Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference
09 Dec 2014

See also: IRC log


Joseph_Scheuhammer, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, [Microsoft]
Joanie_Diggs, David_Bolter, Bryan_Garaventa


<trackbot> Date: 09 December 2014

<scribe> scribenick: clown

<scribe> agenda: this


<richardschwerdtfeger> http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/svg-aam/svg-aam.html


<richardschwerdtfeger> http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/svg-aam/svg-aam.html


take up item 1


<trackbot> action-1396 -- Cynthia Shelly to Modify uaig to convey grid role in accessibility mappings, beyond table. (atk/atspi/ ia2 xml-role=grid, macosx: roledescription: grid, msaa/uiaexpress localizedcontroltype="grid"?) -- due 2014-11-15 -- CLOSED

<trackbot> https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1396

JS: It's closed

CS: I just did it.

<richardschwerdtfeger> scribe: Rich

<richardschwerdtfeger> CS: action 1396 is done


<richardschwerdtfeger> JS: It looks like you want to change the UIA entry too

<richardschwerdtfeger> JS: … the TR


<richardschwerdtfeger> JS: what should this be now?

UIA is DataGrid + seleciton pattern.

<richardschwerdtfeger> CS: IT should be the same as the UIA one

<richardschwerdtfeger> CS: It does fall back to table in MSAA if an legacy AT tries to access it

<richardschwerdtfeger> Rich: does this only Windows 10 or does it go all the way back

<richardschwerdtfeger> CS: it goes all the way back

take up next item

<richardschwerdtfeger> action 1396 reasigned to joseph

<trackbot> Error finding '1396'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/users>.


<trackbot> action-1104 -- Cynthia Shelly to Define what the accessibility API mapping is for UIA on aria-describedby in section 5.5.1 table when the element does not exist in the accessibility tree such as when css: display:none applies -- due 2015-01-14 -- OPEN

<trackbot> https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1104

<richardschwerdtfeger> CS: Action 1104 now changed to January 14

ACTION-1311/ACTION-1444/ACTION-1445: (Joseph, Cynthia) Clarify that presentation role should preserve separation of nodes within tables/lists.


<trackbot> action-1445 -- Cynthia Shelly to Investigate the ideal uai mapping for role presentation in tables and lists. -- due 2014-11-18 -- OPEN

<trackbot> https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1445

<richardschwerdtfeger> JS: on FF on IA2 if you have a table with role=“presentation” the cells are exposed as text frames. In ATK they are exposed as text. What about UIA?


<richardschwerdtfeger> CS: text

<richardschwerdtfeger> CS: Text Pattern


<trackbot> action-1311 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Clarify that presentation role should preserve separation of nodes within tables/lists; work out in UAIG 1.1 and with implementors/vendors how to resolve this. -- due 2014-11-15 -- OPEN

<trackbot> https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1311

<richardschwerdtfeger> Rich: we need to deal with mapping of text content

<richardschwerdtfeger> JS: Alex we need to deal text api mapping like AccessibleText

<richardschwerdtfeger> Issue: Create a section in Core to address accessible text API for text content

<trackbot> Created ISSUE-687 - Create a section in core to address accessible text api for text content. Please complete additional details at <https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/687/edit>.

<richardschwerdtfeger> Rich: we need this for SVG as well


<richardschwerdtfeger> Rich: A good place would be to put this in a new section under 5.6 that deals with text, test styling, caret position, etc.





<cyns> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff384841(v=vs.85).aspx


<trackbot> action-1444 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Update atk/at-spi2 mapping for role presentation in tables and lists. -- due 2014-11-15 -- OPEN

<trackbot> https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1444

ACTION-1254: (Joseph) Consume/cancel keydown event when keypress is consumed/cancelled.


<trackbot> action-1254 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Work with WebApps working group to ensure that DOM spec states when a keydown event is consumed/cancelled that the corresponding keypress event is also cancelled. -- due 2014-12-09 -- OPEN

<trackbot> https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1254

<richardschwerdtfeger> JS: It works in all the browsers and I contacted webapps to see if this was acceptable.



If this event is canceled, the associated event types MUST NOT be dispatched, and the associated actions MUST NOT be performed.

<richardschwerdtfeger> JS: if you go here this is one of the webapps documents. This is the keydown section of the DOM Events spec.

<richardschwerdtfeger> JS: I included this in my email to Travis and I asked if my interpretation was correct

<richardschwerdtfeger> JS: Leave this action open so that I can make sure that I have heard from Travis.

ACTION-1542: (Joanie) Verify the commit for mozilla bug 1013584 and report the atk role to joseph.

<richardschwerdtfeger> JS: Next week is the last meeting for this year

Joanie not here, skip it.

ACTION-1531/ISSUE-435: (David) investigate ia2 mapping of role="text".

David is not here. Leave for next year.

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.140 (CVS log)
$Date: 2014/12/09 20:43:49 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140  of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/January/January 14/
Succeeded: s/Jonie/Joanie/
Found ScribeNick: clown
Found Scribe: Rich
Default Present: Joseph_Scheuhammer, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, [Microsoft]
Present: Joseph_Scheuhammer Rich_Schwerdtfeger [Microsoft]
Regrets: Joanie_Diggs David_Bolter Bryan_Garaventa
Found Date: 09 Dec 2014
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2014/12/09-aapi-minutes.html
People with action items: 

WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines.
You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

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