
The document http://www.loc.gov/standards/mets/mets.xsd has been classified as being possibly an Advanced XML Schema Patterns for Databinding 1.0 conformant document as it only exhibits the following patterns:

Status Nodes Name XPath
basic TargetNamespace .[@targetNamespace]/ (., @targetNamespace)
basic QualifiedLocalElements .[@elementFormDefault = 'qualified']/ (@elementFormDefault)
basic UnqualifiedLocalAttributes .[not(@attributeFormDefault) or @attributeFormDefault = 'unqualified']/ (., @attributeFormDefault)
basic DocumentationElement .//xs:annotation/xs:documentation/ (.., ., .//*, .//@*)
basic IdentifierName .//.[matches(@name, "^[A-Za-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_]0 31)$")]/ (@name)
basic ImportSchema ./xs:import[@namespace and @schemaLocation]/ (., @namespace, @schemaLocation)
advanced ElementTypeDefaultNamespace .//xs:element[@name and @type and not(contains(@type, ':'))]/ (@name, @type)
basic ElementMinOccurs0 .//xs:element[@minOccurs = '0' and (not(@maxOccurs) or @maxOccurs = '1')]/ (@minOccurs, @maxOccurs)
basic ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded .//xs:element[@minOccurs = '0' and @maxOccurs = 'unbounded']/ (@minOccurs, @maxOccurs)
basic ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded .//xs:element[(not(@minOccurs) or @minOccurs = '1') and @maxOccurs = 'unbounded']/ (@minOccurs, @maxOccurs)
basic AttributeOptional .//xs:attribute[@use = 'optional']/ (@use)
advanced AttributeRequired .//xs:attribute[@use = 'required']/ (@use)
basic GlobalSimpleType ./xs:simpleType[@name]/ (., @name)
basic GlobalComplexType ./xs:complexType[@name]/ (., @name)
basic StringEnumerationType .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:string') and xs:enumeration]/ (., @base, xs:enumeration/(., @value))
advanced ComplexTypeAll .//xs:complexType/xs:all/ (., xs:element/(., @name))
advanced ComplexTypeChoice .//xs:complexType/xs:choice/ (., xs:element/(., @name))
basic ComplexTypeAttribute .//xs:complexType/xs:attribute[@name]/ (., @name)
advanced ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes .//xs:complexType/xs:attribute[../not(xs:choice or xs:sequence or xs:all or xs:anyAttribute or xs:group or xs:attributeGroup or xs:simpleContent or xs:complexContent)]/ (., ..,@use)
advanced ComplexTypeOnlyAttributeGroup .//xs:complexType/xs:attributeGroup[../not(xs:choice or xs:sequence or xs:all or xs:anyAttribute or xs:group or xs:simpleContent or xs:complexContent)]/(., ..,@ref)
basic ComplexTypeSequence .//xs:complexType/xs:sequence/ (., xs:element/(., @name))
advanced ExtendedSequenceLaxAny .//xs:sequence/xs:any[@processContents = 'lax' and (not (@minOccurs) or @minOccurs = '1' or @minOccurs = '0') and (not (@maxOccurs) or @maxOccurs = '1' or @maxOccurs='unbounded') and (not(@namespace) or @namespace = '##any')]/ (., @processContents, @minOccurs, @maxOccurs, @namespace)
advanced ExtendedSimpleContent .//xs:complexType/xs:simpleContent/xs:extension[@base]/ (.., ., ./@base, xs:attribute/ (., @name))
advanced ChoiceElement .//xs:choice/xs:element/(.)
basic SequenceElement .//xs:sequence/xs:element/(.)
advanced AllElement .//xs:all/xs:element/(.)
basic SequenceSingleRepeatedElement .//xs:sequence[count(xs:element) = 1]/xs:element[@maxOccurs = 'unbounded']/ (., @maxOccurs)
advanced ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified .//xs:element[@name and @type and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@type,.)) != 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' and not(contains(@type, ':'))]/ (., @name, @type)
basic AttributeReference .//xs:attribute[@ref and contains(@ref, ":")]/ (., @ref)
advanced AttributeTypeReferenceUnqualified .//xs:attribute[@name and @type and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@type,.)) != 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' and not(contains(@type, ':'))]/ (., @name, @type)
advanced List .//xs:list[@itemType]/ (., @itemType)
basic StringElement .//xs:element/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:string')]
basic StringAttribute .//xs:attribute/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:string')]
basic DateTimeAttribute .//xs:attribute/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:dateTime')]
basic Base64BinaryElement .//xs:element/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:base64Binary')]
advanced IDAttribute .//xs:attribute/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:ID')]
advanced IDREFAttribute .//xs:attribute/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:IDREF')]
advanced IDREFSAttribute .//xs:attribute/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:IDREFS')]
advanced IntegerAttribute .//xs:attribute/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:integer')]
basic LongAttribute .//xs:attribute/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:long')]
basic IntAttribute .//xs:attribute/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:int')]
basic PositiveIntegerAttribute .//xs:attribute/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:positiveInteger')]
advanced GlobalElementComplexTypeEmptyExtension ./xs:element[@name]/xs:complexType/xs:complexContent[xs:extension[@base]/not(*)]/ (../../(., @name), .., ., xs:extension/(., @base))
basic LocalElementComplexType .//xs:element[not(parent::xs:schema)]/xs:complexType
advanced LocalAttributeSimpleType .//xs:attribute[not(parent::xs:schema)]/xs:simpleType
advanced AttributeGroup .//xs:attributeGroup/(.,@name,@ref,xs:attribute)
advanced GlobalElementComplexType .//xs:element[parent::xs:schema]/xs:complexType / (.,..)
advanced ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction .//xs:complexType/xs:complexContent[xs:restriction[@base]/xs:attribute]/ (., xs:restriction/(., @base, xs:attribute/(., @name)))
advanced LocalElementComplexTypeEmptyExtension .//xs:element[not(parent::xs:schema)]/xs:complexType[not(@name)]/xs:complexContent[xs:extension[@base]/not(*)]/ (../../(., @name), .., ., xs:extension/(., @base))
advanced ComplexTypeExtension .//xs:complexType/xs:complexContent/xs:extension[@base]/(., @base, ../(.))

<xsd:schema TargetNamespace UnqualifiedLocalAttributes targetNamespace="http://www.loc.gov/METS/" TargetNamespace elementFormDefault="qualified" QualifiedLocalElements attributeFormDefault="unqualified" UnqualifiedLocalAttributes >
<xsd:import ImportSchema namespace="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" ImportSchema schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/standards/mets/xlink.xsd" ImportSchema />
<xsd:element GlobalElementComplexTypeEmptyExtension GlobalElementComplexType name="mets" IdentifierName GlobalElementComplexTypeEmptyExtension >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
METS: Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard. METS is intended to provide a standardized XML format for transmission of complex digital library objects between systems. As such, it can be seen as filling a role similar to that defined for the Submission Information Package (SIP), Archival Information Package (AIP) and Dissemination Information Package (DIP) in the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="metsType" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
mets Complex Type. A METS document consists of seven possible subsidiary sections: metsHdr (METS document header), dmdSec (descriptive metadata section), amdSec (administrative metadata section), fileGrp (file inventory group), structLink (structural map linking), structMap (structural map) and behaviorSec (behaviors section).
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="metsHdr" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
metsHdr: METS Header. Like a TEI Header, the METS Header element records metadata about the METS document itself (not the digital library object that the METS document encodes). It has two possible subsidiary elements, agent (document agent) and altRecordID (alternative Record ID)..
<xsd:complexType LocalElementComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="agent" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
agent: METS agent. The agent element allows for various parties and their roles with respect to the METS document to be recorded.
<xsd:complexType LocalElementComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="name" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:string" StringElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
name:The full name of the METS document agent.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="note" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:string" StringElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
note: Any additional information regarding the agent's activities with respect to the METS document.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ROLE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute use="required" AttributeRequired >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ROLE: a required attribute specifying the role played by the agent with respect to the METS object. ROLE must have one of the following seven values: CREATOR: an agent responsible for creating the METS document EDITOR: an agent responsible for editing the METS document ARCHIVIST: an agent with archival responsibility for the METS document and/or the original sources used to create the METS object PRESERVATION: an agent responsible for preserving the METS object and/or the original sources used to create the METS object DISSEMINATOR: an agent responsible for distributing or publishing the METS object CUSTODIAN: an agent with custodial responsibility for the METS object IPOWNER: an agent with intellectual property rights in the METS object or some of its components. OTHER: an agent with other rights/responsibilities with respect to the METS object not set forth above.
<xsd:simpleType LocalAttributeSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction StringEnumerationType base="xsd:string" StringEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="CREATOR" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="EDITOR" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="ARCHIVIST" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="PRESERVATION" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="DISSEMINATOR" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="CUSTODIAN" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="IPOWNER" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="OTHER" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="OTHERROLE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
OTHERROLE: an optional string attribute to specify the particular role an agent plays with respect to a METS object or its sources, to be used if the ROLE attribute has a value of OTHER.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="TYPE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
TYPE: an optional attribute to specify the nature of the agent acting with respect to the METS object. It can take one of three values: INDIVIDUAL: a single, human agent ORGANIZATION: a collective entity OTHER: some other form of agent (e.g., a software agent)
<xsd:simpleType LocalAttributeSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction StringEnumerationType base="xsd:string" StringEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="INDIVIDUAL" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="ORGANIZATION" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="OTHER" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="OTHERTYPE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
OTHERTYPE: an optional string to indicate the particular type of agent, to be used if a value of OTHER is indicated in the agent's TYPE attribute.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="altRecordID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
altRecordID: Alternative Record ID. This element allows for documentation of alternative ID values for the METS document in addition to the primary ID stored in the OBJID attribute in the root METS element.
<xsd:complexType LocalElementComplexType >
<xsd:simpleContent ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:extension ExtendedSimpleContent base="xsd:string" ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:attribute ExtendedSimpleContent name="ID" IdentifierName ExtendedSimpleContent type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value
<xsd:attribute ExtendedSimpleContent name="TYPE" IdentifierName ExtendedSimpleContent type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
TYPE: an optional string describing the type of identifier (e.g., OCLC #, LCCN, etc.).
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ADMID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:IDREFS" IDREFSAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ADMID: an optional attribute providing the XML ID values for the administrative metadata sections within this METS document applicable to this METS Document.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="CREATEDATE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:dateTime" DateTimeAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
CREATEDATE: an optional dateTime specifying when the METS document was created.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="LASTMODDATE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:dateTime" DateTimeAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
LASTMODDATE: an optional dateTime specifying when the METS document was last modified;
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="RECORDSTATUS" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
RECORDSTATUS: an optional string indicating the status of the METS document, to be used mainly for internal processing purposes.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified name="dmdSec" IdentifierName ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified type="mdSecType" ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
dmdSec: Description Metadata Section. This section records all of the descriptive metadata for all items in the METS object (including both structural map divs and descriptive metadata for data files). Metadata can be either included in the METS hub document (mdWrap) or referenced via an identifier/locator (mdRef), a la Warwick Framework. Multiple dmdSec elements are allowed so that descriptive metadata can be recorded for each separate item within the METS object.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified name="amdSec" IdentifierName ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified type="amdSecType" ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
amdSec: Administrative Metadata Section. This section records all of the administrative metadata for all items in the METS object (including structural map divs, data files, descriptive metadata sections and adminstrative metadata sections themselves), and is divided into four subsections: techMD (technical metadata), rightsMD (intellectual property rights metadata), sourceMD (analog/digital source metadata), and digiprovMD (digital provenance metadata). Each of these subsections follows the mdSecType model, so that they can either include metadata within the METS hub document (mdWrap) or reference it via an identifier/locator (mdRef). Multiple techMD, rightsMD, sourceMD and digiprovMD elements are allowed so that administrative metadata can be recorded for each separate item within the METS object.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="fileSec" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
fileSec: Content File Section. The content file section records information regarding all of the data files which comprise the digital library object.
<xsd:complexType LocalElementComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement SequenceSingleRepeatedElement LocalElementComplexTypeEmptyExtension name="fileGrp" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence LocalElementComplexTypeEmptyExtension maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded SequenceSingleRepeatedElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
fileGrp: File Group This element allows for the grouping of content files into sets (all of the master images for a work, all of the images for a particular page, etc.).
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified name="structMap" IdentifierName ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified type="structMapType" ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
structMap: Structural Map. The structural map is the heart of a METS document, defining the hierarchical arrangement of a primary source document which has been digitized. This hierarchy is encoded as a tree of 'div' elements. Any given 'div' can point to another METS document via the 'mptr' element, or to a single file, to a group of files, or to segments of individual files or groups of files through the 'fptr' and subsidiary elements.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement LocalElementComplexTypeEmptyExtension name="structLink" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence LocalElementComplexTypeEmptyExtension minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
structLink: Structural Map Linking. The Structural Map Linking section allows for the specification of hyperlinks between different components of a METS structure delineated in a structural map.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified name="behaviorSec" IdentifierName ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified type="behaviorSecType" ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
behaviorSec: Behavior Section. This section records executable behaviors that are associated with content in the METS object.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="OBJID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
OBJID: an optional attribute recording a primary identifier assigned to the METS document.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="LABEL" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
LABEL: an optional attribute providing a title/text string identifying the document for users.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="TYPE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
TYPE: an optional string attribute describing the type of object, e.g., book, journal, stereograph, etc.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="PROFILE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
PROFILE: an optional attribute providing a URI or other identifier for a METS profile to which this METS document conforms.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="amdSecType" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
amdSecType: Complex Type for Administrative Metadata. The administrative metadata section consists of four possible subsidiary sections: techMD (technical metadata for text/image/audio/video files), rightsMD (intellectual property rights metadata), sourceMD (analog/digital source metadata), and digiprovMD (digital provenance metadata, that is, the history of migrations/translations performed on a digital library object from it's original digital capture/encoding).
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified name="techMD" IdentifierName ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified type="mdSecType" ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
techMD: technical metadata. The techMD element provides a wrapper around a generic metadata section, which should contain technical metadata regarding a file or files.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified name="rightsMD" IdentifierName ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified type="mdSecType" ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
rightsMD: intellectual property rights metadata. The rightsMD element provides a wrapper around a generic metadata section, which should contain IP rights metadata.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified name="sourceMD" IdentifierName ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified type="mdSecType" ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
sourceMD: source metadata. The sourceMD element provides a wrapper around a generic metadata section which should contain descriptive or administrative metadata regarding the original source materials used to create the METS object.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified name="digiprovMD" IdentifierName ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified type="mdSecType" ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
digiprovMD: digital provenance metadata. The digiprovMD element provides a wrapper around a generic metadata section, which should contain information regarding the ultimate origin of a digital object and the derivation of its current elements. This includes recording master/derivative relationships between various files which currently represent the object, as well recording any transformations or migrations undergone by files composing the digital object subsequent to the initial digitization of an item or, in the case of born digital materials, the files' creation. In short, digiprovMD should be used to record information to allow both archival/library staff and scholars to understand what modifications have been performed to a digital object during its life cycle in order to judge how those processes might have altered or corrupted the object's ability to accurately represent the original item.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="fileGrpType" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
fileGrp: File Group. The file group is used to cluster all of the digital files composing a digital library object in a hierarchical arrangement (fileGrp is recursively defined to enable the creation of the hierarchy). Any file group may contain zero or more file elements. File elements in turn can contain one or more FLocat elements (a pointer to a file containing content for this object) and/or a FContent element (the contents of the file, in either XML or Base64 encoding).
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="VERSDATE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:dateTime" DateTimeAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
VERSDATE: an optional dateTime attribute specifying the date this version/fileGrp of the digital object was created.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ADMID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:IDREFS" IDREFSAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ADMID: an optional attribute specifying the XML ID values for administrative metadata sections in the METS document that provide information applicable to all of the files in this particular file group.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="USE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
USE: an optional string attribute indicating the intended use of all the files within this file group (e.g., master, reference, thumbnails for image files).
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="structMapType" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
structMap Complex Type The structural map (structMap) outlines a hierarchical structure for the original object being encoded, using a series of nested div elements.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified name="div" IdentifierName ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified type="divType" ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
div: Division. The METS standard represents a document structurally as a series of nested div elements, that is, as a hierarchy (e.g., a book, which is composed of chapters, which are composed of subchapters, which are composed of text). Every div node in the structural map hierarchy may be connected (via subsidiary mptr or fptr elements) to content files which represent that div's portion of the whole document.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="TYPE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
TYPE: an optional string attribute specifying the type of structural map provided. Typical values will be "PHYSICAL" for a map which describes the physical composition of the original work (a series with individual monographs with pages) and "LOGICAL" for one which describes the intellectual structure of the work (a monograph with TOC, forward, chapters, index., etc.);
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="LABEL" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
LABEL: an optional string attribute which may be used to describe the structMap to users. This is primarily useful where more than one structMap is provided for a single object (e.g., both logical and physical structMap).
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="divType" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Div Complex Type The METS standard represents a document structurally as a series of nested div elements, that is, as a hierarchy (e.g., a book, which is composed of chapters, which are composed of subchapters, which are composed of text). Every div node in the structural map hierarchy may be connected (via subsidiary mptr or fptr elements) to content files which represent that div's portion of the whole document. SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING DIV ATTRIBUTE VALUES: to clarify the differences between the ORDER, ORDERLABEL, and LABEL attributes for the <div> element, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of "3", an ORDERLABEL of "iii" and a LABEL of "Page iii", while page 3 would have an ORDER of "13", an ORDERLABEL of "3" and a LABEL of "Page 3".
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="mptr" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
mptr: METS Pointer. The mptr element allows a div to be associated with a separate METS document containing the content corresponding with that div, rather than pointing to an internal file or file group. A typical instance of this would be the case of a METS document for a journal run, with a div elements for each individual journal issue. The div elements for the issues might point to separate METS documents for each issue, rather than having files and file groups for every issue encoded in one document. NOTE: mptr is an empty element. The location of the resource pointed to MUST be stored in the xlink:href attribute.
<xsd:complexType ComplexTypeOnlyAttributeGroup LocalElementComplexType >
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute AttributeTypeReferenceUnqualified name="CONTENTIDS" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute AttributeTypeReferenceUnqualified type="URIs" AttributeTypeReferenceUnqualified use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
CONTENTIDS: Content IDs for this division (equivalent to DIDL DII)
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="fptr" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
fptr: File Pointer. The fptr element associates a div element with content files that represent that div. It can either point to a file directly itself, via the FILEID attribute, or it can do more complex links to content via the subsidiary area, par and seq elements.
<xsd:complexType LocalElementComplexType >
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeChoice >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement name="par" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
par: Parallel files. The par element should used to link a div to a set of content files when those files should be played/displayed in unison to deliver the content to the user (e.g., displaying a text transcript simultaneously with playing an audio file). A par element has two possible subsidiary elements, which should be used in different cases. In cases where each bytestream to be played in parallel can fit in a single file, you should use subsidiary <area> elements within the par element to point to those files. However, in some cases, bytestreams which should be played in parallel are too large to fit in a single file (high quality multi-track audio, or video). In those cases, you should use subsidiary <seq> elements, where each <seq> contains the files comprising a particular bytestream in the order they should be played back. So, for example, in the case where you had an audio recording which had to be split into three different, sequential files, and a text transcription of the recording in a single file, you would use a par element containing two seq elements. The first seq element would contain three area elements, one for each audio file; the second seq element would contain a single area element, for the text transcription file.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified name="seq" IdentifierName ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified type="seqType" ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
seq: Sequence of files. The seq element should be used to link a div to a set of content files when those files should be played/displayed sequentially to deliver content to a user. See the seqType documentation for more details.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified name="area" IdentifierName ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified type="areaType" ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
area: file area The area element provides for more sophisticated linking between a div element and content files representing that div, be they text, image, audio, or video files. An area element can link a div to a point within a file, to a one-dimension segment of a file (e.g., text screen, image line, audio/video clip), or a two-dimensional section of a file (e.g, subsection of an image, or a subsection of the video display of a video file. See the areaType documentation for more details.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="FILEID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:IDREF" IDREFAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
FILEID: an IDREF to the file element which corresponds with the div containing this ftpr.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute AttributeTypeReferenceUnqualified name="CONTENTIDS" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute AttributeTypeReferenceUnqualified type="URIs" AttributeTypeReferenceUnqualified use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
CONTENTIDS: Content IDs for this division (equivalent to DIDL DII)
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ORDER" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:integer" IntegerAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ORDER: an optional integer representation of this div's order among its siblings (e.g., its sequence).
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ORDERLABEL" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ORDERLABEL: an optional string representation of this div's order among its siblings (e.g., "xii"), or a non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine-actionable (e.g., supports a page 'go to' function), and is not a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="LABEL" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
LABEL: an optional string label to describe this div to an end user viewing the document, as per a table of contents entry (NB: a div LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book div LABEL should have the book title, and the chapter div LABELS should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter div LABELs combine both book title and chapter title).
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="DMDID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:IDREFS" IDREFSAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
DMDID: an optional attribute providing the XML ID values for the descriptive metadata sections within this METS document applicable to this div.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ADMID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:IDREFS" IDREFSAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ADMID: an optional attribute providing the XML ID values for the administrative metadata sections within this METS document applicable to this div.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="TYPE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
TYPE: an optional string attribute for specifying a type of division (e.g., chapter, article, page, etc.).
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute AttributeTypeReferenceUnqualified name="CONTENTIDS" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute AttributeTypeReferenceUnqualified type="URIs" AttributeTypeReferenceUnqualified use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
CONTENTIDS: Content IDs for this division (equivalent to DIDL DII)
<xsd:attribute AttributeReference ref="xlink:label" AttributeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
xlink:label - an xlink label to be referred to by an smLink element
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="seqType" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
seq: Sequence of files. The seq element should be used to link a div to a set of content files when those files should be played/displayed sequentially to deliver content to a user. Individual <area> subelements within the seq element provide the links to the files or portions thereof.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes name="areaType" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
areaType: Complex Type for Area linking. The area element provides for more sophisticated linking between a div element and content files representing that div, be they text, image, audio, or video files. An area element can link a div to a point within a file, to a one-dimension segment of a file (e.g., text segment, image line, audio/video clip), or a two-dimensional section of a file (e.g, subsection of an image, or a subsection of the video display of a video file. The area element has no content; all information is recorded within its various attributes.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes name="FILEID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:IDREF" IDREFAttribute use="required" AttributeRequired ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
FILEID: a mandatory IDREF to the file element being pointed to by the div.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes name="SHAPE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
SHAPE: an optional string attribute defining the shape of a two-dimensional area being referenced within a linked content file. It must have one of the following values: RECT: rectangular area CIRCLE: a circular area POLY: an irregular polygon. The SHAPE attribute should be used as in HTML 4.
<xsd:simpleType LocalAttributeSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction StringEnumerationType base="xsd:string" StringEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="RECT" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="CIRCLE" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="POLY" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes name="COORDS" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
COORDS: an optional string attribute listing a set of visual coordinates within an image (still image or video frame). The COORDS attribute should be used as in HTML 4.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes name="BEGIN" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
BEGIN: an optional string attribute specifying the beginning location for a subpart of the referenced file. Used with the END attribute.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes name="END" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
END: an optional string attribute specifying the ending location for a subpart of the referenced file. Used with the BEGIN attribute.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes name="BETYPE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
BETYPE: Begin/End Type. An optional attribute specifying the syntax used in the values recorded in the BEGIN and END attributes. It must have one of the following values: BYTE: a byte offset IDREF: an XML ID value for an element in the content file SMIL: a SMIL time value MIDI: a MIDI time code SMPTE-25: SMPTE time code for 25 frame/second material SMPTE-24: SMPTE time code for 24 frame/second material SMPTE-DF30: SMPTE time code for 30 frame/second drop frame material SMPTE-NDF30: SMPTE time code for 30 frame/second non-drop frame material SMPTE-DF29.97: SMPTE time code for 29.97 frame/second drop frame material SMPTE-NDF29.97: SMPTE time code for 29.97 frame/second non-drop frame material TIME: a simple time code of the form HH:MM:SS TCF: a Time code Character Format value
<xsd:simpleType LocalAttributeSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction StringEnumerationType base="xsd:string" StringEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="BYTE" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="IDREF" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SMIL" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="MIDI" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SMPTE-25" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SMPTE-24" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SMPTE-DF30" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SMPTE-NDF30" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SMPTE-DF29.97" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SMPTE-NDF29.97" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="TIME" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="TCF" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes name="EXTENT" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
EXTENT: an optional string attribute specifying the duration of the segment pointed to by the area element.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes name="EXTTYPE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
EXTTYPE: Extent Type an option attribute specifying the syntax used for the value in the EXTENT attribute. See the BETYPE attribute for the specific values which may be used in EXTTYPE.
<xsd:simpleType LocalAttributeSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction StringEnumerationType base="xsd:string" StringEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="BYTE" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SMIL" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="MIDI" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SMPTE-25" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SMPTE-24" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SMPTE-DF30" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SMPTE-NDF30" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SMPTE-DF29.97" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SMPTE-NDF29.97" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="TIME" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="TCF" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes name="ADMID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:IDREFS" IDREFSAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ADMID: an optional attribute listing the XML ID values for the administrative metadata sections within the METS document that provide information regarding this area.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes AttributeTypeReferenceUnqualified name="CONTENTIDS" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute AttributeTypeReferenceUnqualified type="URIs" AttributeTypeReferenceUnqualified use="optional" AttributeOptional ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
CONTENTIDS: Content IDs for this division (equivalent to DIDL DII)
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="structLinkType" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
structLink: Structural Map Linking. The Structural Map Linking section allows for the specification of hyperlinks between different components of a METS structure delineated in a structural map. structLink contains a single, repeatable element, smLink. Each smLink element indicates a hyperlink between two nodes in the structMap. The structMap nodes recorded in smLink are identified using their XML ID attribute values.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement SequenceSingleRepeatedElement name="smLink" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded SequenceSingleRepeatedElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
smLink: structural map Link An element linking two elements in the structural map, used to indicate that a hyperlink exists between the two METS components represented by the two structural map nodes. You would use smLink, for example, to record the existence of hypertext links between web pages, if you wish to record those links' existence inside of METS.
<xsd:complexType ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes LocalElementComplexType >
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes AttributeReference ref="xlink:arcrole" AttributeReference use="optional" AttributeOptional ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
xlink:arcrole - the role of the link, as per the xlink specification. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xlink/
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes AttributeReference ref="xlink:title" AttributeReference use="optional" AttributeOptional ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
xlink:title - a title for the link (if needed), as per the xlink specification. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xlink/
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes AttributeReference ref="xlink:show" AttributeReference use="optional" AttributeOptional ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
xlink:show - see the xlink specification at http://www.w3.org/TR/xlink/
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes AttributeReference ref="xlink:actuate" AttributeReference use="optional" AttributeOptional ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
xlink:actuate - see the xlink specification at http://www.w3.org/TR/xlink/
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes AttributeReference ref="xlink:to" AttributeReference use="required" AttributeRequired ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
xlink:to - the value of the label for the element in the structMap you are linking to.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes AttributeReference ref="xlink:from" AttributeReference use="required" AttributeRequired ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
xlink:from - the value of the label for the element in the structMap you are linking from.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="behaviorSecType" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
behaviorSecType: Behaviors Section. Behaviors are executable code which can be associated with parts of a METS object. The behaviorSec element is used to group individual behaviors within a hierarchical structure. Such grouping can be useful to organize families of behaviors together or to indicate other relationships between particular behaviors.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="CREATED" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:dateTime" DateTimeAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
CREATED: an optional dateTime attribute specifying when the behaviorSec was created.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="LABEL" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
LABEL: an optional string attribute providing a text description of the behaviorSec.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="behaviorType" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
behaviorType: Complex Type for Behaviors. A behavior can be used to associate executable behaviors with content in the METS object. A behavior element has an interface definition element that represents an abstract definition of the set of behaviors represented by a particular behavior. A behavior element also has an behavior mechanism which is a module of executable code that implements and runs the behavior defined abstractly by the interface definition.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified name="interfaceDef" IdentifierName ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified type="objectType" ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
interfaceDef: interface definition object. The interface definition element contains a pointer an abstract definition of a set of related behaviors. These abstract behaviors can be associated with the content of a METS object. The interface definition element will be a pointer to another object (an interface definition object). An interface definition object could be another METS object, or some other entity (e.g., a WSDL file). Ideally, an interface definition object should contain metadata that describes a set of behaviors or methods. It may also contain files that describe the intended usage of the behaviors, and possibly files that represent different expressions of the interface definition. The interfaceDef element is optional to allow for cases where an interface definition can be obtained from a behavior mechanism object (see the mechanism element of the behaviorSec).
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified name="mechanism" IdentifierName ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified type="objectType" ElementTypeDefaultNamespace ElementTypeReferenceUnqualified >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
mechanism: executable mechanism. A mechanism element contains a pointer to an executable code module that implements a set of behaviors defined by an interface definition. The mechanism element will be a pointer to another object (a mechanism object). A mechanism object could be another METS object, or some other entity (e.g., a WSDL file). A mechanism object should contain executable code, pointers to executable code, or specifications for binding to network services (e.g., web services).
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="required" AttributeRequired >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: a required XML ID value for the element
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="STRUCTID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:IDREFS" IDREFSAttribute use="required" AttributeRequired >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
STRUCTID: Structural Map IDS IDREFS to structMap sections or divs within a structMap in the METS document. The content that the STRUCTID attribute points to is considered "input" to the behavior mechanism (executable) defined for the behavior.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="BTYPE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
BTYPE: Behavior Type an optional string attribute providing an identifier for a given set of related behaviors.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="CREATED" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:dateTime" DateTimeAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
CREATED: an optional dateTime attribute specifying a date this behavior was created.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="LABEL" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
LABEL: an optional string attribute providing a description of the behavior.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="GROUPID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
GROUPID: an optional string attribute providing an identifier that establishes a correspondence between this behavior and other behaviors. Typically, this will be used to facilitate versioning of behaviors.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ADMID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:IDREFS" IDREFSAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ADMID: an optional attribute listing the XML ID values of administrative metadata sections within the METS document pertaining to this behavior.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType ComplexTypeOnlyAttributeGroup name="objectType" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="LABEL" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
LABEL: an optional string attribute providing a description of the object that is being linked to.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="mdSecType" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
mdSec (metadata section) Complex Type A generic framework for pointing to/including metadata within a METS document, a la Warwick Framework.
<xsd:all ComplexTypeAll >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeAll AllElement name="mdRef" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAll minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
mdRef: metadata reference. The mdRef element is a generic element used throughout the METS schema to provide a pointer to metadata which resides outside the METS document. NB: mdRef is an empty element. The location of the metadata must be recorded in the xlink:href attribute, supplemented by the XPTR attribute as needed.
<xsd:complexType ComplexTypeOnlyAttributeGroup LocalElementComplexType >
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="MIMETYPE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
MIMETYPE: an optional string attribute providing the MIME type for the metadata being pointed at
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="LABEL" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
LABEL: an optional string attribute providing a label to display to the viewer of the METS document identifying the metadata
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="XPTR" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
XPTR: an optional string attribute for providing an xptr to a location within the file pointed to by the mdRef element, if applicable.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeAll AllElement name="mdWrap" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAll minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
mdWrap: metadata wrapper. The mdWrap element is a generic element used throughout the METS schema to allow the encoder to place arbitrary metadata conforming to other standards/schema within a METS document. The included metadata can either be encoded in XML, in which case it may be placed directly within the mdWrap element, or it can be Base64 encoded, and placed within a subsidiary binData element.
<xsd:complexType LocalElementComplexType >
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeChoice >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement name="binData" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice type="xsd:base64Binary" Base64BinaryElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
binData: A wrapper element to contain Base64 encoded metadata.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement name="xmlData" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
xmlData: A wrapper element to contain XML encoded metadata.
<xsd:complexType LocalElementComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:any ExtendedSequenceLaxAny namespace="##any" ExtendedSequenceLaxAny maxOccurs="unbounded" ExtendedSequenceLaxAny processContents="lax" ExtendedSequenceLaxAny />
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="MIMETYPE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
MIMETYPE: an optional string attribute providing the MIME type for the metadata contained in the element
<xsd:attributeGroup AttributeGroup ref="METADATA" AttributeGroup />
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="LABEL" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
LABEL: an optional string attribute providing a label to display to the viewer of the METS document identifying the metadata.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="required" AttributeRequired >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: a required XML ID value
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="GROUPID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
GROUPID: an optional string attribute providing an identifier that may be used to indicate that different metadata sections may be considered as part of a single group. Two metadata sections with the same GROUPID value are to be considered part of the same group. This facility might be used, for example, to group changed versions of the same metadata if previous versions are maintained in a file for tracking purposes;
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ADMID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:IDREFS" IDREFSAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ADMID: an optional attribute providing the XML ID attribute values for administrative metadata elements which apply to the current descriptive or administrative metadata. Typically used to reference preservation metadata which applies to the current metadata.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="CREATED" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:dateTime" DateTimeAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
CREATED: an optional dateTime attribute specifying the date and time of creation for the metadata.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="STATUS" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
STATUS: an optional string attribute indicating the status of this metadata (e.g., superceded, current, etc.).
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="fileType" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
file: File element. The file element provides access to content files for a METS object. A file element may contain one or more FLocat elements, which provide pointers to a content file, and/or an FContent element, which wraps an encoded version of the file. Note that ALL FLocat and FContent elements underneath a single file element should identify/contain identical copies of a single file.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="FLocat" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
FLocat: File Location. The FLocat element provides a pointer to the location of a content file. It uses the XLink syntax to provide linking information indicating the actual location of the content file, along with a few additional attributes specifying additional linking information. NOTE: FLocat is an empty element. The location of the resource pointed to MUST be stored in the xlink:href element.
<xsd:complexType ComplexTypeOnlyAttributeGroup LocalElementComplexType >
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="USE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
USE: an optional string indicating the intended use of the referenced file.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="FContent" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
FContent: file content. The FContent element is used to deliver a content file for a METS document within the METS file itself. The content file must be either Base 64 encoded, and contained within the subsidiary binData wrapper element, or consist of XML information and be contained within the subsidiary xmlData wrapper element.
<xsd:complexType LocalElementComplexType >
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeChoice >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement name="binData" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice type="xsd:base64Binary" Base64BinaryElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
binData: A wrapper element used to contain a Base64 encoded file.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement name="xmlData" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
xmlData: A wrapper element used to contain an XML encoded file.
<xsd:complexType LocalElementComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:any ExtendedSequenceLaxAny namespace="##any" ExtendedSequenceLaxAny maxOccurs="unbounded" ExtendedSequenceLaxAny processContents="lax" ExtendedSequenceLaxAny />
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="USE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
USE: an optional string indicating the intended use of the embedded file. Examples might include "master", "reference", and "thumbnail" for image files.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="stream" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
stream: component byte stream A file may be composed of one or more subsidiary streams. An MPEG4 file, for example, might contain separate audio and video streams, each of which has its own technical metadata associated with it.
<xsd:complexType LocalElementComplexType >
<xsd:complexContent ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction >
<xsd:restriction ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction base="xsd:anyType" ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction >
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction name="streamType" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional />
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction name="OWNERID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
OWNERID: an optional string attribute which may be used to provide a unique identifier (including a URI) assigned to the file which may differ from the URI used to retrieve the file.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction name="ADMID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction type="xsd:IDREFS" IDREFSAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ADMID: an optional attribute used to list the XML ID attribute values for administrative metadata sections in the METS document that provide information regarding this file.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction name="DMDID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction type="xsd:IDREFS" IDREFSAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
DMDID: an optional attribute used to list the XML ID attribute values for descriptive metadata sections in the METS document that provide information regarding this file.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="transformFile" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement />
<xsd:complexType LocalElementComplexType >
<xsd:complexContent ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction >
<xsd:restriction ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction base="xsd:anyType" ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction >
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an optional XML ID value
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction name="TRANSFORMTYPE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction use="required" AttributeRequired >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
TRANSFORMTYPE: a type of transformation needed to render content of a file accessible (including unpacking a file into subsidiary files/streams).
<xsd:simpleType LocalAttributeSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction StringEnumerationType base="xsd:string" StringEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="decompression" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="decryption" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction name="TRANSFORMALGORITHM" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="required" AttributeRequired >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
TRANSFORMALGORITHM: a string describing the specific decompression or decryption routine used to access the contents of this file.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction name="TRANSFORMKEY" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
TRANSFORMKEY: a key to be used with the transform algorithm for accessing the file's contents.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction name="TRANSFORMBEHAVIOR" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction type="xsd:IDREF" IDREFAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
TRANSFORMBEHAVIOR: an IDREF to a behavior element for this transformation
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction name="TRANSFORMORDER" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttributeRestriction type="xsd:positiveInteger" PositiveIntegerAttribute use="required" AttributeRequired />
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="required" AttributeRequired >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ID: an XML ID value.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="MIMETYPE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
MIMETYPE: an optional string attribute providing the MIME type for the file.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="SEQ" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:int" IntAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
SEQ: an optional integer indicating the sequence of this file relative to the others in its file group.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="SIZE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:long" LongAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
SIZE: an optional long integer specifying the size of the file in bytes.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="CREATED" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:dateTime" DateTimeAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
CREATED: an optional dateTime providing the date of creation for the file.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="CHECKSUM" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
CHECKSUM: an optional string attribute providing a checksum value for the included file.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="CHECKSUMTYPE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
CHECKSUMTYPE: an optional attribute specifying the checksum algorithm used to produce the value contained in the CHECKSUM attribute. CHECKSUMTYPE must contain one of the following values: HAVAL MD5 SHA-1 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512 TIGER WHIRLPOOL
<xsd:simpleType LocalAttributeSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction StringEnumerationType base="xsd:string" StringEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="HAVAL" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="MD5" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SHA-1" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SHA-256" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SHA-384" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="SHA-512" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="TIGER" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="WHIRLPOOL" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="OWNERID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
OWNERID: an optional string attribute which may be used to provide a unique identifier (including a URI) assigned to the file which may differ from the URI used to retrieve the file.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="ADMID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:IDREFS" IDREFSAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ADMID: an optional attribute used to list the XML ID attribute values for administrative metadata sections in the METS document that provide information regarding this file.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="DMDID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:IDREFS" IDREFSAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
DMDID: an optional attribute used to list the XML ID attribute values for descriptive metadata sections in the METS document that provide information regarding this file.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="GROUPID" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
GROUPID: an optional string attribute which may be used to record an identifier that establishes a correspondence between this file and files in other file groups. For example, a master image in one file group would share the same GROUPID value with a reference copy in a second file group and a thumbnail image in a third file group.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="USE" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
USE: an optional string attribute indicating the intended use of this file (e.g., "master", "reference", "thumbnail" for image files).
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="URIs" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:list List itemType="xsd:anyURI" List />
<xsd:attributeGroup AttributeGroup name="METADATA" IdentifierName AttributeGroup >
<xsd:attribute AttributeGroup name="MDTYPE" IdentifierName use="required" AttributeRequired >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
MDTYPE: a required attribute specifying the yype of metadata being pointed at (e.g., MARC, EAD, etc.). It must have one of the following values: MARC: any form of MARC record MODS: metadata in the Library of Congress MODS format EAD: Encoded Archival Description finding aid DC: Dublin Core NISOIMG: NISO Technical Metadata for Digital Still Images LC-AV: technical metadata specified in the Library of Congress A/V prototyping project VRA: Visual Resources Association Core TEIHDR: Text Encoding Initiative Header DDI: Data Documentation Initiative FGDC: Federal Geographic Data Committee metadata OTHER: metadata in a format not specified above.
<xsd:simpleType LocalAttributeSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction StringEnumerationType base="xsd:string" StringEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="MARC" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="MODS" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="EAD" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="DC" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="NISOIMG" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="LC-AV" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="VRA" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="TEIHDR" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="DDI" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="FGDC" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="LOM" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="PREMIS" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="OTHER" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:attribute AttributeGroup name="OTHERMDTYPE" IdentifierName type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
OTHERMDTYPE: Other Metadata Type an optional string which may be used to record the particular form of metadata referenced by this element when the MDTYPE attribute has a value of "OTHER".
<xsd:attributeGroup AttributeGroup name="LOCATION" IdentifierName AttributeGroup >
<xsd:attribute AttributeGroup name="LOCTYPE" IdentifierName use="required" AttributeRequired >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
LOCTYPE: Location Type the type of locator used to reference a file. It must have one of the following values: URN: Uniform Resource Name URL: Uniform Resource Locator PURL: Persistent URL HANDLE: a CNRI Handle DOI: A Digital Object Identifier OTHER: a form of locator not specified above.
<xsd:simpleType LocalAttributeSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction StringEnumerationType base="xsd:string" StringEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="ARK" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="URN" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="URL" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="PURL" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="HANDLE" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="DOI" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration StringEnumerationType value="OTHER" StringEnumerationType />
<xsd:attribute AttributeGroup name="OTHERLOCTYPE" IdentifierName type="xsd:string" StringAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
OTHERLOCTYPE: an optional string attribute used to indicate an alternative LOCTYPE if the LOCTYPE attribute itself has a value of "OTHER";

This document was produced by the W3C XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Working Group. Comments on this document may be sent to the public public-xsd-databinding-comments@w3.org mailing list (public archive).