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Semantic Blogging Demonstrator

Semantic blogging builds upon the success and clear network value of blogging by adding additional semantic structure to items shared over the blog channels. In this way we add significant value allowing view, navigation and query along semantic rather than simply chronological or serendipitous connections. Our semantic blogging demonstrator demonstrates metadata driven views, new navigation modalities and richer query. It shows how a semantic blog can be used for informal knowledge management, and is set in the bibliography management domain.

We have aimed with this demonstrator to develop a tool that is simple, useful, extensible and illustrative. We seek to show that semantic blogging is a way to move blogging beyond communal diary browsing to rich information sharing scenarios.Our objectives include:

Our design was, broadly, to augment a blog with a metadata pipeline, with import, export and storage/access mechanisms. The three semantic behaviours (view, navigation and query) were built over this base. We grounded our demonstrator in the bibliography management domain, and implemented ontologies for bibliographic metadata, topic hierarchies and UI configuration.

The demonstration is available at: http://www.semanticblogging.org