
Server Version History

2.0 - underway
New features:
abstract hosting - refining...
Abstract functionality of bookmarks and annotations scripts. Potentially merge the two into a generic RDF metadata service with handlers for specific forms of POSTed data.
database optimization - refining...
Provide support for hetrogeneous database with optimized annotations/bookmarks-schema specific relations.
schema annotation parser - refining...
RelaxNG annotated schema drives the RDF parser.
Remove deprecated support for form-urlencoded POSTs without a parameter name.
Bugs addressed:
Upgrade actions:
CVS version identifier: -none- (or HEAD)
This version should be checked out without a version number.
1.2 - 14 April 2003
New features:
bookmark server - refining...
Added support for bookmarks with a W3C/Annotations/CGI/bookmarks script.
XML namespace rigor
Ensured that POSTed data had valid XML namespaces including in the rdf:parseType="Literal" elements. This impacts annotea clients POSTing XMLLiteral data without namespaces, for instance, old Amaya clients.
Bugs addressed:
W3CDebugCGI's `date` call not portable - done (CVS)
Incorporated Matthew Wilson's patches.
XSD datatype support
Strings are now indexed by their MD5sum and their encoding and their XML datatype. This change requires an upgrade script.
Upgrade actions:
install perl Time::HiRes module
W3CDebugCGI now uses Time::HiRes which is available in the debian libtime-hires-perl package:
apt-get install libtime-hires-perl
execute W3C/Rdf/bin/AddDatatype.mysql
The new database has a change to the schema. The Strings table now has an additional datatype field which is part of the unique index u_md5hex_datatype_encoding. The AddDatatype.mysql MySQL script adds a datatype field to the Strings table and re-indexes:
cd W3C/Rdf/bin
mysql < AddDatatype.mysql
CVS version identifier: V1_2
1.1 - 2 April 2002
Bugs addressed:
String Collision
Strings are now indexed by their MD5sum and their encoding. This change requires an upgrade script.
form-urlencoded POSTs without a parameter name
The code that tolerated this was removed from W3CDebugCGI. Temporary workarounds were placed in annotate. These will likely be removed in 2.0.
Upgrade actions:
execute Strings-substringToMd5hex
The new database has a change to the schema. The old Strings.substring has been removed and replaced (in functionality) by Strings.md5sum. The Strings-substringToMd5hex script updates this table and checks for collisions in the use of Strings records:
cd W3C/Rdf/bin
CVS version identifier: V1_1
1.0 - ? 2001
New features:
annotation server
There was no annotation server versioning before this. There was afterwords. I think that's a feature.
CVS version identifier: V1_0


W3CDebugCGI's `date` call not portable - fixed
W3CDebugCGI logs all sessions with a session id composed from the time. This call to time is not portable to windows.
relevent mail:
identified and described by Matt Wilson
form-urlencoded POSTs without a parameter name - fixed
W3CDebugCGI's logic used heuristics to decide what content type something was and whether to url-decode it.
relevent mail:
identified and described
String Collision - fixed
Strings with a common initial substring longer than 255 chars were assumed to be the same string.
relevent mail:
identified and described

See Also:

Server installation
Installation of the server code requires several steps.

Eric Prud'hommeaux
$Id: Serverversions.html,v 1.27 2003/06/21 17:37:16 eric Exp $