WebApps ⇨ WebComponents
Shadow DOM
- Spec: Shadow DOM - W3C Editor's Draft
- Tutorial: Shadow DOM 101 - HTML5Rocks
Custom Elements
HTML Imports
You should always refer to W3C Editor's Draft of each spec. Working Draft should be considered obsolete. Don't refer to Working Draft except as a historical artifact.
WebComponents telcons occur on an as needed basis and are announced on the public-webapps mail list.
Logistics: see Web Components meeting logistics
- Tuesday May 20th, 2014: http://www.w3.org/2014/05/20-webapps-minutes.html
- Tuesday June 3rd, 2014: http://www.w3.org/2014/05/27-webapps-minutes.html (got bundled together with DOM3 minutes, sorry).
Proposed Agenda Topics:
- Please submit agenda topics to public-webapps mailing list.