2017-02-08)
  9. Re: Different or same Namespace for SOSA/SSN (from on 2017-02-08)
  10. Re: Different or same Namespace for SOSA/SSN (from on 2017-02-08)
  11. ISSUE-80 Was: State of SSN: arguments in favour of a single name and namespace, proposal, the SEAS example, proposal of action (from on 2017-02-08)
  12. Re: Different or same Namespace for SOSA/SSN (from on 2017-02-08)
  13. Re: Different or same Namespace for SOSA/SSN (from on 2017-02-08)
  14. Re: ISSUE-80: namespace for ssn and friends (from on 2016-10-25)
  15. Re: ISSUE-80: namespace for ssn and friends (from on 2016-10-25)
  16. Re: ISSUE-80: namespace for ssn and friends (from on 2016-10-24)
  17. RE: ISSUE-80: namespace for ssn and friends (from on 2016-10-24)
  18. Re: ISSUE-80: namespace for ssn and friends (from on 2016-10-24)
  19. Re: ISSUE-80: namespace for ssn and friends (from on 2016-10-19)
  20. RE: ISSUE-80: namespace for ssn and friends (from on 2016-10-14)
  21. ISSUE-80: namespace for ssn and friends (from on 2016-10-14)

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