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Agenda of 20 October 2003 TAG teleconference

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Note: The Chair does not expect the agenda to change after close of business (Boston time) Thursday of this week.

1. Administrative (15min)

  1. Welcome, Roll call. Regrets: SW, DC.
  2. Accept the minutes of the 6-8 Oct ftf in Bristol?
  3. Accept this agenda?
  4. Next meeting: 27 Oct 2003 teleconference
  5. Reminder: Action items related to Arch Document due 22 October.

Upcoming meeting topics:

1.1 TAG update at Nov 2003 AC meeting.

  1. Completed action SW 2003/09/29: Draft summary based on monthly reports from previous six months (for AC meeting). See previous highlights.
  2. Action DO, CL 2003/10/07: Draft presentation for the AC meeting.

2. Technical (75min)

  1. abstractComponentRefs-37
  2. Review of 3023-related actions
  3. Review of Architecture Document writing assignments

2.1 abstractComponentRefs-37

2.2 Review of 3023-related actions

Actions 2003/10/08:
- NW to liaise with Paul Grosso and the XML Core WG
- TBL and DC to liaise with the IETF regarding obsoleting RFC 3023.
- TB to talk to authors of 3023 about inclusion as appendix in xml 1.1.
- TBL and DC will talk to the Architecture Domain Lead.

2.3 Review of Architecture Document writing assignments

Latest draft is the 1 Oct 2003 WD of the Arch Doc.

  1. Action TB 2003/10/08: Write up a paragraph for section 3 on syntax-based interoperability.
  2. Action TB 2003/10/08: Write a paragraph of rationale for why error handling good in the context of the Web.
  3. Action TB 2003/10/08: Propose a revised paragraph to replace the "Furthermore" sentence in section 2.3
  1. Action IJ 2003/10/08: Add ed note to abstract that the abstract will be rewritten.
  2. Action IJ 2003/10/08: Starting from DO's diagram, create a diagram where the relationships and terms are linked back to the context where defined. Ensure that the relationships are in fact used in the narrative; any gaps identified? With DO, work on term relationship diagram.
  3. Action IJ 2003/10/08: Draft good practice note for 4.4.
  4. Action IJ 2003/10/08: In 2.4, add story that shows how two classes of error can arise (inconsistency v. no frag id semantics defined). Frame story in terms of secondary resources.
  5. Action IJ 2003/10/08: Split persistency section into two and move http redirection para there, with appropriate rewrites.
  6. Action IJ 2003/10/08: Update OWL ref since in CR
  7. Action IJ 2003/10/08: Add a future work section for identifiers that the TAG expects to summarize various URI schemes and what agents can infer from the scheme.
  1. Action DO,NW 2003/10/08: Make the summary to replace 4.5 Extensibility and Versioning in the arch doc
  1. Action CL 2003/07/21: Discuss and propose improved wording of language regarding SVG spec in bulleted list in 2.5.1.
  1. Action NW 2003/10/08: Write up text on information hiding/abstraction respect for before 2/3/4.
  2. Action NW 2003/10/08: Revise QName finding. We will also add those two good practice notes to section 2:
    1. If you use Qnames, provide a mapping to URIs.
    2. Don't define an attribute that can take either a URI or a Qname since they are not syntactically distinguishable."
  3. Action NW 2003/10/08: Rewrite the last paragraph of 4.9.2 to be less inflammatory about DTDs
  4. Action NW 2003/10/08: Massage three paragraphs following good practice note about persistency at beginning of 2.6.
  1. Action RF 2003/10/08: Explain "identifies" in RFC 2396.
  1. Action TBL 2003/07/14: Suggest changes to section about extensibility related to "when to tunnel".
  1. Action DC 2003/07/21: Propose language for section 2.8.5 showing examples of freenet and other systems. Progress; see URISchemes/freenet

The TAG does not expect to cover these issues

2.5 Findings

See also TAG findings home page.

2.2.1 Expected new findings

2.6 Issues

The TAG does not expect to discuss these issues at this meeting.

2.6.1 Identifiers (URIEquivalence-15 , IRIEverywhere-27)

2.6.2 Qnames, fragments, and media types(rdfmsQnameUriMapping-6, fragmentInXML-28, abstractComponentRefs-37, putMediaType-38)

2.6.3 New and other Issues requested for discussion. (mixedUIXMLNamespace-33, RDFinXHTML-35, siteData-36 plus possible new issues)

Existing Issues:

2.6.4 Miscellaneous issues

3. Other actions

Ian Jacobs for Norm Walsh and TimBL
Last modified: $Date: 2003/10/22 02:16:31 $