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Accessibility Post Web 2.0

26 August 2011
Michael Cooper
Twitter: cooper_w3c

Michael Cooper

Topics in this presentation

  1. Introduction to W3C and WAI
  2. How W3C develops technologies
  3. Current accessibility work
  4. Future plans
  5. How you can help

Introduction to W3C and WAI

World Wide Web Consortium

Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)

How W3C develops technologies


Organization of work

Incubator Groups (XG)—being replaced by community and business groups

Role of Team

Consensus process

Specification development

How WAI Develops Accessibility Guidelines through the W3C Process

Possible transitions of the Recommendation track

… various maintenance procedures afterwards

Public comments

Accessibility stewardship

Current accessibility work

WAI Specifications

W3C Specifications

These specifications are supported by primers, implementation guidance, techniques, etc.

Technology review

Research and Development Working Group

Inreach and Outreach

Future plans

New gap technology specifications


Maintenance of existing specifications

Track new trends

New technology constantly brings new accessibility challenges. Currently visible on the horizon:

… others sure to come

Towards new guidelines

How you can help

Communities of knowledge

There are various:

These are held by:

Need to connect these communities to address accessibility holistically.

Public reviews

Join groups

Community and Business groups

Organizational liaisons

Thank you

Michael Cooper
Twitter: cooper_w3c