WAI/Website/Editing existing documents

From W3C Wiki
< WAI‎ | Website

The easiest way to edit an existing document is to navigate to it on the website. All websites should have a “help improve this page” button underneath the page content. Click on “Fork & Edit this page” to open the document directly in Github where you can make your changes.

See Anatomy of a Document for more information on how a document is set up.
  • If you can write to the repository (W3C staff usually can), you can immediately submit your changes to the source document by selecting “Commit directly to the master branch”.
  • If you want the change reviewed by someone else, select “Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request.”
    After clicking “propose file change”, you need to click on the “create pull request” button to actually generate a pull request. Select reviewers in this screen.

Only when the changes are committed/the pull request merged, the preview is regenerated.

Pull Requests currently have no way to preview, but we hope to change that soon.

Once you're happy with your changes, generate a pull request for publication.