The Browser Testing and Tools Working Group teleconference
Observers are welcome to attend our group meeting. If any observers are interested in participating in the work on the test suite or joining the group, we will happily assist with this.
The meeting will be minuted to the #webdriver
IRC channel. All participants and observers are encouraged to join this channel in advance.
Dial in Details
Join Zoom Meeting https://browserstack.zoom.us/j/93785219642?pwd=QUZ1dkZyQUJUMnpvVGFwVFI2RXVZUT09
Meeting ID: 937 8521 9642
Passcode: 665217
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Meeting ID: 937 8521 9642
Passcode: 665217
Find your local number: https://browserstack.zoom.us/u/acEuiGfcyi
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The meeting will be held over Zoom. Details are above. The meeting will be at 5 PM BST/6 PM CEST/9 AM PST.
- Follow up / reminders from last meeting
- Logging module
- More?
- Refactor the way we use CDDL (jgraham)
- Basic support for subscribing to events (jgraham)
- Resolving minor issues for basic transport (foolip)
- Do we support > 1 connection for a single session? Agreement in issue, but how precisely to limit it?
- Inline issues in https://w3c.github.io/webdriver-bidi/#handle-an-incoming-message
- Require some minimum message size to work?
- Specify navigating a browsing context (foolip)
- Protocol design choice: immediate response + events vs. waiting for something a la WebDriver