Web IDL/TestReviewTracker
< Web IDL
This document tracks the progress of the review for Web IDL Pull Request 271 (submitted by Cameron McCormack).
Reviewers: all review comments must be added to PR-271.
Set 1
Review by Travis
- ArrayClass-001
- Clamp-001
- Constructor-001
- Constructor-002
- Constructor-003
- Constructor-004
- DOMString-001
- DOMString-002
- DOMString-003
- Date-001
- Date-002
- EnforceRange-001
- Global-001
- Global-002
- Global-003
- Global-004
- Global-005
- Global-006
- LenientThis-001
- NamedConstructor-001
- NoInterfaceObject-001
- OverrideBuiltins-001
- OverrideBuiltins-002
- PutForwards-001
- Replaceable-001
- TreatNonCallableAsNull-001
Unreviewed: none
Set 2
Review by PLH
- any-001
- boolean-001
- boolean-002
- byte-001
- byte-002
- TreatNullAs-002
- attribute-002
- attribute-003
- attribute-004
- attribute-005
- attribute-006
- callback-function-type-003
- class-string-001
- constant-001
- constant-002
- constant-003
- dictionary-type-001
- double-001 -- YL See commit comment
- double-002 -- YL same as above
- double-003 -- YL same as above
- Unforgeable-001
- attribute-001
- TreatNullAs-001
- callback-function-type-001
- callback-function-type-002
- dictionary-type-002
Set 3
Review by Art
- enum-type-001
- exception-001
- exception-field-001
- exception-interface-object-001
- exception-interface-object-002
- exception-interface-prototype-object-001
- exception-object-001
- extensible-001
- float-001
- float-002
- float-003
- functions-001
- implements-001
- indexed-properties-001
- indexed-properties-002
- indexed-properties-003
- indexed-properties-004
- indexed-properties-005
- initial-001
- initial-002
- instanceof-001
Set 4
Review by Dom
- interface-001
- interface-object-001
- interface-object-002
- interface-prototype-object-001
- interface-type-001
- interface-type-002
- interface-type-003
- interface-type-004
- legacy-caller-001
- long-001
- long-002
- long-003
- named-properties-001
- named-properties-002
- named-properties-003
- named-properties-004
- named-properties-005
- nullable-001
- nullable-002
- nullable-003
- object-001
- object-002
- octet-001
- octet-002
- void-001
Unreviewed: N/A
Set 5
Review by Zhiqiang
- operation-001
- operation-002
- operation-003
- operation-004
- platform-object-001
- property-enumeration-001
- sequence-001
- sequence-002
- short-001
- short-002
- stringifier-001
- stringifier-002
- throwing-001
- union-001
- unrestricted-double-001
- unrestricted-double-002
- unrestricted-double-003
- unrestricted-double-004
- unrestricted-float-001
- unrestricted-float-002
- unsigned-long-001
- unsigned-long-002
- unsigned-long-003
- unsigned-short-001
- unsigned-short-002
- unsigned-short-003
Unreviewed: N/A