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Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS)
SKOS Core :: Proposals and Issues

This page lists proposals for change to the SKOS Core Vocabulary and other issues related to its development.

Comments on items in this list and suggestions for new items are very welcome, please send comments and suggestions to public-esw-thes@w3.org.





Notes about this list

Some notes about this list ...

An item in this list may be any of the following:

Note also that:

For a full description of the management process for SKOS Core see the SKOS Core Vocabulary Specification [http://www.w3.org/TR/swbp-skos-core-spec].

Proposals and Issues

subjectIndicatorUse-1: Drop usage of the skos:subjectIndicator property within the SKOS Core Vocabulary itself. [link to this item]

Date of last modification

Issue / Requirement

The usage of the skos:subjectIndicator property within the SKOS Core Vocabulary itself, to describe properties and classes of the SKOS Core Vocabulary is dubious, and does not fit with intended usage of this property.

Proposed action

Proposed to remove all statements from the SKOS Core Vocabulary RDF/OWL description that have skos:subjectIndicator as predicate, i.e. that match the pattern (?x <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#subjectIndicator> ?y).

N.B. this is not a proposal to remove the skos:subjectIndicator property itself.

Transition history

opened on 1 June 2005
Background, proposals, threads, notes
closed on 29 September 2005

notes-2: Deprecate skos:privateNote and skos:publicNote and replace with new property skos:note. [link to this item]

Date of last modification

Issue / Requirement

Currently all SKOS Core documentation properties are sub-properties of either skos:publicNote or skos:privateNote. This means that currently e.g. a definition or a scope note must always be public, and a change note must always be private. There is a requirement for stating the intended audience of a note independently from the function of the note. I.e. someone might want different definitions for different audiences, with the notion of 'public' versus 'private' being only one way of specifying an audience.

Proposed action

Proposed to deprecate the skos:publicNote and skos:privateNote properties, and to replace these with a new property skos:note.

Proposed to change the super-property of skos:definition skos:scopeNote skos:example skos:historyNote skos:editorialNote and skos:changeNote to skos:note. So i.e. the new documentation property hierarchy will look like:


Proposed to add a paragraph to the SKOS Core Guide recommending usage of the dcterms:audience property to specify the audience of a note (where the note is represented as a related resource description or a document reference).

Transition history

opened on 15 June 2005
Background, proposals, threads, notes
closed on 5 October 2005

symbolicLabelsRange-3: Refactor symbolic labelling properties and change range to DCMI type Image. [link to this item]

Date of last modification

Issue / Requirement

Currently both symbolic labelling properties have a range of foaf:Image, however FOAF is relatively unstable. The DCMITYPE vocabulary has an Image class and is more stable.

Also current design pattern in SKOS Core is for all property families to descend from a single super-property, however both skos:prefSymbol and skos:altSymbol have no super-property, yet share some semantics.

Proposed action

Proposed to add new property skos:symbol with domain of rdf:Resource and range of http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Image, with a definition like 'a symbolic label for a resource'.

Proposed to make skos:prefSymbol and skos:altSymbol sub-properties of skos:symbol.

Proposed to remove domain and range statements from skos:prefSymbol and skos:altSymbol (domain and range is implied by super-property).

Transition history

opened on 1 July 2005
Background, proposals, threads, notes
closed on 6 October 2005

seeAlsoTranslations-4 : Add rdfs:seeAlso statements to fr and de labels/definitions/comments. [link to this item]

Date of last modification

Issue / Requirement

Labels, comments and definitions for SKOS Core classes and properties in languages other than English.

Proposed action

Add the following statements to http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core ...

@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core> rdfs:seeAlso <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core_fr> . 
<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core> rdfs:seeAlso <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core_de> . 

Transition history

opened on 11 July 2005
Background, proposals, threads, notes
closed on 6 October 2005

collections-5 : Fix expression of disjointness between concepts and collections, and how to relate to collections. [link to this item]

Date of last modification

Issue / Requirement

Concepts and Collections are supposed to be disjoint. This is stated in prose, but not formally using OWL, which it could be.

Also, there is a contradiction in the current specification of SKOS Core. Currently SKOS Core allows concepts to be related to collections via semantic relation properties, e.g. skos:narrower, and the Collectable Properties Rules is used to generate the direct network of semantic relationships between concepts. However, if a concept is related to a collection via e.g. skos:narrower, from the Collectable Properties Rule and the range of skos:semanticRelation, we end up with the inference that something is both a concept and a collection, which contradicts our assertion that these classes are disjoint.

Proposed action

@@TODO, see discussion of options from Alistair Miles at:

See also minimal solution described at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-esw-thes/2006May/0021

Transition history

opened on 11 October 2005
Background, proposals, threads, notes

extension-6 : Write up guidelines for declaring 'extensions' to SKOS Core. [link to this item]

Date of last modification

Issue / Requirement

SKOS Core does not support all the features required for the representation of many thesauri, such as special documentation/note types, semantic relations other than borader, narrower and related, special grouping constructs. However, SKOS Core may be 'extended' by declaring and using refinements of SKOS Core properties and classes. Given that many SKOS users are not familiar with this mechanism, there is a need for some simple guidelines and examples.

Previous editor's drafts of the SKOS Core Guide included some information about extension mechanisms, however these were dropped for the first PWD to speed up the publication process, with the intention that they would be added again at a later date.

Proposed action

To add an appendix to the next Public Working Draft of the SKOS Core Guide, giving guidelines and examples for 'extending' SKOS Core.

A proposed draft for this appendix is at:

(This draft makes extensive use of Turtle syntax for RDF, and has no diagrams. It is intended for discussion of the basic principles of extension via RDFS refinement, prior to redrafting to be more reader-friendly.)

Transition history

opened on 18 October 2005
Background, proposals, threads, notes

owlImport-7 : Enabling SKOS Core to be imported into OWL DL ontologies and used within OWL editors such as Protege and SWOOP. [link to this item]

Date of last modification

Issue / Requirement

If SKOS Core could be imported into OWL DL ontologies, and into OWL development tools, this would enable:

  1. The use of labelling properties skos:prefLabel skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel in addition to rdfs:label, and documentation properties such as skos:definition, skos:example and skos:editorialNote in addition to rdfs:comment, for annotating classes, properties and individuals of an OWL DL ontology.
  2. Development of ontologies that include simple generalisation hierarchies of concepts defined using SKOS Core. A design pattern that requires this approach is the 'faceted taxonomy', which represents a trade-off between the needs of an information retrieval application and the cost of complex modelling. An example of an application that uses this approach is the Semantic Web Environmental Directory.

SKOS Core cannot currently be imported into OWL DL ontologies, because:

Proposed action

One possible solution is to have parallel pure RDFS and OWL-DL descriptions of SKOS Core, for a discussion of this option see http://isegserv.itd.rl.ac.uk/cvs-public/~checkout~/skos/drafts/owlImport-7.html?rev=1.1

Transition history

opened on 18 October 2005
Background, proposals, threads, notes

coordination-8 : Add support for subject indexing with coordinations of concepts ('pre-coordinate indexing'). [link to this item]

Date of last modification

Issue / Requirement

The practice of 'pre-coordinate indexing' involves indexing resources with concepts whose meaning is derived entirely from the coordination of other concepts.

So, for example, to express the fact that the subject of some document D1 is the production of cut flowers, the indexer may coordinate the available descriptors cut flowers and production. Or, to express the fact that the subject of some document D2 is the administration and dosage of calcymicin,the indexer may coordinate the available descriptors calcymicin and administration and dosage. Note that these statements are more specific than simply indexing a resource with both descriptors, uncoordinated. The statement that the subjects of a resource are aspirin and adverse effects and calcimycin and administration and dosage, is different from the statement that the subjects of a resource are the coordination of aspirin and adverse effects (i.e. the adverse effects of aspirin) and the coordination of calcymicin and administration and dosage (i.e. the administration and dosage of calcimycin).

Proposed action


Transition history

opened on 26 October 2005
Background, proposals, threads, notes

guideUseLangTags-9 : Add language tags to examples in the SKOS Core Guide where currently absent. [link to this item]

Date of last modification

Issue / Requirement

Many of the examples given in the current (2nd Public Working Draft edition) SKOS Core Guide do not give language tags on plain literals. However, it is considered good practice to use language tags, even for concept schemes labelled and documented in a single language, because the presence of language tags provides useful information where the concept scheme is being discovered and used in a multilingual context, as is inevitable once published on the web.

Proposed action

  1. To modify all examples given in the SKOS Core Guide after the current section 'labelling properties', such that a language tag is added to all literals with natural language text, where currently absent.
  2. To add a short section of prose to the SKOS Core Guide explaining this practice (@@TODO write this prose).

Transition history

opened on 28 February 2006
Background, proposals, threads, notes

labelSemantics-10 : What are the semantics of the SKOS Core labelling properties, and how should they be expressed? [link to this item]

Date of last modification

Issue / Requirement

The intended semantics of the SKOS Core labelling properties (skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel, skos:prefSymbol, skos:altSymbol) should be expressed at least in prose, and also formally if possible. The current specifications do not capture the intended semantics fully, and what is documented is possibly misleading.

Proposed action


Transition history

opened on 2 March 2006
Background, proposals, threads, notes

thesaurusRepresentation-11 : A placeholder item for several thesaurus representation issues. [link to this item]

Date of last modification

Issue / Requirement

SKOS does not provide support for the following structural features found in some thesauri:

Proposed action

This item is a placeholder for several thesaurus representation issues. It is expected that this item will be superseded by other items that provide a more specific and detailed account of each individual issue.

Transition history

opened on 15 June 2006
Background, proposals, threads, notes

$Id: proposals.html,v 1.36 2007/01/18 14:53:14 ajm65 Exp $
$Log: proposals.html,v $
Revision 1.36  2007/01/18 14:53:14  ajm65
deprecated (roll out new skos website)

Revision 1.35  2006/12/20 12:42:15  ajm65
Updated links for collections-5

Revision 1.34  2006/06/15 15:19:26  ajm65
Opened thesaurusRepresentation-11.

Revision 1.33  2006/04/03 11:31:20  ajm65
Updated date of modification for coordination.

Revision 1.31  2006/03/02 15:14:37  ajm65
Added labelSemantics-10 item.

Revision 1.30  2006/03/01 10:08:02  ajm65
Added validation service link.

Revision 1.29  2006/02/28 14:28:16  ajm65
Added link at head.

Revision 1.27  2006/02/28 09:50:54  ajm65
Added prose about possible types of item on this list.

Revision 1.26  2005/11/30 07:57:28  ajm65
Added link to version history

Revision 1.25  2005/10/26 14:07:00  ajm65
minor editorial

Revision 1.24  2005/10/26 14:05:47  ajm65
added 'coordination-8' with description of requirement, proposal @@TODO

Revision 1.22  2005/10/26 10:22:29  ajm65
Updated link to revision 1.2 of draft describing options for resolving collections-5

Revision 1.21  2005/10/19 18:13:26  ajm65
added link to discussion of options for collections-5

Revision 1.20  2005/10/18 16:18:35  ajm65
added link to possible solution for owlImport-7

Revision 1.19  2005/10/18 14:08:39  ajm65
added owlImport-7

Revision 1.18  2005/10/18 12:04:01  ajm65
*** empty log message ***

Revision 1.17  2005/10/17 18:35:14  ajm65
minor editorial

Revision 1.16  2005/10/11 12:00:33  ajm65
minor editorial

Revision 1.14  2005/10/06 15:06:46  ajm65
updated status of subjectIndicatorUse-1, notes-2, symbolicLabelsRange-3, and seeAlsoTranslations-4 to CLOSED.

Revision 1.13  2005/09/01 14:59:23  ajm65
Updated format, uniform

Revision 1.12  2005/07/11 11:24:41  ajm65
added seeAlsoTranslations-4

Revision 1.11  2005/07/01 14:03:57  ajm65
added symbolicLabelsRange-3 proposal

Revision 1.10  2005/06/22 18:41:28  ajm65
fixed CVS log

Revision 1.9  2005/06/22 18:35:26  ajm65

Revision 1.8  2005/06/22 18:32:43  ajm65
fix keywords

Revision 1.7  2005/06/22 18:25:55  ajm65

Revision 1.6  2005/06/22 18:25:05  ajm65
added cvs log and id

Revision 1.5  2005/06/16 17:27:01  ajm65
fixed title

Revision 1.4  2005/06/15 11:17:10  ajm65
added notes-2 proposal

Revision 1.3  2005/06/01 17:08:56  ajm65
removed dummy proposal, added subjectIndicatorUse-1 proposal

Revision 1.2  2005/05/04 16:57:10  ajm65
minor eds

Revision 1.1  2005/05/04 16:54:40  ajm65
initial version with dummy proposal

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