RDF Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 21 November 2012

Andy Seaborne, Antoine Zimmermann, Arnaud Le Hors, David Wood, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Fabien Gandon, Gavin Carothers, Ivan Herman, Markus Lanthaler, Peter Patel-Schneider, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Richard Cyganiak, Sandro Hawke, Souripriya Das, Ted Thibodeau, Thomas Baker, Unknown rdf-wg, Yves Raimond, Zhe Wu
David Wood
Yves Raimond
Original and Editable Wiki Version
  1. to accept the minutes of the 7 Nov telecon link
  2. Delete four informative Notes from Concepts as described in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2012Nov/0131.html link
  3. Informally call g-boxes “RDF sources” in Concepts link

There are some format problems with the chatlog. Please correct them and reload this page. They are labeled on this page in a red box, like this message.

It may be helpful to

15:02:58 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/11/21-rdf-wg-irc

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/11/21-rdf-wg-irc

15:03:00 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world

15:03:02 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be 73394

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be 73394

15:03:02 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 57 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 57 minutes

15:03:03 <trackbot> Meeting: RDF Working Group Teleconference
15:03:03 <trackbot> Date: 21 November 2012
15:50:00 <rdf-wg> zakim, who is on the call?

Scribe problem: the name 'rdf-wg' does not match any of the 51 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Jean-François Baget Thomas Baker Adrien BASSE Scott Bauer Aidan Boran Dan Brickley Matteo Brunati Gaoussou CAMARA Gavin Carothers Jeremy Carroll Pierre-Antoine Champin Kiu Ching Chieh Olivier Corby Richard Cyganiak Francois Daoust Souripriya Das Lee Feigenbaum Fabien Gandon Charles Greer Alex Hall Steve Harris Michael Hausenblas Sandro Hawke Patrick Hayes Ivan Herman Kingsley Idehen Gregg Kellogg Markus Lanthaler Arnaud Le Hors Dickson Lukose Ivan Mikhailov Peter Patel-Schneider Eric Prud'hommeaux Yves Raimond Nathan Rixham Guus Schreiber Andy Seaborne Manu Sporny Thomas Steiner Mouhamadou THIAM Ted Thibodeau Thomas Visel William Waites Jan Wielemaker David Wood Zhe Wu Mohamed ZERGAOUI Antoine Zimmermann Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'rdf-wg' does not match any of the 51 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Jean-François Baget Thomas Baker Adrien BASSE Scott Bauer Aidan Boran Dan Brickley Matteo Brunati Gaoussou CAMARA Gavin Carothers Jeremy Carroll Pierre-Antoine Champin Kiu Ching Chieh Olivier Corby Richard Cyganiak Francois Daoust Souripriya Das Lee Feigenbaum Fabien Gandon Charles Greer Alex Hall Steve Harris Michael Hausenblas Sandro Hawke Patrick Hayes Ivan Herman Kingsley Idehen Gregg Kellogg Markus Lanthaler Arnaud Le Hors Dickson Lukose Ivan Mikhailov Peter Patel-Schneider Eric Prud'hommeaux Yves Raimond Nathan Rixham Guus Schreiber Andy Seaborne Manu Sporny Thomas Steiner Mouhamadou THIAM Ted Thibodeau Thomas Visel William Waites Jan Wielemaker David Wood Zhe Wu Mohamed ZERGAOUI Antoine Zimmermann Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

(No events recorded for 46 minutes)

Unknown rdf-wg: zakim, who is on the call?

15:50:00 <Zakim> SW_RDFWG()11:00AM has not yet started, rdf-wg

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_RDFWG()11:00AM has not yet started, rdf-wg

15:50:01 <Zakim> On IRC I see rdf-wg, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, ivan, mischat, AndyS, davidwood, gavinc, Arnaud, trackbot, manu1, manu, yvesr, sandro, ericP

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see rdf-wg, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, ivan, mischat, AndyS, davidwood, gavinc, Arnaud, trackbot, manu1, manu, yvesr, sandro, ericP

15:51:30 <tbaker> zakim, who is on the call?

Thomas Baker: zakim, who is on the call?

15:51:30 <Zakim> SW_RDFWG()11:00AM has not yet started, tbaker

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_RDFWG()11:00AM has not yet started, tbaker

15:51:31 <Zakim> On IRC I see tbaker, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, ivan, mischat, AndyS, davidwood, gavinc, Arnaud, trackbot, manu1, manu, yvesr, sandro, ericP

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see tbaker, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, ivan, mischat, AndyS, davidwood, gavinc, Arnaud, trackbot, manu1, manu, yvesr, sandro, ericP

15:51:37 <Zakim> SW_RDFWG()11:00AM has now started

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_RDFWG()11:00AM has now started

15:51:38 <Zakim> +EricP

Zakim IRC Bot: +EricP

15:52:07 <ericP> tbaker, are you trying to debug something?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: tbaker, are you trying to debug something?

15:52:20 <ericP> i've joined (started) the call in case that helps

Eric Prud'hommeaux: i've joined (started) the call in case that helps

15:53:18 <tbaker> Yes  an irc client on my iPhone

Thomas Baker: Yes an irc client on my iPhone

15:53:44 <Zakim> +??P2

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P2

15:53:52 <ericP> ahh, you're just asking questions of Zakim 'cause he's likely to answer

Eric Prud'hommeaux: ahh, you're just asking questions of Zakim 'cause he's likely to answer

15:54:11 <tbaker> Will be only on irc today - in car.

Thomas Baker: Will be only on irc today - in car.

15:54:13 <tbaker> Yes

Thomas Baker: Yes

15:57:04 <Zakim> +pfps

Zakim IRC Bot: +pfps

16:00:38 <Zakim> + +1.540.898.aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.540.898.aaaa

16:00:39 <sandro> RRSAgent, pointer?

Sandro Hawke: RRSAgent, pointer?

16:00:39 <RRSAgent> See http://www.w3.org/2012/11/21-rdf-wg-irc#T16-00-39

RRSAgent IRC Bot: See http://www.w3.org/2012/11/21-rdf-wg-irc#T16-00-39

16:00:53 <davidwood> Zakim, aaaa is mw

David Wood: Zakim, aaaa is mw

16:00:53 <Zakim> +mw; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +mw; got it

16:01:01 <Zakim> +Sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: +Sandro

16:01:05 <davidwood> Zakim, aaaa is me

David Wood: Zakim, aaaa is me

16:01:05 <Zakim> sorry, davidwood, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, davidwood, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa'

16:01:13 <davidwood> Zakim, mw is me

David Wood: Zakim, mw is me

16:01:13 <Zakim> +davidwood; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +davidwood; got it

16:01:48 <Zakim> +??P14

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P14

16:01:50 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

16:01:54 <AndyS> zakim, P14 is me

Andy Seaborne: zakim, P14 is me

16:01:54 <Zakim> sorry, AndyS, I do not recognize a party named 'P14'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, AndyS, I do not recognize a party named 'P14'

16:01:58 <ivan> zakim, dial ivan-voip

Ivan Herman: zakim, dial ivan-voip

16:01:58 <Zakim> ok, ivan; the call is being made

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, ivan; the call is being made

16:02:00 <Zakim> +Ivan

Zakim IRC Bot: +Ivan

16:02:00 <AndyS> zakim, IPCaller is me

Andy Seaborne: zakim, IPCaller is me

16:02:00 <Zakim> +AndyS; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +AndyS; got it

16:02:12 <pchampin_> zakim, ??P14 is me

Pierre-Antoine Champin: zakim, ??P14 is me

16:02:12 <Zakim> +pchampin_; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +pchampin_; got it

16:02:40 <yvesr> scribenick: yvesr

(Scribe set to Yves Raimond)

16:02:40 <davidwood> Chair: David Wood
16:02:50 <davidwood> Zakim, who is here?

David Wood: Zakim, who is here?

16:02:50 <Zakim> On the phone I see EricP, ??P2, pfps, davidwood, Sandro, pchampin_, AndyS, Ivan

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see EricP, ??P2, pfps, davidwood, Sandro, pchampin_, AndyS, Ivan

16:02:52 <Zakim> On IRC I see pchampin_, pfps, tbaker, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, ivan, mischat, AndyS, davidwood, gavinc, Arnaud, trackbot, manu1, manu, yvesr, sandro, ericP

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see pchampin_, pfps, tbaker, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, ivan, mischat, AndyS, davidwood, gavinc, Arnaud, trackbot, manu1, manu, yvesr, sandro, ericP

16:02:52 <Zakim> +MHausenblas

Zakim IRC Bot: +MHausenblas

16:02:52 <Zakim> +Arnaud

Zakim IRC Bot: +Arnaud

16:03:36 <Zakim> + +1.603.897.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.603.897.aabb

16:03:38 <Zakim> - +1.603.897.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.603.897.aabb

16:03:52 <Zakim> + +1.603.897.aacc

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.603.897.aacc

16:04:14 <sandro> sandro has changed the topic to: RDF-WG -- http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/ -- agenda will be http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2012.11.21

Sandro Hawke: sandro has changed the topic to: RDF-WG -- http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/ -- agenda will be http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2012.11.21

16:04:45 <cygri> zakim, mhausenblas is temporarily me

Richard Cyganiak: zakim, mhausenblas is temporarily me

16:04:45 <Zakim> +cygri; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +cygri; got it

16:04:48 <AndyS> zakim, who is making noise?

Andy Seaborne: zakim, who is making noise?

16:04:50 <davidwood> PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 7 Nov telecon:

David Wood: PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 7 Nov telecon:

16:04:50 <davidwood>

David Wood:

16:04:50 <davidwood>    http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/meeting/2012-11-07

David Wood: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/meeting/2012-11-07

16:04:59 <Zakim> AndyS, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: davidwood (39%), Ivan (60%)

Zakim IRC Bot: AndyS, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: davidwood (39%), Ivan (60%)

16:05:12 <yvesr> RESOLVED:  to accept the minutes of the 7 Nov telecon

RESOLVED: to accept the minutes of the 7 Nov telecon

16:05:28 <ivan> zakim, mute me

Ivan Herman: zakim, mute me

16:05:28 <Zakim> Ivan should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Ivan should now be muted

16:05:36 <davidwood> Review of action items

David Wood: Review of action items

16:05:36 <davidwood> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/actions/pendingreview

David Wood: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/actions/pendingreview

16:05:36 <davidwood> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/actions/open

David Wood: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/actions/open

16:05:58 <yvesr> davidwood: andys completed two actions

David Wood: andys completed two actions

16:06:01 <Arnaud> zakim, unmute me

Arnaud Le Hors: zakim, unmute me

16:06:01 <Zakim> Arnaud was not muted, Arnaud

Zakim IRC Bot: Arnaud was not muted, Arnaud

16:06:08 <Zakim> +??P17

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P17

16:06:20 <markus> zakim, ??P17 is me

Markus Lanthaler: zakim, ??P17 is me

16:06:20 <Zakim> +markus; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +markus; got it

16:06:32 <yvesr> Arnaud: my action is about the rdf schema document, we were unsure danbri would be able to edit it

Arnaud Le Hors: my action is about the rdf schema document, we were unsure danbri would be able to edit it

16:06:38 <yvesr> Arnaud: danbri said he will be able to do it

Arnaud Le Hors: danbri said he will be able to do it

16:06:39 <davidwood> CLOSE ACTION-198

David Wood: CLOSE ACTION-198

16:06:39 <trackbot> ACTION-198 Check with Dan what he wants to do with regard to editorship (remain editor, leave it to Arnaud, remain co-editor?) closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-198 Check with Dan what he wants to do with regard to editorship (remain editor, leave it to Arnaud, remain co-editor?) closed

16:06:50 <davidwood> CLOSE ACTION-206

David Wood: CLOSE ACTION-206

16:06:50 <trackbot> ACTION-206 Put Turtle tests into W3C space. closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-206 Put Turtle tests into W3C space. closed

16:06:56 <davidwood> CLOSE ACTION-207

David Wood: CLOSE ACTION-207

16:06:56 <trackbot> ACTION-207 Do some documentation/README for the tests. closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-207 Do some documentation/README for the tests. closed

16:06:57 <yvesr> Arnaud: but is there much work to do, now we resolved on rdf:Seq?

Arnaud Le Hors: but is there much work to do, now we resolved on rdf:Seq?

16:07:01 <AndyS> AndyS actions - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2012Nov/0223.html

Andy Seaborne: AndyS actions - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2012Nov/0223.html

16:07:05 <yvesr> Arnaud: So I think that takes care of my action

Arnaud Le Hors: So I think that takes care of my action

16:07:19 <yvesr> davidwood: Moving on to open actions

David Wood: Moving on to open actions

16:07:30 <Zakim> + +081165aadd

Zakim IRC Bot: + +081165aadd

16:07:38 <yvesr> sandro: I want to talk about my IETF action

Sandro Hawke: I want to talk about my IETF action

16:07:39 <sandro> http://www.iana.org/assignments/well-known-uris/well-known-uris.xml

Sandro Hawke: http://www.iana.org/assignments/well-known-uris/well-known-uris.xml

16:07:39 <AZ> Zakim, aadd is me

Antoine Zimmermann: Zakim, aadd is me

16:07:39 <Zakim> +AZ; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +AZ; got it

16:07:56 <davidwood> CLOSE ACTION-82

David Wood: CLOSE ACTION-82

16:07:56 <trackbot> ACTION-82 Draft well-known URI template and propose WG resolution that it is "stable" enough for IETF. closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-82 Draft well-known URI template and propose WG resolution that it is "stable" enough for IETF. closed

16:08:01 <yvesr> sandro: genid is now registered

Sandro Hawke: genid is now registered

16:08:10 <cygri> excellent!

Richard Cyganiak: excellent!

16:08:27 <yvesr> davidwood: we'll move on to RDF Concepts

David Wood: we'll move on to RDF Concepts

16:08:31 <yvesr> topic: RDF Concepts

1. RDF Concepts

16:08:54 <cygri> ISSUE-104?

Richard Cyganiak: ISSUE-104?

16:08:54 <trackbot> ISSUE-104 -- Too many informative Notes in RDF Concepts -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-104 -- Too many informative Notes in RDF Concepts -- open

16:08:54 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/104

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/104

16:09:00 <davidwood> Check for consensus on http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/104 (Too many Notes)

David Wood: Check for consensus on http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/104 (Too many Notes)

16:09:00 <davidwood> 	1.	PROPOSAL: Delete four informative Notes from Concepts as described in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2012Nov/0131.html

David Wood: 1. PROPOSAL: Delete four informative Notes from Concepts as described in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2012Nov/0131.html

16:09:07 <yvesr> davidwood: let's move on to check on consensus on ISSUE-104

David Wood: let's move on to check on consensus on ISSUE-104

16:09:38 <yvesr> cygri: The background for the issue is that there is a lot of informative text in RDF Concepts

Richard Cyganiak: The background for the issue is that there is a lot of informative text in RDF Concepts

16:09:56 <yvesr> ... It was pointed out that this can be overwhelming

... It was pointed out that this can be overwhelming

16:10:11 <yvesr> ... The places I identified were based on my own bias

... The places I identified were based on my own bias

16:10:33 <yvesr> ... The four that are listed in this email are: 1) Concerns with XML 1.1

... The four that are listed in this email are: 1) Concerns with XML 1.1

16:10:47 <yvesr> ... 2) Confusing language tags with locales

... 2) Confusing language tags with locales

16:10:57 <yvesr> ... 3) Some details about how to use schema assets

... 3) Some details about how to use schema assets

16:11:29 <yvesr> ... 4) Section regarding language tags

... 4) Section regarding language tags

16:11:45 <yvesr> ... If no one wants to speak up for any of them, then I'll drop them

... If no one wants to speak up for any of them, then I'll drop them

16:11:47 <pfps> These notes were added in response to external comments, I believe.   However, I still support removing them.  Just don't lose them, because there may be cries to reinstate them.

Peter Patel-Schneider: These notes were added in response to external comments, I believe. However, I still support removing them. Just don't lose them, because there may be cries to reinstate them.

16:12:15 <yvesr> davidwood: There has been a discussion on the mailing list, this should be relatively uncontroversial

David Wood: There has been a discussion on the mailing list, this should be relatively uncontroversial

16:12:24 <yvesr> cygri: I agree with what pfps said on IRC

Richard Cyganiak: I agree with what pfps said on IRC

16:12:47 <yvesr> ... But I think 8 years later we might try again to remove them

... But I think 8 years later we might try again to remove them

16:12:57 <yvesr> ... If people are concerned about it then we can reinstate them

... If people are concerned about it then we can reinstate them

16:13:01 <yvesr> ... They don't add much value

... They don't add much value

16:13:24 <yvesr> davidwood: We could make a WG resolution that we are going to resolve ISSUE-104

David Wood: We could make a WG resolution that we are going to resolve ISSUE-104

16:13:51 <Zakim> + +1.603.438.aaee

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.603.438.aaee

16:14:03 <zwu2> zakim, aaee is me

Zhe Wu: zakim, aaee is me

16:14:03 <Zakim> +zwu2; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +zwu2; got it

16:14:04 <yvesr> sandro: davidwood is saying the document should provide a pointer

Sandro Hawke: davidwood is saying the resolution should provide a pointer

16:14:27 <yvesr> davidwood: We should vote on this

David Wood: We should vote on this

16:14:37 <cygri> +1

Richard Cyganiak: +1

16:14:39 <yvesr> yvesr: +1

Yves Raimond: +1

16:14:46 <ivan> +1

Ivan Herman: +1

16:14:46 <pchampin_> +1

Pierre-Antoine Champin: +1

16:14:47 <davidwood> +1

David Wood: +1

16:14:47 <sandro> s/document/resolution/
16:14:47 <Arnaud> +1

Arnaud Le Hors: +1

16:14:52 <Souri> +1

Souripriya Das: +1

16:14:55 <markus> +1

Markus Lanthaler: +1

16:14:59 <sandro> +0.5  (I like more info....)

Sandro Hawke: +0.5 (I like more info....)

16:15:03 <pfps> +1

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1

16:15:08 <tbaker> +1

Thomas Baker: +1

16:15:10 <AndyS> +1

Andy Seaborne: +1

16:15:21 <zwu2> +1

Zhe Wu: +1

16:15:44 <sandro> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2012Nov/0131.html

Sandro Hawke: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2012Nov/0131.html

16:15:51 <AZ> ok +1

Antoine Zimmermann: ok +1

16:15:53 <sandro> (that's the proposal we're voting on)

Sandro Hawke: (that's the proposal we're voting on)

16:16:13 <yvesr> RESOLVED: Delete four informative Notes from Concepts as described in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2012Nov/0131.html

RESOLVED: Delete four informative Notes from Concepts as described in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2012Nov/0131.html

16:16:17 <davidwood> Check for consensus on ISSUE-110 (Term for g-box)

David Wood: Check for consensus on ISSUE-110 (Term for g-box)

16:16:17 <davidwood> PROPOSAL 1: Informally call g-boxes “RDF sources” in Concepts

David Wood: PROPOSAL 1: Informally call g-boxes “RDF sources” in Concepts

16:16:52 <davidwood> PROPOSAL 2: Keep the informal term “g-box” in Concepts

David Wood: PROPOSAL 2: Keep the informal term “g-box” in Concepts

16:17:12 <yvesr> davidwood: This is an editorial issue in Concepts

David Wood: This is an editorial issue in Concepts

16:17:31 <yvesr> ... There has been a discussion on the mailing list

... There has been a discussion on the mailing list

16:17:39 <Zakim> +OpenLink_Software

Zakim IRC Bot: +OpenLink_Software

16:17:44 <yvesr> ... Unless there are any objections, we should leave that as an editorial issue

... Unless there are any objections, we should leave that as an editorial issue

16:17:44 <MacTed> Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

16:17:44 <Zakim> +MacTed; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +MacTed; got it

16:17:51 <yvesr> sandro: I'd like a WG decision on this

Sandro Hawke: I'd like a WG decision on this

16:17:54 <AndyS> RDF sources

Andy Seaborne: RDF sources

16:17:59 <AZ> 1

Antoine Zimmermann: 1

16:18:00 <sandro> 1

Sandro Hawke: 1

16:18:00 <yvesr> yvesr, RDF sources

yvesr, RDF sources

16:18:01 <pfps> RDF sources

Peter Patel-Schneider: RDF sources

16:18:04 <zwu2> RDF sources sounds better

Zhe Wu: RDF sources sounds better

16:18:07 <markus> RDF sources

Markus Lanthaler: RDF sources

16:18:11 <cygri> fine with either

Richard Cyganiak: fine with either

16:18:17 <davidwood> RDF Sources (1)

David Wood: RDF Sources (1)

16:18:18 <pfps> \me down with g-men and g-boxes!

Peter Patel-Schneider: \me down with g-men and g-boxes!

16:18:20 <sandro> 1 for "rdf sources" 2 for "g-box"

Sandro Hawke: 1 for "rdf sources" 2 for "g-box"

16:18:25 <pchampin_> no preference for me

Pierre-Antoine Champin: no preference for me

16:18:30 <ericP> 2

Eric Prud'hommeaux: 2

16:18:40 <tbaker> +1 rdf sources

Thomas Baker: +1 rdf sources

16:18:48 <Souri> 1

Souripriya Das: 1

16:18:53 <Arnaud> 0, no real preference, both proposals have their pros and cons

Arnaud Le Hors: 0, no real preference, both proposals have their pros and cons

16:19:13 <yvesr> davidwood: I believe the vote has come down on the side of RDF sources

David Wood: I believe the vote has come down on the side of RDF sources

16:19:21 <yvesr> ... If anyone objects, could they please speak up

... If anyone objects, could they please speak up

16:19:23 <Arnaud> rdf sources sound better

Arnaud Le Hors: rdf sources sound better

16:19:44 <yvesr> ... Let's resolve ISSUE-110 by calling them RDF Sources in concepts

... Let's resolve ISSUE-110 by calling them RDF Sources in concepts

16:19:48 <Arnaud> g-box seems more precise/technical

Arnaud Le Hors: g-box seems more precise/technical

16:19:53 <yvesr> RESOLVED:  Informally call g-boxes “RDF sources” in Concepts

RESOLVED: Informally call g-boxes “RDF sources” in Concepts

16:20:32 <sandro> (closes issue-110)

Sandro Hawke: (closes ISSUE-110)

16:20:35 <yvesr> pfps: g-box is RDF sources, g-snaps are RDF graphs

Eric Prud'hommeaux: g-box is RDF sources, g-snaps are RDF graphs

16:20:41 <yvesr> s/pfps/ericp
16:20:55 <sandro> RRSAgent, pointer?

Sandro Hawke: RRSAgent, pointer?

16:20:55 <RRSAgent> See http://www.w3.org/2012/11/21-rdf-wg-irc#T16-20-55

RRSAgent IRC Bot: See http://www.w3.org/2012/11/21-rdf-wg-irc#T16-20-55

16:21:23 <yvesr> davidwood: We need to close ISSUE-104 and ISSUE-110

David Wood: We need to close ISSUE-104 and ISSUE-110

16:21:30 <yvesr> ... We need to assign reviewers for RDF concepts

... We need to assign reviewers for RDF concepts

16:21:46 <AZ> I can review Concepts

Antoine Zimmermann: I can review Concepts

16:22:15 <yvesr> cygri: Some background, I'll implement those changes and we still have time today we might talk about two outstanding issues, by the end of the day we should have the next Working Draft

Richard Cyganiak: Some background, I'll implement those changes and we still have time today we might talk about two outstanding issues, by the end of the day we should have the next Working Draft

16:22:24 <yvesr> ... That's why we need some reviewers for

... That's why we need some reviewers for

16:22:55 <yvesr> cygri: There's only one obstacle in the way to last call, there are a couple of oustanding issues marked throughout the document

Richard Cyganiak: There's only one obstacle in the way to last call, there are a couple of oustanding issues marked throughout the document

16:23:18 <yvesr> ... There is at least one more around fragment identifiers and dataset syntaxes

... There is at least one more around fragment identifiers and dataset syntaxes

16:23:24 <yvesr> ... There might be some other issues as well

... There might be some other issues as well

16:23:49 <yvesr> ... The main issue with going to Last Call while we still don't have first Working Drafts on closely related documents

... The main issue with going to Last Call while we still don't have first Working Drafts on closely related documents

16:24:12 <davidwood> Open issues related to Concepts: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/products/8

David Wood: Open issues related to Concepts: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/products/8

16:24:16 <yvesr> ... As soon as we have those, I don't see any big problems

... As soon as we have those, I don't see any big problems

16:24:29 <yvesr> davidwood: In the tracker we still have 7 issues opened

David Wood: In the tracker we still have 7 issues opened

16:24:34 <yvesr> ... Before we get to Last Call

... Before we get to Last Call

16:24:47 <yvesr> cygri: An interesting one is the dataset transformation one (isomorphism etc.)

Richard Cyganiak: An interesting one is the dataset transformation one (isomorphism etc.)

16:24:53 <yvesr> ... I'll bring them up on the mailing list

... I'll bring them up on the mailing list

16:25:01 <yvesr> davidwood: We have AZ volunteering to review

David Wood: We have AZ volunteering to review

16:25:13 <davidwood> Zakim, who is here?

David Wood: Zakim, who is here?

16:25:13 <Zakim> On the phone I see EricP, ??P2, pfps, davidwood, Sandro, pchampin_, AndyS, Ivan (muted), Arnaud (muted), cygri, +1.603.897.aacc, markus, AZ, zwu2, MacTed

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see EricP, ??P2, pfps, davidwood, Sandro, pchampin_, AndyS, Ivan (muted), Arnaud (muted), cygri, +1.603.897.aacc, markus, AZ, zwu2, MacTed

16:25:16 <Zakim> On IRC I see FabGandon, zwu2, cygri, markus, Souri, AZ, pchampin_, pfps, tbaker, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, ivan, mischat, AndyS, davidwood, gavinc, Arnaud, trackbot, manu1, manu,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see FabGandon, zwu2, cygri, markus, Souri, AZ, pchampin_, pfps, tbaker, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, ivan, mischat, AndyS, davidwood, gavinc, Arnaud, trackbot, manu1, manu,

16:25:16 <Zakim> ... yvesr, sandro, ericP

Zakim IRC Bot: ... yvesr, sandro, ericP

16:25:33 <yvesr> davidwood: pfps would you be interested in reviewiewing concepts?

David Wood: pfps would you be interested in reviewiewing concepts?

16:25:55 <yvesr> pfps: Yes, I can do it

Peter Patel-Schneider: Yes, I can do it

16:26:03 <yvesr> ... It'll probably get done soon

... It'll probably get done soon

16:26:49 <cygri> ACTION: pfps to review RDF-Concepts ED http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html

ACTION: pfps to review RDF-Concepts ED http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html

16:26:49 <trackbot> Created ACTION-210 - Review RDF-Concepts ED http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html [on Peter Patel-Schneider - due 2012-11-28].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-210 - Review RDF-Concepts ED http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html [on Peter Patel-Schneider - due 2012-11-28].

16:27:02 <cygri> ACTION: AZ to review RDF-Concepts ED http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html

ACTION: AZ to review RDF-Concepts ED http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html

16:27:02 <trackbot> Created ACTION-211 - Review RDF-Concepts ED http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html [on Antoine Zimmermann - due 2012-11-28].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-211 - Review RDF-Concepts ED http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html [on Antoine Zimmermann - due 2012-11-28].

16:27:14 <davidwood> ACTION: AZ to review RDF-Concepts ED http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html

ACTION: AZ to review RDF-Concepts ED http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html

16:27:14 <trackbot> Created ACTION-212 - Review RDF-Concepts ED http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html [on Antoine Zimmermann - due 2012-11-28].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-212 - Review RDF-Concepts ED http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html [on Antoine Zimmermann - due 2012-11-28].

16:27:48 <yvesr> gavinc: On the Turtle document, the main work is to review the tests

Gavin Carothers: On the Turtle document, the main work is to review the tests

16:27:52 <davidwood> Topic: Turtle LC

2. Turtle LC

16:27:56 <yvesr> ... We also noticed some bug in the grammar

... We also noticed some bug in the grammar

16:28:05 <cygri> AZ, i'll send you an email when today's resolutions are implemented, should be later today

Richard Cyganiak: AZ, i'll send you an email when today's resolutions are implemented, should be later today

16:28:09 <cygri> pfps, i'll send you an email when today's resolutions are implemented, should be later today

Richard Cyganiak: pfps, i'll send you an email when today's resolutions are implemented, should be later today

16:28:28 <yvesr> ... There are some machine ways of generating coverage of language features

... There are some machine ways of generating coverage of language features

16:28:33 <yvesr> ... We did that in SPARQL 1.1

... We did that in SPARQL 1.0

16:28:39 <yvesr> ... It did help us identify issues

... It did help us identify issues

16:28:45 <AndyS> s/1.1/1.0/
16:28:47 <yvesr> ... I am working on it now for Turtle

... I am working on it now for Turtle

16:29:11 <AndyS> +1 to eric checking coverage

Andy Seaborne: +1 to eric checking coverage

16:29:53 <yvesr> gavinc: If we do the coverage tests, we can identify that we don't have any tests for example using a SPARQL-like PREFIX

Eric Prud'hommeaux: If we do the coverage tests, we can identify that we don't have any tests for example using a SPARQL-like PREFIX

16:30:19 <AndyS> s/gavinc/EricP/
16:30:43 <yvesr> ... How do I take an XML document and test a set of XML paths? There are multiple ways to do it - does anyone have a preferred way?

... How do I take an XML document and test a set of XML paths? There are multiple ways to do it - does anyone have a preferred way?

16:31:07 <yvesr> AndyS: The important bit is the report of the coverage

Andy Seaborne: The important bit is the report of the coverage

16:31:28 <yvesr> ericP: If people are happy that I run it on my laptop, then I'll go ahead

Eric Prud'hommeaux: If people are happy that I run it on my laptop, then I'll go ahead

16:31:41 <yvesr> ... But please tell me if you want to be able to run it elsewhere

... But please tell me if you want to be able to run it elsewhere

16:31:54 <yvesr> ericP: If we have a lot of tests that test the same features

Eric Prud'hommeaux: If we have a lot of tests that test the same features

16:32:01 <yvesr> ... It makes it harder for us to manage

... It makes it harder for us to manage

16:32:24 <yvesr> AndyS: There will be duplication

Andy Seaborne: There will be duplication

16:32:48 <yvesr> ... Turtle is simpler, so managing the tests shouldn't be too bad

... Turtle is simpler, so managing the tests shouldn't be too bad

16:33:27 <yvesr> ericP: Whether we like redundancy is a question of taste

Eric Prud'hommeaux: Whether we like redundancy is a question of taste

16:33:51 <yvesr> AndyS: Should we beginning to ask to use the test suite outside of the working group?

Andy Seaborne: Should we beginning to ask to use the test suite outside of the working group?

16:34:02 <yvesr> davidwood: I don't think it's too early to start engaging with people

David Wood: I don't think it's too early to start engaging with people

16:34:22 <yvesr> ericP: It would be nice to have the test suite nailed down before going to last call

Eric Prud'hommeaux: It would be nice to have the test suite nailed down before going to last call

16:34:32 <yvesr> davidwood: Who would like to take an action to ask dajobe?

David Wood: Who would like to take an action to ask dajobe?

16:34:56 <yvesr> ACTION: davidwood to contact dajobe about Turtle and test suites

ACTION: davidwood to contact dajobe about Turtle and test suites

16:34:56 <trackbot> Created ACTION-213 - Contact dajobe about Turtle and test suites [on David Wood - due 2012-11-28].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-213 - Contact dajobe about Turtle and test suites [on David Wood - due 2012-11-28].

16:35:02 <Zakim> + +

Zakim IRC Bot: + +

16:35:27 <yvesr> davidwood: do we have anyone from JSON-LD today?

David Wood: do we have anyone from JSON-LD today?

16:35:30 <yvesr> markus: I'm here

Markus Lanthaler: I'm here

16:35:32 <davidwood> Topic: JSON-LD


16:35:34 <FabGandon> Zakim, aaff is me

Fabien Gandon: Zakim, aaff is me

16:35:34 <Zakim> +FabGandon; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +FabGandon; got it

16:35:34 <yvesr> topic: JSON-LD


16:35:53 <yvesr> markus: Yesterday we were able to resolve the last remaining issues for the syntax specification

Markus Lanthaler: Yesterday we were able to resolve the last remaining issues for the syntax specification

16:36:01 <yvesr> ... The issues are resolved, the spec is being updated

... The issues are resolved, the spec is being updated

16:36:09 <yvesr> ... There are a few minor open issues for the APIs

... There are a few minor open issues for the APIs

16:36:25 <yvesr> ... But mostly details around the algorithms

... But mostly details around the algorithms

16:36:42 <yvesr> ... The spec has to be updated, and then it will be ready for another round of reviews

... The spec has to be updated, and then it will be ready for another round of reviews

16:37:08 <yvesr> davidwood: cygri made some suggestions around the language about RDF in the JSON-LD specs

David Wood: cygri made some suggestions around the language about RDF in the JSON-LD specs

16:37:16 <yvesr> cygri: I had an action to provide some input there

Richard Cyganiak: I had an action to provide some input there

16:37:37 <yvesr> ... One of the thing that happened in the mean time is that the relationship between the syntax and the api has been discussed

... One of the thing that happened in the mean time is that the relationship between the syntax and the api has been discussed

16:37:58 <yvesr> ... The data model will not be part of the syntax document, but part of what used to be the API Document (to be renamed)

... The data model will not be part of the syntax document, but part of what used to be the API Document (to be renamed)

16:38:14 <yvesr> ... What was an issue around the syntax document will be an issue around that other document

... What was an issue around the syntax document will be an issue around that other document

16:38:30 <yvesr> ... Within the JSON-LD community group there is a pretty good idea on how to resolve this

... Within the JSON-LD community group there is a pretty good idea on how to resolve this

16:38:46 <yvesr> cygri: By next week we should get a more subtstantial update

Richard Cyganiak: By next week we should get a more subtstantial update

16:39:35 <yvesr> markus: There has been some discussions around JSON-LD as a graph syntax or as a dataset syntax

Markus Lanthaler: There has been some discussions around JSON-LD as a graph syntax or as a dataset syntax

16:39:37 <cygri> ISSUE-105?

Richard Cyganiak: ISSUE-105?

16:39:37 <trackbot> ISSUE-105 -- Graphs, datasets, authoritative representations, and content negotiation -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-105 -- Graphs, datasets, authoritative representations, and content negotiation -- open

16:39:37 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/105

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/105

16:39:50 <yvesr> ... We are not very sure where the RDF WG is headed in terms of dataset syntaxes

... We are not very sure where the RDF WG is headed in terms of dataset syntaxes

16:39:56 <yvesr> ... We're waiting on that decision

... We're waiting on that decision

16:40:24 <yvesr> sandro: It will be difficult as it will be difficult to align

Sandro Hawke: It will be difficult as it will be difficult to align

16:40:49 <yvesr> ... JSON-LD seems like it is a dataset syntax, but on the other hand datasets are not assertive in any sense

... JSON-LD seems like it is a dataset syntax, but on the other hand datasets are not assertive in any sense

16:41:01 <yvesr> ... They don't convey information about the world the way a graph syntax does

... They don't convey information about the world the way a graph syntax does

16:41:40 <yvesr> sandro: JSON-LD will have to drive the response to that issue

Sandro Hawke: JSON-LD will have to drive the response to that issue

16:42:14 <yvesr> cygri: What the WG decided not to define how an RDF dataset can be treated as a logical expression

Richard Cyganiak: What the WG decided not to define how an RDF dataset can be treated as a logical expression

16:42:31 <yvesr> ... Graphs can be treated as logical expressions, but not datasets

... Graphs can be treated as logical expressions, but not datasets

16:42:42 <yvesr> ... Whether that's a problem remains to be seen

... Whether that's a problem remains to be seen

16:42:57 <yvesr> sandro: I think JSON-LD needs to be treated as a logical expression

Sandro Hawke: I think JSON-LD needs to be treated as a logical expression

16:43:03 <ivan> json-ld is 'just' a syntax

Ivan Herman: json-ld is 'just' a syntax

16:43:18 <yvesr> AndyS: Where does JSON-LD needs logical assertions?

Andy Seaborne: Where does JSON-LD needs logical assertions?

16:43:26 <yvesr> sandro: I think the use-case is data merging

Sandro Hawke: I think the use-case is data merging

16:43:35 <yvesr> ... You can't merge JSON

... You can't merge JSON

16:43:52 <yvesr> ... And you can't merge JSON-LD if you don't treat them as conveying RDF

... And you can't merge JSON-LD if you don't treat them as conveying RDF

16:44:12 <yvesr> AndyS: I am trying to find something that's a technical aspect of JSON-LD that this impacts

Andy Seaborne: I am trying to find something that's a technical aspect of JSON-LD that this impacts

16:44:36 <yvesr> sandro: The default graph has special standing as a logical expression

Sandro Hawke: The default graph has special standing as a logical expression

16:44:42 <yvesr> ... where it doesn't in datasets in general

... where it doesn't in datasets in general

16:44:57 <sandro> Sandro: I think we need the default graph in a JSON-LD dataset to be a logical express -- like an RDF graph -- and unlike Datasets in general.

Sandro Hawke: I think we need the default graph in a JSON-LD dataset to be a logical express -- like an RDF graph -- and unlike Datasets in general. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

16:44:59 <yvesr> cygri: A question here would be around use-case

Richard Cyganiak: A question here would be around use-case

16:45:09 <yvesr> ... When would that be a problem?

... When would that be a problem?

16:45:30 <yvesr> sandro: The case is when you get data from a bunch of different JSON-LD sources and want to merge it

Sandro Hawke: The case is when you get data from a bunch of different JSON-LD sources and want to merge it

16:45:43 <yvesr> ... How do you know that the default graph is actually the contet

... How do you know that the default graph is actually the content

16:45:47 <yvesr> s/contet/content
16:45:49 <pchampin_> q+

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q+

16:45:58 <yvesr> AndyS: You could argue it's up to the application

Andy Seaborne: You could argue it's up to the application

16:46:00 <pfps> +1 to applications being in control

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1 to applications being in control

16:46:17 <yvesr> sandro: I guess my point is that iif it's up to the application, you could just use JSON

Sandro Hawke: I guess my point is that iif it's up to the application, you could just use JSON

16:46:19 <ivan> +1 to applications, too

Ivan Herman: +1 to applications, too

16:46:29 <pfps> Huh?  JSON-LD isn't any different from Trig, so there shouldn't be anything more there.

Peter Patel-Schneider: Huh? JSON-LD isn't any different from Trig, so there shouldn't be anything more there.

16:46:30 <pchampin_> q-

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q-

16:46:32 <yvesr> AndyS: The application should be in control of which graph to merge and which graph not to merge

Andy Seaborne: The application should be in control of which graph to merge and which graph not to merge

16:46:38 <ivan> +1 to pfps

Ivan Herman: +1 to pfps

16:47:03 <yvesr> sandro: You need to be able to a data source using just the URI and know you're getting a graph from it

Sandro Hawke: You need to be able to a data source using just the URI and know you're getting a graph from it

16:47:08 <yvesr> ... You don't get that from JSON-LD

... You don't get that from JSON-LD

16:47:26 <yvesr> ... The intention is that if the provider wants to give you a graph, they can

... The intention is that if the provider wants to give you a graph, they can

16:47:31 <pfps> After all, I might use JSON-LD in a context where the unnamed graph doesn't have any special precedence.

Peter Patel-Schneider: After all, I might use JSON-LD in a context where the unnamed graph doesn't have any special precedence.

16:47:46 <yvesr> AndyS: We are talking in the absence of the key developers

Andy Seaborne: We are talking in the absence of the key developers

16:47:57 <pfps> However, there is something here.  Suppose that you are looking for a graph, and you get a dataset.  What do you do then?

Peter Patel-Schneider: However, there is something here. Suppose that you are looking for a graph, and you get a dataset. What do you do then?

16:48:02 <yvesr> sandro: I just wanted to point out they shouldn't wait on us to resolve that issue

Sandro Hawke: I just wanted to point out they shouldn't wait on us to resolve that issue

16:48:22 <pchampin_> :-D

Pierre-Antoine Champin: :-D

16:48:25 <pchampin_> q+

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q+

16:48:51 <markus> could we specify in JSON-LD that we treat the default graph in that specific way or would that be at odds with something?

Markus Lanthaler: could we specify in JSON-LD that we treat the default graph in that specific way or would that be at odds with something?

16:49:09 <markus> sandro: that might resolve the issue

Sandro Hawke: that might resolve the issue [ Scribe Assist by Markus Lanthaler ]

16:49:13 <sandro> sandro: I think it would solve the problem for JSON-LD to say: you can treat this is as graph source, if you want, and when you do, you get the default graph.

Sandro Hawke: I think it would solve the problem for JSON-LD to say: you can treat this is as graph source, if you want, and when you do, you get the default graph. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

16:49:23 <yvesr> cygri: What exactly is going on when you publish datasets on the web and how that compares with publishing graphs? It is a big issue, and should be high priority

Richard Cyganiak: What exactly is going on when you publish datasets on the web and how that compares with publishing graphs? It is a big issue, and should be high priority

16:49:35 <pchampin_> q-

Pierre-Antoine Champin: q-

16:50:11 <yvesr> davidwood: Let's move on to ISSUE-107 and ISSUE-109

David Wood: Let's move on to ISSUE-107 and ISSUE-109

16:50:21 <yvesr> topic: RDF Concepts

5. RDF Concepts

16:50:33 <cygri> ISSUE-107?

Richard Cyganiak: ISSUE-107?

16:50:33 <trackbot> ISSUE-107 -- Definition of blank nodes (editorial-ish) -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-107 -- Definition of blank nodes (editorial-ish) -- open

16:50:33 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/107

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/107

16:50:38 <yvesr> davidwood: Let's look first at ISSUE-107

David Wood: Let's look first at ISSUE-107

16:50:40 <davidwood> ISSUE-107 (Blank Nodes definition) has turned out to be more “interesting” than expected, so I propose to move it towards the end of the agenda as:

David Wood: ISSUE-107 (Blank Nodes definition) has turned out to be more “interesting” than expected, so I propose to move it towards the end of the agenda as:

16:50:40 <davidwood> PROPOSAL: Change RDF Concepts section 3.4 and 3.5 with updated text proposed on http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/User:Rcygania2/B-Scopes

PROPOSED: Change RDF Concepts section 3.4 and 3.5 with updated text proposed on http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/User:Rcygania2/B-Scopes

16:51:10 <yvesr> cygri: Issue 107 started out as some editorial comments on how blank nodes are worded in the 2004 spec

Richard Cyganiak: ISSUE-107 started out as some editorial comments on how blank nodes are worded in the 2004 spec

16:51:19 <yvesr> ... It has grown a bit beyong an editorial issue

... It has grown a bit beyong an editorial issue

16:51:31 <yvesr> ... As we have come to terms with that issue around scopes of blank nodes

... As we have come to terms with that issue around scopes of blank nodes

16:51:40 <yvesr> ... It is not spelled out properly in the 2004 spec

... It is not spelled out properly in the 2004 spec

16:51:53 <yvesr> ... The b-scopes proposal is one attempt to make that notion of scope explicit

... The b-scopes proposal is one attempt to make that notion of scope explicit

16:52:07 <yvesr> ... It shouldn't change anything to any of the previous resolutions

... It shouldn't change anything to any of the previous resolutions

16:52:25 <yvesr> ... What it does is that it defines the term 'scope' that other specifications can use

... What it does is that it defines the term 'scope' that other specifications can use

16:52:43 <yvesr> ... When do blank nodes need to be relabeled?

... When do blank nodes need to be relabeled?

16:52:59 <yvesr> ... RDF documents (be a dataset or a graph) are their own scope

... RDF documents (be a dataset or a graph) are their own scope

16:53:05 <yvesr> ... Beyond that, it's up to the implementation

... Beyond that, it's up to the implementation

16:53:18 <yvesr> ... I am not sure we have consensus this is what we should do

... I am not sure we have consensus this is what we should do

16:53:36 <ericP> q+ to ask if the issue text is still the proposal

Eric Prud'hommeaux: q+ to ask if the issue text is still the proposal

16:53:43 <davidwood> ack ericP

David Wood: ack ericP

16:53:43 <Zakim> ericP, you wanted to ask if the issue text is still the proposal

Zakim IRC Bot: ericP, you wanted to ask if the issue text is still the proposal

16:54:05 <cygri> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/User:Rcygania2/B-Scopes

Richard Cyganiak: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/User:Rcygania2/B-Scopes

16:54:13 <yvesr> ericP: The text in the proposal - is that the final text? Or was it refined in the email chain?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: The text in the proposal - is that the final text? Or was it refined in the email chain?

16:54:28 <yvesr> cygri: Yes, it is - it's not what is in ISSUE-107 though

Richard Cyganiak: Yes, it is - it's not what is in ISSUE-107 though

16:54:57 <yvesr> ... But the discussion on ISSUE-107 led to that proposal

... But the discussion on ISSUE-107 led to that proposal

16:55:09 <yvesr> ... This proposal would close 107 as well

... This proposal would close 107 as well

16:55:29 <yvesr> ericP: I would suggest changing the first sentence - a blank node is a node without a label

Eric Prud'hommeaux: I would suggest changing the first sentence - a blank node is a node without a label

16:55:56 <yvesr> ... Sorry, was looking at the wrong text

... Sorry, was looking at the wrong text

16:56:01 <AZ> q+

Antoine Zimmermann: q+

16:56:34 <yvesr> davidwood: My understanding is that blank nodes never need to be relabelled

David Wood: My understanding is that blank nodes never need to be relabelled

16:56:45 <yvesr> ... Is that correct or has the discussion moved on?

... Is that correct or has the discussion moved on?

16:57:09 <yvesr> cygri: Blank nodes need to be relabeled when moving to a different scopes and the blank node identifier is already in use in the new scope

Richard Cyganiak: Blank nodes need to be relabeled when moving to a different scopes and the blank node identifier is already in use in the new scope

16:57:28 <sandro> q+

Sandro Hawke: q+

16:57:37 <yvesr> ... This should be addressed in the proposal

... This should be addressed in the proposal

16:58:02 <davidwood> ack AZ

David Wood: ack AZ

16:58:23 <yvesr> AZ: I think the notion of scope is not something that should be in the abstract syntax

Antoine Zimmermann: I think the notion of scope is not something that should be in the abstract syntax

16:58:32 <yvesr> ... It should be addressed in Concepts

... It should be addressed in Concepts

16:58:44 <yvesr> ... The notion of scope is inherent to the notion of blank nodes

... The notion of scope is inherent to the notion of blank nodes

16:58:50 <yvesr> ... They 'cary' their scope

... They 'cary' their scope

16:59:15 <yvesr> ... The blank nodes get a scope whenever they are put in a document

... The blank nodes get a scope whenever they are put in a document

16:59:35 <yvesr> ... You don't copy the abstract syntax - you copy documents

... You don't copy the abstract syntax - you copy documents

17:00:06 <yvesr> ... You can take the same bnode, put it in another document, it will be the same bnode but with a different scope

... You can take the same bnode, put it in another document, it will be the same bnode but with a different scope

17:00:17 <yvesr> cygri: I don't think that works

Richard Cyganiak: I don't think that works

17:00:41 <yvesr> ... For two reasons, 1) Yes it is correct scopes are important for documents but that's by far not the only place

... For two reasons, 1) Yes it is correct scopes are important for documents but that's by far not the only place

17:00:48 <yvesr> ... e.g. in the RDB2RDF working group

... e.g. in the RDB2RDF working group

17:00:59 <yvesr> ... One of the most difficult issue we had to solve was around blank nodes

... One of the most difficult issue we had to solve was around blank nodes

17:01:33 <yvesr> ... Implementations can define their own scope, and some do

... Implementations can define their own scope, and some do

17:01:53 <yvesr> ... I don't think it's possible to solve the issue by just considering documents

... I don't think it's possible to solve the issue by just considering documents

17:02:17 <yvesr> ... 2) Mathematical structures are not copied around, but blank nodes are copied around, which is addressed by this proposal

... 2) Mathematical structures are not copied around, but blank nodes are copied around, which is addressed by this proposal

17:02:50 <yvesr> AZ: I don't think you copy whatever is in the abstract syntax, you copy a representation of it

Antoine Zimmermann: I don't think you copy whatever is in the abstract syntax, you copy a representation of it

17:03:12 <yvesr> ... I meant documents in a very broad sense, which would include how RDF graphs are represented in memory for example

... I meant documents in a very broad sense, which would include how RDF graphs are represented in memory for example

17:03:35 <yvesr> cygri: The reason why we have the abstract structure is to specify this broad concept of documents

Richard Cyganiak: The reason why we have the abstract structure is to specify this broad concept of documents

17:03:40 <sandro> I wonder about the first sentence being more like "A blank node is an abstract syntax entity which corresponds one-to-one to pairs of blank node identifiers (which are Unicode strings) and scopes."  Perhaps semantically that's slightly cleaner.

Sandro Hawke: I wonder about the first sentence being more like "A blank node is an abstract syntax entity which corresponds one-to-one to pairs of blank node identifiers (which are Unicode strings) and scopes." Perhaps semantically that's slightly cleaner.

17:03:46 <yvesr> ... What you're suggesting is to introduce a new layer

... What you're suggesting is to introduce a new layer

17:04:13 <yvesr> AZ: There is the abstract syntax, and all the concrete forms of represneting this abstract syntax, in-memory, serialisations, etc.

Antoine Zimmermann: There is the abstract syntax, and all the concrete forms of represneting this abstract syntax, in-memory, serialisations, etc.

17:04:35 <sandro> q?

Sandro Hawke: q?

17:04:47 <yvesr> cygri: The reason this abstract syntax exist is to identify a generic way to talk about RDF graphs, across all representations

Richard Cyganiak: The reason this abstract syntax exist is to identify a generic way to talk about RDF graphs, across all representations

17:04:55 <AndyS> sandro's approach is interesting

Andy Seaborne: sandro's approach is interesting

17:04:56 <yvesr> ... The notion of scope of blank nodes fits exactly into that

... The notion of scope of blank nodes fits exactly into that

17:05:12 <sandro> davidwood?

Sandro Hawke: davidwood?

17:05:12 <yvesr> ... That's exactly why we have it

... That's exactly why we have it

17:05:25 <yvesr> AZ: I don't think it should be attached to a bnode

Antoine Zimmermann: I don't think it should be attached to a bnode

17:05:39 <pchampin_> +1 cygri: as scope is a common feature of all concrete syntaxes, it has its place in the abstract syntax

Pierre-Antoine Champin: +1 cygri: as scope is a common feature of all concrete syntaxes, it has its place in the abstract syntax

17:05:39 <davidwood> yeah - 1 min

David Wood: yeah - 1 min

17:05:43 <yvesr> ... If you put a bnode in a graph, which is represented somewhere, then the bnode really gains its scope

... If you put a bnode in a graph, which is represented somewhere, then the bnode really gains its scope

17:05:59 <sandro> also maybe s/scope/blank node scope/

Sandro Hawke: also maybe s/scope/blank node scope/

17:06:05 <yvesr> ... When you're talking just about triples, then I don't see why there would be a scope

... When you're talking just about triples, then I don't see why there would be a scope

17:06:28 <yvesr> davidwood: I think you both laid out your positions, there is disagreement on this issue

David Wood: I think you both laid out your positions, there is disagreement on this issue

17:06:32 <davidwood> ack sandro

David Wood: ack sandro

17:06:38 <yvesr> ... I would like to move the more detailed disccusion to the mailing list

... I would like to move the more detailed disccusion to the mailing list

17:07:01 <yvesr> sandro: I really like this approach in general - I just wonder a little bit about fresh blank nodes being defined

Sandro Hawke: I really like this approach in general - I just wonder a little bit about fresh blank nodes being defined

17:07:17 <yvesr> ... Maybe we can say something about a blank node being reused?

... Maybe we can say something about a blank node being reused?

17:07:28 <cygri> sandro, define "not used" :-)

Richard Cyganiak: sandro, define "not used" :-)

17:07:45 <yvesr> sandro: Maybe AZ can propose a change that would address that?

Sandro Hawke: Maybe AZ can propose a change that would address that?

17:08:05 <yvesr> sandro: A blank node is a pair of bnode identifier and scope

Sandro Hawke: A blank node is a pair of bnode identifier and scope

17:08:20 <yvesr> ... I think weneed to address this question around reuse of bnode identifiers

... I think weneed to address this question around reuse of bnode identifiers

17:08:57 <yvesr> cygri: I don't have a feeling of how much support this idea has

Richard Cyganiak: I don't have a feeling of how much support this idea has

17:09:00 <AndyS> q+

Andy Seaborne: q+

17:09:03 <sandro> PROPOSED: We like http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/User:Rcygania2/B-Scopes

PROPOSED: We like http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/User:Rcygania2/B-Scopes

17:09:06 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

17:09:09 <pchampin_> +1

Pierre-Antoine Champin: +1

17:09:16 <yvesr> ... Some indication of how much support it has would be helpful

... Some indication of how much support it has would be helpful

17:09:18 <ivan> +1

Ivan Herman: +1

17:09:21 <markus> +1

Markus Lanthaler: +1

17:09:22 <Arnaud> +1

Arnaud Le Hors: +1

17:09:24 <AZ> -1

Antoine Zimmermann: -1

17:09:27 <zwu2> +1

Zhe Wu: +1

17:09:32 <yvesr> yvesr, +0.5

yvesr, +0.5

17:09:33 <MacTed> +1 to the general idea.  not sure whether it's better to introduce "scope" in context of "bnode" or vice versa ... or put them parallel

Ted Thibodeau: +1 to the general idea. not sure whether it's better to introduce "scope" in context of "bnode" or vice versa ... or put them parallel

17:09:47 <AndyS> 0

Andy Seaborne: 0

17:09:56 <Souri> +1

Souripriya Das: +1

17:10:24 <yvesr> AndyS: I have some issues with the text as well

Andy Seaborne: I have some issues with the text as well

17:10:43 <yvesr> ... It starts to talk about scopes of identifiers, then goes on to talk about scopes of blank nodes

... It starts to talk about scopes of identifiers, then goes on to talk about scopes of blank nodes

17:11:26 <yvesr> sandro: Could this be cleaned up with some tweaks?

Sandro Hawke: Could this be cleaned up with some tweaks?

17:11:33 <yvesr> AndyS: Yes, I think so

Andy Seaborne: Yes, I think so

17:11:56 <yvesr> ... But I am still a bit uneasy there is something deeper going on

... But I am still a bit uneasy there is something deeper going on

17:12:42 <yvesr> davidwood: Can you suggest changes to the text that address that issue around identifiers?

David Wood: Can you suggest changes to the text that address that issue around identifiers?

17:12:50 <yvesr> AndyS: No, because I think something deeper is going on

Andy Seaborne: No, because I think something deeper is going on

17:13:23 <sandro> has Pat weighed in on this, in email?

Sandro Hawke: has Pat weighed in on this, in email?

17:13:30 <yvesr> AndyS: A database is also a kind of document, it only matters when things go in and out of it

Andy Seaborne: A database is also a kind of document, it only matters when things go in and out of it

17:13:37 <davidwood> q?

David Wood: q?

17:13:41 <davidwood> ack AndyS

David Wood: ack AndyS

17:14:00 <cygri> sandro, it's basically PatH's “surfaces” proposal, repackaged

Richard Cyganiak: sandro, it's basically PatH's “surfaces” proposal, repackaged

17:14:09 <yvesr> ... A way would be to make bnode have global scopes

... A way would be to make bnode have global scopes

17:14:11 <davidwood> sandro, yes, PatH has

David Wood: sandro, yes, PatH has

17:14:11 <sandro> but has he commented on this text?

Sandro Hawke: but has he commented on this text?

17:14:32 <yvesr> AndyS: I think we share similar concerns with AZ, maybe not to the same degree

Andy Seaborne: I think we share similar concerns with AZ, maybe not to the same degree

17:14:52 <yvesr> davidwood: We'll have to end it here

David Wood: We'll have to end it here

17:15:15 <yvesr> davidwood: AOB, and we'll adjourn

David Wood: AOB, and we'll adjourn

17:15:21 <ivan> zakim, drop me

Ivan Herman: zakim, drop me

17:15:21 <Zakim> Ivan is being disconnected

Zakim IRC Bot: Ivan is being disconnected

17:15:22 <Zakim> -Ivan

Zakim IRC Bot: -Ivan

17:15:24 <zwu2> bye & happy thanksgiving!

Zhe Wu: bye & happy thanksgiving!

17:15:28 <Zakim> -FabGandon

Zakim IRC Bot: -FabGandon

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