The Browser Testing and Tools Working Group teleconference
Observers are welcome to attend our group meeting. If any observers are interested in participating in the work on the test suite or joining the group, we will happily assist with this.
The meeting will be minuted to the #webdriver
IRC channel. All participants and observers are encouraged to join this channel in advance.
Dial in Details
Join Zoom Meeting https://browserstack.zoom.us/j/92669701535?pwd=a29INjBtV3lodENhbU8xWGtpTXFsUT09
Meeting ID: 926 6970 1535
Password: 646924
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Meeting ID: 926 6970 1535
Password: 646924
Find your local number: https://browserstack.zoom.us/u/ad6en7ednW
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Meeting ID: 926 6970 1535
Password: 646924
The meeting will be held over Zoom. Details are above. The meeting will be at 5 PM BST/6 PM CEST/9 AM PST.
We are meeting Thursday and Friday from 09:00 CEST.
- Follow-ups from previous meeting
- "Brandon: So, AI is: getting an initial list of documents to work on before next meeting." (from notes)
- Spec organisation proposal (https://github.com/jgraham/webdriver-bidi created, using Bikeshed)
- Minimal feature to prove out in spec prose / impl prototype. Good if it's a useful addition to WebDriver and if it doesn't bring in too many issues. Candidates:
- Logging ("Log what's going on in the browser including console and JS errors" in goals)
- Notification of user prompts
- ???
- Discuss low-level transport protocol and message format: issue
- Supporting both HTTP and WebSocket messaging seems like it could be messy in the long term. Is it necessary? (zcorpan)