The Browser Testing and Tools Working Group TPAC Meeting
Observers are welcome to attend our group meeting. If any observers are interested in participating in the work on the test suite or joining the group, we will happily assist with this.
The meeting will be minuted to the #webdriver
IRC channel. All participants and observers are encouraged to join this channel in advance.
Dial in Details
The meeting will be held over Zoom and all the details for joining this meeting can be found on the W3C Calendar.
- ✅ AT-Driver (Explainer) - To be scheduled on or after 3pm CEST
- ✅ Resize and positioning windows (GitHub issue)
- ✅ Capture full page screenshots (GitHub issue)
- ✅ Ability to upload files and fill out file inputs (GitHub issue)
- ✅ Add support for `FindElement(s)` commands from WebDriver classic (Github Issue)
- ✅ Accessibility testing (GitHub Issue )
- ✅ AOM Accessibility testing - Scheduled at 11am CEST on Thursday
- ✅ Session history (get all history, bfcache and pushstate and popstate, other events)?
- ✅ Extension commands (various issues including webdriver 1701, webdriver 1725 and BiDi 506)
- ✅ Adding Permissions Automation to the Roadmap (GitHub Pull Request) - To Be scheduled on or after 5pm CEST
- ✅ Consider whether to allow multiple sessions in browsers (GitHub issue)
- ✅ Sandbox mode (container, incognito) (GitHub issue) (GitHub pull)
- ✅ Add support for examining/manipulating intercepted network response bodies (Github issue)
- ✅ Maybe this depends on a general IO handle feature
- ✅ Web Extensions testing
- ✅ Install / remove web extensions (GitHub Issue)
- ✅ Access to web extension pages (GitHub Issue)
- ✅ Document id & routing commands by document (GitHub Issue)
- ✅ Provide support for batching commands, either only for new session, or for the general case (GitHub issue)
- ✅ Emulation features - To be scheduled on or after 3pm CEST
- ✅ User agent override (GitHub issue)
- ✅ Get the unmodified (original) user agent (GitHub issue)
- ✅ Should client hints be part of the device emulation user agent string? (Github Comment)
- ✅ Support emulation of the device pixel ratio (GitHub issue)
- ✅ Webdriver BiDi Cookies (GitHub Issue) - To be scheduled on or after 3pm CEST
- ✅ Enable calling Classic commands directly from Bidi (Github issue)
- ✅ How should WebDriver BiDi expose prerendering activation? (GitHub Issue)
- ✅ a link to the prerendering https://wicg.github.io/nav-speculation/prerendering.html
- ✅ Support for "Is Element visible" (GitHub issue)
Lower priority:
- ✅ Perform Actions: "scroll" action incompatible with pointer origin type (Github Issue)
- ✅ Final decision if browsingContext module should be renamed or not (GitHub Issue)
Need-discussion backlog: