
From W3C Wiki

This page describes some of the sources of schema.org vocabulary.

IPTC rNews

See IPTC rNews / schema.org guide for details of the IPTC / rNews schema.org vocabulary.

See also schema.org blog.

WikiDoc Collaboration

This vocabulary began as a collaboration between WikiDoc and a Google team, before moving to schema.org. See the blog post and supporting documentation for details.

GoodRelations Vocabulary for E-Commerce

The GoodRelations Vocabulary is a powerful conceptual model for exposing e-commerce data on the Web, e.g. details about products, stores, companies, offers, and much more. It has been developed and maintained by Martin Hepp since 2002 and is widely adopted. The sponsors of schema.or and Martin Hepp are working on integrating GoodRelations into schema.org. This means that you will be able to use GoodRelations directly from the schema.org namespace. GoodRelations will remain an independent activity and can be used in a variety of syntaxes, including RDFa, RDF/XML, Turtle, OData, GData, etc. See this page for details about the integration.

Automotive Ontology Working Group

The Automotive Ontology Working Group is an informal group of individuals and corporations who want to advance the use of shared conceptual structures in the form of Web ontologies for better data interoperability in the automotive industry, and this at Web scale. Part of the work will result in extension proposals for schema.org.

Bibliographic Ontology Specification

The Bibliographic Ontology Specification (bibo) provides classes and properties for describing citations and bibliographic references (books, articles, etc). schema.org has attempted to align itself with bibo where possible, and used properties such as bibo:pageEnd, bibo:pageStart, and bibo:pages as the basis of schema.org properties.

STI Accommodation Ontology

The STI Accomodation Ontology is a Web vocabulary for hotels, vacation homes, camping sites, and other accommodation offers for e-commerce. Initially an extension to the GoodRelations vocabulary, it now serves as the basis for a schema.org extension for the the tourism sector.
