Cover page images (keys)

Why Web Standards are Important: An overview of W3C, its operation and current technical directions

AusWeb 2006, Australia, 3rd July, 2006

Ivan Herman, W3C

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

“To lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing protocols and guidelines that ensure long-term growth for the Web”

Just a glimpse (we will come back to this later)…

 Technology stack, see for more details

W3C is international…

The Globe, with dots denoting the hosts, the offices

W3C Hosts (in red) and W3C Offices (in blue) around the Globe

Some guiding principles at W3C

W3C’s long term goals

The WAI home page on a SP910 phone

W3C members

Around 400 members from more than 28 countries…

W3C members around the world, see for more details

… and with a wide activity spectrum

W3C members around the world, see for more details

W3C staff

Most of the team members, Nov 2004

Typical W3C work flow

A breakout group in Bristol
  1. A W3C Workshop is organized in an area of interest
    • possible starting point for standardization
    • members can have members submissions that are taken into account, too
  2. A Working group (WG) is formed
    • members have the possibility to review, and vote on the charter of the group (or to oppose its creation…)
  3. WG regularly publishes drafts to seek comments from the public
  4. Implementations of the new technology are called for
  5. Members review the final proposal
  6. If final review is positive, W3C publishes the new Recommendation

W3C groups and activities

Diagram of all W3C Activities


So, what do we do ?

Some highlights for this time

  1. The “horizontals”
  2. Mobile Web
  3. Semantic Web

The “horizontals”…

Tech stack, only the horizontal part visible

The Web is for everybody!

Horizontal activities at W3C

Example: international text

Leading the Web to its Full Potential…
Duent la Web al seu ple potencial…
Het Web tot zijn volle potentieel ontwikkelen…
Amener le Web vers son plein potentiel…
Alle Möglichkeiten des Web erschließen…
Οδηγώντας τον παγκόμιο ιστό στο μέγιστο των δυνατοτήτων του…
Hogy kihasználhassuk a Web nyújtotta összes lehetőséget…
वेब की सम्पूर्ण क्षमता के उपयोग की दिशा में अग्रणी…
Sviluppare al massimo il potenziale del Web…
웹의 모든 잠재력을 이끌어 내기 위하여…
Levando a Web em direcção ao seu potencial màximo…
Pаскрывая весь потенциал Сети…
Guiando la web hacia su máximo potencial…
Se till att Webben når sin fulla potential…
Ohjaamassa Webin kehittymistä täyteen mittaansa…
لإيصال الشبكة المعلوماتية إلىأقصى إمكانياتها…
להוביל את הרשת למיצוי הפוטנציאל שלה…

Example: international text (cont)

The mobile web…

Tech stack, only the mobile part visible

What is “mobile”?

Photo of a Japanese crowd on a station all looking at their phone

Characteristics of mobile

Mobile web usage is growing (1)

statistical image, pie chart with 63% set to browsing

Source: Nokia study, 2005 — Smartphones — Singapore, Germany, UK

Mobile web usage is growing (2)

It is multipolar World

A World of varieties

Collection of a number of mobile phone photos

Where are we?

Standardization is (even more) important!

Comparison of WAP vs WAP2
Source: T-Mobile

The players

Position of W3C

Example: XHTML/CSS

XHTML Displayed on a Sony Phone
The WAI home page on a SP910 phone

Example: SVG

Three SVG Mobile Pictures in a row

Example: XForms

simple interaction in danish
simple interaction in danish
(courtesy of

W3C’s Mobile Web Initiative (MWI)

MWI Logo
“Making Web access from a mobile device as simple, easy and convenient as Web access from a desktop device”

Mobile Web Best Practices working group

Best practices

Device Description working group

Potential future works at MWI

Semantic Web…

Tech stack, only the SW part visible

Problems leading to the Semantic Web…

Example: automatic airline reservation

Example: data(base) integration

What is needed?

What is needed (technically)?

RDF triples

RDF triples (cont.)

(, http://…/myCalendar, http://…/calendar)

A simple RDF example

A Simple RDF Graph with full URI-s
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
    <abc:myCalendar rdf:resource="http://…/myCalendar"/>

URI-s play a fundamental role

URI-s: merging

What merge can do...

simple node with myself only
Scotts' environemnt added via a foaf statement starting from me coauthors of IEEE TVCG paper added by Scott, with Scott, me, and Guy coauthors of CGF paper added by Guy, with Maylis, me, and Guy 'know' links between me and Maylis and between me and Guy

RDF may not be enough…

Possible issues to handle


“defines the concepts and relationships used to describe and represent an area of knowledge”

The newest element in the puzzle: SPARQL

Simple SPARQL example

SELECT ?cat ?val # note: not ?x!
WHERE { ?x rdf:value ?val. ?x category ?cat }
a simple graph with two tree like subgraphs
a simple graph with two tree like subgraphs left subgraph highlighted a simple graph with two tree like subgraphs with selected nodes in the left subgraph highlighted a simple graph with two tree like subgraphs with selected nodes in the right subgraph highlighted a simple graph with two tree like subgraphs with selected nodes in the right subgraph highlighted

SPARQL usage in practice

SPARQL usage in practice (cont.)

diagram showing a sparql that can be connected to an rdf datafile, a document via grddl, and to a database via an sparql/sql bridge

Some SW application examples

Example: portals

Vodafone screen dump

Example: data integration

MuseoSuomi Application dump DOPE Application dump

Example: Antibodies Demo

The Active Semantic Doc picture: a doctor's file with annotations

Example: improved search via ontology: GoPubMed

GoPubMed Application dump

Further information

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Thanks you for your attention!