Results of Questionnaire Quick reactions to illustration style

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody. In addition, answers are sent to the following email address: shawn@w3.org

This questionnaire was open from 2020-10-21 to 2020-10-23.

8 answers have been received.

Jump to results for question:

  1. Introduction
  2. First Reactions
  3. Tone
  4. More on Tone, Message, Look-and-Feel
  5. Website Context
  6. W3C website & WAI subsite
  7. Final thoughts

1. Introduction

Please go through these survey questions as they are presented, answering each question that you want to before you read further in the survey.

Note these survey questions are about visual style, tone, feel, etc. — not about the content of the images or what they illustrate.

Please provide your first reactions. Quick, informal comments are welcome.


Responder Introduction
Shadi Abou-Zahra
Daniel Montalvo
Vicki Menezes Miller
Laura Keen
Andrew Arch
Brent Bakken
Sharron Rush
Crystal Scott They felt like cheap clip art.

2. First Reactions

See the images in this Scratchpad wiki page.

What is your first reaction to this visual style of image? (not the specific content)


Responder First Reactions
Shadi Abou-Zahra I'm not a good candidate for this type of review. I don't understand most of them. The top two seem to relate to shopping. Also the two on the bottom-right look like that. One is maybe offering different options/functions? The bottom-left one seems to be reading. Overall I think the style is fun and casual, even though I don't understand what they mean.
Daniel Montalvo I'm fine with what EOWG decides on images.
Vicki Menezes Miller Informal quick reaction to the images in general:

Yes, they are okay, nice, colorful, modern. Just be careful not to clutter the image otherwise it could be difficult to understand. I have to admit that, in fact, I'm not too sure what some of them are intended to mean but I think the overall style is quite nice.
Laura Keen light, fun, a little too busy
Andrew Arch nice colours, bit too busy
Brent Bakken Too much detail (meaning too busy). Need to have less clutter especially if using to support parallel content. Color pallet is too broad. Narrow down the colors so there is some visual theme to the images.
Sharron Rush It seems quite informal, a bit cluttered, and casual. The style seems consciously "messy" meant to convey lack of authority or seriousness, playful.
Crystal Scott Cheesy, outdated

3. Tone

What words would you use to describe the tone that these images convey?


Responder Tone
Shadi Abou-Zahra Sorry, I don't understand what is meant by "tone" vs "style". Fun and casual.
Daniel Montalvo I'm fine with what EOWG decides on images.
Vicki Menezes Miller Cheerful
Laura Keen a lot going on
Andrew Arch thoughtful / thinking
Brent Bakken busy, intense, hurried
Sharron Rush casual, bright, informal, easy going, laid back
Crystal Scott I dont know.

4. More on Tone, Message, Look-and-Feel

More specifically, would you say this visual style of image conveys: casual? formal? friendly? authoritative? welcoming? professional? amateur? ...


Responder More on Tone, Message, Look-and-Feel
Shadi Abou-Zahra
Daniel Montalvo I'm fine with what EOWG decides on images.
Vicki Menezes Miller friendly, welcoming, they look well done/professional
Laura Keen casual, friendly
Andrew Arch friendly / welcoming / professional
Brent Bakken Style conveys: casual, busy, informal setting, abstract, focus on thoughts of people
Style does not convey: peaceful, authoritative, technology confidence, understanding
Sharron Rush not especially professional, not authoritative at all, welcoming yes
Crystal Scott Friendly, child/family-friendly but amateur

5. Website Context

If you saw this visual style of images on a website (again, ignore the content of these images), what kind of website would you think it is -- that is, what type of organization, business, etc. ?


Responder Website Context
Shadi Abou-Zahra Lots of shopping and lots of lockpads. I'd say Web Payments but maybe only because I work at W3C ;-)
Daniel Montalvo I'm fine with what EOWG decides on images.
Vicki Menezes Miller Shopping, information technology .. mobile, IT security, IT platforms
Laura Keen hard to say in isolation... I think it depends on the content.
Andrew Arch [pass]
Brent Bakken Some make me think of banking or shopping because of the content. I know the question asked to ignore the content, but it is hard to as it is so interconnected by the imagery. This imagery is so detailed that it seems to want to help explain or illustrate the text that it would be displayed with, like a story website, or instructional website.
Sharron Rush dating site, maybe travel, something social and fun
Crystal Scott School, education, children

6. W3C website & WAI subsite

W3C is considering using this style of images on the redesigned website. (And the WAI sub-site is planning to use some design elements from the W3C redesign for the WAI site.)

What are your reactions to this style of images for the W3C website?


Responder W3C website & WAI subsite
Shadi Abou-Zahra I'd need to see it in context. It seems a little comic to me but I see these types of imagery being increasingly used on websites. Usually when they are selling products or services, though.
Daniel Montalvo I'm fine with what EOWG decides on images.
Vicki Menezes Miller I think they are okay for W3C site.
Laura Keen I'm ok with the style. Depending on the content they may need to be simplified.
Andrew Arch big change, but would be welcome to lighten the 'wall of text' we usually encounter
Brent Bakken This style could work if it was more simplified and color pallet selected that was more uniform. It is too busy and portrays to much of a casual work setting. The images would need to be very specific for the content of the page otherwise it would just introduce complex decorative imagery that would add to cognitive load rather than add visual reinforcement.
Sharron Rush unless W3C is trying to downplay its place of authority, this does not seem quite right. Seems to strike a very casual pose.
Crystal Scott Please don't. I do not see this as W3C's style at all.

7. Final thoughts

Any other input and perspectives you want to share?


Responder Final thoughts
Shadi Abou-Zahra
Daniel Montalvo I'm fine with what EOWG decides on images.
Vicki Menezes Miller
Laura Keen It's hard to give concrete feedback not knowing how they be used.
Andrew Arch
Brent Bakken It is not horrible, but not for the W3C site as is. Too complex.
Sharron Rush No
Crystal Scott

More details on responses

  • Shadi Abou-Zahra: last responded on 21, October 2020 at 16:44 (UTC)
  • Daniel Montalvo: last responded on 21, October 2020 at 16:46 (UTC)
  • Vicki Menezes Miller: last responded on 21, October 2020 at 20:09 (UTC)
  • Laura Keen: last responded on 21, October 2020 at 21:14 (UTC)
  • Andrew Arch: last responded on 21, October 2020 at 22:49 (UTC)
  • Brent Bakken: last responded on 22, October 2020 at 13:57 (UTC)
  • Sharron Rush: last responded on 22, October 2020 at 14:21 (UTC)
  • Crystal Scott: last responded on 22, October 2020 at 18:57 (UTC)

Compact view of the results / list of email addresses of the responders

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