W3CBasic XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Last Call Issues List

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This list received comments from 0 groups and 9 individuals.

Comments from individuals

  1. Eliotte Harold (elharo@metalab.unc.edu) [1 issue ]
    1. lc-erh-1 : typo "casue" [open]
  2. Eugene Osovetsky (Eugene.Osovetsky@microsoft.com) [8 issues ]
    1. lc-Microsoft-1 : Support for Attributes [open]
    2. lc-Microsoft-2 : Element References [open]
    3. lc-Microsoft-3 : Nested Sequences and sequences other than minOccurs=maxOccurs=1 [open]
    4. lc-Microsoft-4 : schemaLocation [open]
    5. lc-Microsoft-5 : maxOccurs=finite [open]
    6. lc-Microsoft-6 : Null enumerations [open]
    7. lc-Microsoft-7 : Mixing elements maxOccurs=1 and maxOccurs>1 in the same sequence, or allowing more than one maxOccurs>1 element [open]
    8. lc-Microsoft-8 : Mixing elements maxOccurs=1 and maxOccurs>1 in the same inheritance chain [open]
  3. Felix Sasaki (fsasaki@w3.org) [3 issues ]
    1. lc-i18n-1 : BOM link to Unicode FAQ [open]
    2. lc-i18n-2 : Working with Time Zones [open]
    3. lc-i18n-3 : language type to reference BCP47 [open]
  4. Florent Georges (darkman_spam@yahoo.fr) [1 issue ]
    1. lc-drkm-1 : XPath 2.0 and node-set ? [open]
  5. Hugo Haas (hugo@yahoo-inc.com) [1 issue ]
    1. haas-1 : Difficulty to read patterns as expressed with XPath 2.0 [open]
  6. Jonathan Marsh (jonathan@wso2.com) [5 issues ]
    1. lc-jmarsh-1 : XPath Expressions Too Complex? [closed]
    2. lc-jmarsh-2 : Schema Version Attribute [closed]
    3. lc-jmarsh-3 : Duplicate Listing [closed]
    4. lc-jmarsh-4 : Value of @mixed="false" etc [closed]
    5. lc-jmarsh-5 : Grouping of R2800 and R2112 [closed]
  7. Noah Mendelsohn (noah_mendelsohn@us.ibm.com) [1 issue ]
    1. lc-xsd-1 : References to concepts and terminology from XSD need to be made more precise [open]
  8. Paul Downey (paul.downey@bt.com) [2 issues ]
    1. lc-psd-1 : WS-I Basic Profile compliant schema import [closed]
    2. lc-psd-2 : xs:date and xs:time patterns not well suported by implementations [open]
  9. Priscilla Walmsley (pwalmsley@datypic.com) [17 issues ]
    1. lc-pwalmsley-1 : Document or Element Node [closed]
    2. lc-pwalmsley-2 : "node-set" should be "sequence" [closed]
    3. lc-pwalmsley-3 : QualifiedLocalElements [closed]
    4. lc-pwalmsley-4 : UnqualifiedLocalElements [closed]
    5. lc-pwalmsley-5 : ElementFinal [closed]
    6. lc-pwalmsley-6 : ImportTypesNamespace [closed]
    7. lc-pwalmsley-7 : GlobalElement and GlobalAttribute [closed]
    8. lc-pwalmsley-8 : @type colon [closed]
    9. lc-pwalmsley-9 : GlobalElementSequence [closed]
    10. lc-pwalmsley-10 : ElementMaxOccursFinite [closed]
    11. lc-pwalmsley-11 : ElementEmptySequence @name [closed]
    12. lc-pwalmsley-12 : ElementEmptySequence not(node()) [closed]
    13. lc-pwalmsley-13 : ElementEmptyComplexType @name [closed]
    14. lc-pwalmsley-14 : ElementEmptyComplexType not(node()) [closed]
    15. lc-pwalmsley-15 : Global SimpleType Declarations [closed]
    16. lc-pwalmsley-16 : GlobalSimpleType and GlobalComplexType [closed]
    17. lc-pwalmsley-17 : StringEnumerationType [closed]

Maintained by W3C XML Schema Patterns for Databinding.

Last update: $Date: 2008/07/23 16:51:42 $

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