Results of Questionnaire Registration for the 2009-11 face-to-face meeting of the HTML Working Group (Santa Clara, California)

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody. In addition, answers are sent to the following email address: mike@w3.org

This questionnaire was open from 2009-06-05 to 2009-10-31.

51 answers have been received.

Jump to results for question:

  1. Attendance

1. Attendance

Do you plan to attend the meeting?


ChoiceAll responders
yes 26
no 25


Responder AttendanceComments
David Singer yes
Shawn Medero yes
Jace Voracek no I sincerely apologize, but due to an occupied weekly work schedule, I will not be able to attend this meeting.

Jace Voracek
Samuel Santos no
Jens Oliver Meiert no
Kornel Lesinski no
Toby Inkster no
Sam Ruby yes
John Foliot yes I would like to once again thank Ian Hickson & Google for my sponsorship to attend (as I would have had to pay out of my own pocket otherwise)
Theresa O'Connor no
Simon Myers no
John Drinkwater no
Ian Hickson yes
Cameron McCormack no
Rob Ennals yes I'm only representing Intel in HTML5 temporarily, filling in for Tran who is away. Normally I'm only in the WebApps group. I would however like to attend as an observer if possible.
Stephen Axthelm no
Eric Carlson yes
Ben Millard no 1. Too far away.
2. I have no funding to cover the cost.
3. I have almost no new research to contribute.
Nikunj Mehta yes
Stephen Stewart no
Henri Sivonen no
Doug Schepers yes
Don Brutzman yes
John Stewart yes
Anne van Kesteren yes
Michael[tm] Smith (sideshowbarker) yes
Steve Faulkner yes
Philippe Le Hegaret yes
Michael Puls II no
Andrew Maben no
Martin McEvoy no Sorry No budget until 2010-01-01, Also I live in the UK
Tab Atkins Jr. yes
Gavin Sharp no
Carlos Cardona yes Thanks again to Ian and Google.
Jonas Sicking yes
Krzysztof Maczyński no
Joe Williams yes
Adrian Bateman yes
Roy Fielding no Conflicts with ApacheCon in Oakland
Mark Baker no
Leif Halvard Silli no From Oslo to Santa Clara ... unfortunately not possible for me to attend.
Chris Cressman no
Paul Cotton yes
Arthur Jennings no
Olivier Gendrin no
David Baron no
Mark Miller yes
Maciej Stachowiak yes
Silvia Pfeiffer yes I am interested to discuss video accessibility - in particular the progress from the Video A11y workshop on 1st November.
Masataka Yakura yes
Julian Reschke yes

More details on responses

  • David Singer: last responded on 22, June 2009 at 15:08 (UTC)
  • Shawn Medero: last responded on 9, July 2009 at 20:55 (UTC)
  • Jace Voracek: last responded on 27, July 2009 at 18:29 (UTC)
  • Samuel Santos: last responded on 29, July 2009 at 01:35 (UTC)
  • Jens Oliver Meiert: last responded on 2, August 2009 at 18:45 (UTC)
  • Kornel Lesinski: last responded on 3, August 2009 at 21:50 (UTC)
  • Toby Inkster: last responded on 11, August 2009 at 14:34 (UTC)
  • Sam Ruby: last responded on 13, August 2009 at 17:50 (UTC)
  • John Foliot: last responded on 13, August 2009 at 17:57 (UTC)
  • Theresa O'Connor: last responded on 13, August 2009 at 17:58 (UTC)
  • Simon Myers: last responded on 13, August 2009 at 18:02 (UTC)
  • John Drinkwater: last responded on 13, August 2009 at 19:09 (UTC)
  • Ian Hickson: last responded on 13, August 2009 at 21:12 (UTC)
  • Cameron McCormack: last responded on 13, August 2009 at 22:52 (UTC)
  • Rob Ennals: last responded on 14, August 2009 at 00:08 (UTC)
  • Stephen Axthelm: last responded on 14, August 2009 at 06:17 (UTC)
  • Eric Carlson: last responded on 14, August 2009 at 15:55 (UTC)
  • Ben Millard: last responded on 16, August 2009 at 15:11 (UTC)
  • Nikunj Mehta: last responded on 17, August 2009 at 05:51 (UTC)
  • Stephen Stewart: last responded on 18, August 2009 at 16:32 (UTC)
  • Henri Sivonen: last responded on 26, August 2009 at 13:49 (UTC)
  • Doug Schepers: last responded on 12, September 2009 at 02:23 (UTC)
  • Don Brutzman: last responded on 17, September 2009 at 18:16 (UTC)
  • John Stewart: last responded on 17, September 2009 at 18:16 (UTC)
  • Anne van Kesteren: last responded on 22, September 2009 at 12:43 (UTC)
  • Michael[tm] Smith (sideshowbarker): last responded on 24, September 2009 at 08:23 (UTC)
  • Steve Faulkner: last responded on 27, September 2009 at 20:33 (UTC)
  • Philippe Le Hegaret: last responded on 29, September 2009 at 19:26 (UTC)
  • Michael Puls II: last responded on 3, October 2009 at 13:03 (UTC)
  • Andrew Maben: last responded on 3, October 2009 at 13:10 (UTC)
  • Martin McEvoy: last responded on 3, October 2009 at 13:16 (UTC)
  • Tab Atkins Jr.: last responded on 3, October 2009 at 15:11 (UTC)
  • Gavin Sharp: last responded on 3, October 2009 at 16:20 (UTC)
  • Carlos Cardona: last responded on 3, October 2009 at 16:26 (UTC)
  • Jonas Sicking: last responded on 3, October 2009 at 17:44 (UTC)
  • Krzysztof Maczyński: last responded on 3, October 2009 at 17:51 (UTC)
  • Joe Williams: last responded on 3, October 2009 at 17:57 (UTC)
  • Adrian Bateman: last responded on 3, October 2009 at 23:15 (UTC)
  • Roy Fielding: last responded on 4, October 2009 at 02:28 (UTC)
  • Mark Baker: last responded on 4, October 2009 at 03:13 (UTC)
  • Leif Halvard Silli: last responded on 4, October 2009 at 08:52 (UTC)
  • Chris Cressman: last responded on 4, October 2009 at 21:36 (UTC)
  • Paul Cotton: last responded on 5, October 2009 at 02:52 (UTC)
  • Arthur Jennings: last responded on 5, October 2009 at 23:45 (UTC)
  • Olivier Gendrin: last responded on 6, October 2009 at 15:37 (UTC)
  • David Baron: last responded on 6, October 2009 at 16:36 (UTC)
  • Mark Miller: last responded on 7, October 2009 at 18:33 (UTC)
  • Maciej Stachowiak: last responded on 8, October 2009 at 16:40 (UTC)
  • Silvia Pfeiffer: last responded on 11, October 2009 at 10:11 (UTC)
  • Masataka Yakura: last responded on 15, October 2009 at 01:34 (UTC)
  • Julian Reschke: last responded on 15, October 2009 at 16:34 (UTC)

Everybody has responded to this questionnaire.

Compact view of the results / list of email addresses of the responders

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