The Browser Testing and Tools Working Group will meet in 26-27 October at TPAC in Sapporo, Japan.
Observers are very welcome to attend our group meeting. If any observers are interested in participating in the work on the test suite or joining the group, we will happily assist with this.
The meeting will be minuted to the #webdriver IRC channel. All participants and observers are encouraged to join this channel in advance.
The git repo of the spec can be found here:
The current specification can be found here:
Our currently open issues can be found here:
The agenda will align with the overall TPAC agenda for group meetings:
We are meeting Monday and Tuesday from 09:00 in Room 104, 1F. Although we can occupy the rooms until 18:00, we will round off a bit earlier and have slightly longer breaks than specified, to leave room for informal discussions between group members and observers.
The formal bits of the agenda will be split between techinical discsusions and concrete work on the specification and the conformance test suite.
- 09:00 - Introductions
- State of the union (David)
- Agenda review. What else should we discuss?
- Open issues: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/showdependencytree.cgi?id=20860&hide_resolved=1
- Open issues listed in the spec
- Window focus
- Test Suite
- What should this look like?
- Steps to get to Last Call.
- 9:30am: Web Bluetooth/USB support in WebDriver
- Visibility and it's future (Andreas)
- How this affects visible text e.g. https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/issues/884
- How ShadowDOM/Web Components work
- Can we try punting this to another WG again?
- 1:00pm: Accessibility WG joint session
- Features
- Wiring up WebDriver to accessibility API on operating systems so that we can test accessibility implementation from the OS.
- Exposing info from accessibility apis to the javascript layer to enable testing from inside the browser
- Use Cases
- Testing Candidate Rec for ARIA, Core-AAM, HTML-AAM, SVG-AAM, Name Calculation
- Testing browsers for complete implementation of specs and interop. Repeatable testing that we can run on daily builds.
- Testing websites for accessibility as part of the same WebDriver test pass website developers are already using for other testing.
- Features
- Issues in the specification
- Interaction
- Open bugs
- Screen capture capabilities
- Future direction of the WG and rechartering
- Accessibility
- Mobile
- Console
- Logging