Joining details
12th and 13th January 2017 0900-1700 GMT.
See 0900 GMT on the 12th in your time zone.
We will aim to make the days reasonably full, for example starting at 0900 on 12th to allow time for arrival, setup etc and ending by 1600 on 13th to allow for return or onward travel, assuming all are able to make this schedule.
There is no fee associated with attending this meeting.
IRC and dial-in
- server: irc.w3.org, port: 6665, channel: #tt Web gateway at http://www.w3.org/2001/01/cgi-irc
Hosted by the BBC in London, England.
Venue: Broadcast Centre, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TP. Link to this on Google maps
Nearest underground railway stations: White City on the Central line (red on tube maps), Wood Lane on the Hammersmith and City/Circle lines (salmon pink/yellow on tube maps). You want to head right out of the station, and cross to the other side of Wood Lane. Cross over South Africa Road and go up the diagonal path to the left of the grassy area; keep going to the end of the path, past Starbucks (if you find yourself outside Tesco you turned left when you should have gone straight on), Demeanour and Crussh and go through the revolving doors at the very end. Reception will help you from there.
I do not recommend that you drive but if you choose to and need a parking space please let me know and I will investigate the options.
Attendees and Registration
Registration is now closed for attendance in person at this meeting. Web attendance may still be possible - please contact the chair.
Name | Organisation | Arrive | Depart | Hotel | Flight | Comments/Special needs |
Glenn Adams | Skynav | 0940 10JAN | 1125 14JAN | Landmark | BA218/219 | |
Dae Kim | Netflix | |||||
Nigel Megitt | BBC | Vegetarian | ||||
Thierry Michel | W3C | |||||
Andreas Tai | IRT | Vegetarian | ||||
Pierre-Anthony Lemieux | MovieLabs |
(This is only a placeholder for now)
- Finalise TTML 2 WD for wide review
- Discuss IMSC 1.1 and IMSC 2 FPWD
- (possibly) review TTML <--> WebVTT mapping
- Day 1 minutes: http://www.w3.org/2017/01/12-tt-minutes.html
- Day 2 minutes: https://www.w3.org/2017/01/13-tt-minutes.html
Specification Topics
The Chair has flagged some issues as Chair's Pick as requested, but all the issues are important...
- TTML1 and TTML2
- Spec changes
- Previously discussed and agreed issues - only an update re progress/status on these is needed:
- Issues to close?
- Inline space #53 - close this?
- Recently closed issues
- Spatial positioning annex
- Chair's Pick: Interpreting the pixel measure #27
- Chair's Pick: Recently discussed: How to specify aspect ratio to understand positioning that may apply for display or video #30
- Need parameter attribute to express resolved storage aspect ratio in ISD #162
- Chair's Pick: Make inline region semantics set values on current region #168 - is there anything left to agree here, or have we discussed enough?
- tts:extent="auto" vs tts:extent="100% 100%" #215
- Timing / Temporal annex
- Appendix N assumption that root temporal extent corresponds with the beginning of a related media object #76
- Specify date as well as hours, minutes and seconds in time expressions #96
- Prefer end to dur on generated out-of-line regions #105 (smpte discontinuous case)
- Add ttm:mediaTimestamp (or equivalent) attribute #125
- Clarify timing concepts in relation to SMIL #135 - review in the context of the updated timing annex
- Clarify the application specific usages of clockMode="local" #136
- Clock-time form time expressions allow 60 seconds for media timebase #158
- Use of offset-time expression in smpte mode #160
- No restriction on time expression for smpte discontinuous mode #161
- Default play rate #164
- Styling
- Regarding initial value of tts:lineHeight #87
- Chair's Pick: Should background of a span be height of text in line or computed lineHeight? #101 also closely related to if not duplicated by Ways to make span background height be lineHeight #150- raised with CSSWG - and also to Clarify semantics of content bpd for inline and line areas #163
- Chair's Pick: Add support for marquee style semantics #119 - defer?
- Chair's Pick: The uniqueness of xml:id needs to be broken for some uses of condition #128 - close based on solution to Make inline region semantics set values on current region #168 ?
- The tts:lineHeight property should apply to span #131
- Chair's Pick: Ruby text should used special inheritance algorithm #133
- The width of content elements' areas is unclear, especially looking at the examples #134 - see also #127 below.
- Chair's Pick: The tts:displayAlign property may need to apply to content elements #137 - is this needed?
- Chair's Pick: The tts:textAlign property may need to apply to div, body #138 - is this needed?
- Chair's Pick: Consider applying ipd or bpd to content images #140 - agree to go ahead with this?
- Chair's Pick: Embedded graphics don't fully meet requirement #141 - change the requirement or implement it?
- Same fix as TTML1? Percentage and writing mode relative edges apply to tts:padding #144
- Chair's Pick: Inline block semantics impacts text wrapping #146
- Ensure consistency in ttml2 w.r.t. inline progression dimension vs direction #155
- Allow LWSP in some style value expressions? #178
- Add support for adjacent background area merging #189
- Add examples of new features commonly used with Japanese content (2 of 2) #203
- Add support for Audio Description requirements #195
- Same fix as TTML1? Use of 'em' units in tts:fontSize on region element is not well defined. #216
- Same fix as TTML1?Step does not apply to textDecoration #219
- writingMode and direction interaction #221
- The term "vertical scripts" needs formal definition. #230
- Apply tts:border and tts:padding to tt:image. #232
- Content delivery and profiling
- Presentation/Rendering
- Define HTML5 Mapping #127
- Chair's Pick: Style set resolution support for root inheritance #145
- Create a section on options for customisation #156
- Same fix as TTML1? Chair's Pick: Process [construct intermediate document prunes "set" elements #210]
- Same fix as TTML1? - Chair's Pick: Ambiguous definition of "empty" in Synchronic Document Construction #212
- Chair's Pick: Avoid populating non-applicable, non-inheritable styles in SSS(E). #213
- What is the painting order for image, text, backgroundImage and backgroundColor? #228
- Other editorial changes
- Implement Requirements conformance changes described in Action-372 #130 - has this been done?
- Chair's Pick: Recently discussed: Ensure that document conventions cover syntax used in value expressions. #186
- Specify attribute term delimiter as post-normalized space #191
- Typo in Note in 10.3.7 #223
- Chair's Pick: Add security and privacy section. #224
- TTML Intermediate Document Type "non-hierarchical" #225
- Typos in Examples in Appendix P #226
- no begin times in Pop-On example in Appendex P #227
- Actions
- Issues
- Next WD
- Spec changes
IMSC v.next
_Urgent modifications to IMSC1 that do not result in existing IMSC1 implementations to be non-conformant_
Refine scope
- Liaison feedback (member only links)
- publish IMSC v.next as IMSC1 Second Edition (or something else?)
Review issues and pull requests
See [1]
- last call for issues
- defer or address
- close open Pull Requests
Create publication roadmap
IMSC v.2 Scope
- should IMSC2 be a proper subset of TTML2?
- requiring HTML/CSS equivalence, including acceptable fallback
- candidate features
IMSC Miscellaneous
Group Miscellaneous
- Actions
- Issues
- San Francisco TPAC F2F
Day 1: 0900-1700
- 0900 Introductions, coffee
- 0930 : Agenda and working model for this meeting
- 1000 TTML issues and changes
- Status update on previously discussed and agreed issues
- Review of recently closed issues
- Spatial positioning
- 1230 Lunch
- 1330 TTML issues
- 1500 Coffee
- 1530 IMSC v.next scope and compatibility approach (with dial-in)
- 1615 IMSC liaisons and changes
- 1700 Meeting closes (day 1 of 2)
Day 2: 0900-1600
- 0900 Meeting begins
- 1230 Lunch
- 1500 Coffee
- 1700 Meeting closes (day 2 of 2)