- Editor: Sean Hayes.
- Date: 13 June 2013.
TTML DOM defines a platform-neutral model and API for manipulating TTML documents and their serialization into cue lists.
The Document Object Model (DOM) is a representation — a model — of a document and its content. [DOM]
Implementations that support programmatic acces to TTML using these API's must support DOM, because this API is defined in terms of the DOM, and some of the features are defined as extensions to the DOM interfaces. [DOM]
In particular, the following features are defined in the DOM specification: [DOM]
- Attr interface
- DocumentFragment interface
- DOMException interface
- Element interface
- Node interface
- NodeList interface
- ProcessingInstruction interface
- Text interface
- HTMLCollection interface
Every TTML document in a TTML capable HTML 5 UA that is classed as a Presentation Processor is represented by a TTML Track Object. This builds on interfaces defined in the [DOM]
In addition
- A Transformation Processor MAY support the metadata object model
- A Presentation Processor MAY support the metadata object model
- A Transformation Processor MAY support the profile object model
- A Presentation Processor MUST support the profile object model
- A Presentation Processor MUST support the Cue Object model
TTMLTextTrack Object
[Constructor(DOMString title, optional TTMLParameters parameters)] interface TTMLTextTrack : TextTrack { attribute DOMString title; attribute DOMString extent; attribute DOMString lang; readonly TTMLParamters parameters; attribute TTMLBodyElement? body; readonly attribute TTMLCollection styles; readonly attribute TTMLCollection regions; readonly attribute TTMLCollection profiles; readonly attribute TTMLHeadElement? head; void appendTo(HTMLMediaElement elem); Document getTrackAsXml(); void setTrackFromXml(Document xml); void populateCues(); Document serialiseCuesAsXml(); void appendCue(double startTime, double endTime, optional TTMLCueRegionElement content); };
The following example indicates how to populate a TTMLTextTrack from TTML received as XML.
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); //... // create a new track var ttml = new TTMLTexttrack("ex1", { } ); var parser = new DOMParser(); var doc = parser.parseFromString(xhr.responseText, 'text/xml'); ttml.setTrackFromXml(doc); ttml.appendTo( document.getElementsByName("theVideo") );
The following example indicates how to populate a TTMLTextTrack by constructing cues directly
// create a new track var ttml = new TTMLTexttrack("ex1", { } ); var xml = ttml.getTrackAsXml(); // make a new cue content element var cueBody = xml.createElementNS( ttmlNamespace, "region"); // populate cueBody here... ttml.appendCue(cueBody); ttml.appendTo( document.getElementsByName("theVideo");
The AppendTo(HTMLMediaElement element) method of TTMLTextTrack objects, when invoked, must run the following steps:
1. The text track list of cues is associated with the TTML rules for updating the text track rendering.
2. Add the new text track to element's list of text tracks.
3. Queue a task to fire a trusted event with the name addtrack, that does not bubble and is not cancelable, and that uses the TrackEvent interface, with the track attribute initialized to this TTMLTextTrack object, at element's textTracks attribute's TextTrackList object.
The void populateCues(); method of TTMLTextTrack objects, when invoked, must run the following steps:
1. Clear the text track list of cues.
2. Run the rules for calculating cues using the xml document as would be returned by getTrackAsXml.
1. Either returns a valid TTML document rooted at a tt element in the ttml namespace corresponding to this track.
or throw an TTMLNotValidException.
The returned value is a 'Live' DOM, that is changes made to it affect the relevant attributes on the TTMLTextTrack object. Similarly changes made to attributes and dictionary entries on the TTMLTextTrack will change the returned DOM.
However the set of cues is not affected by changes made to the live DOM until the populateCues() method is called, and adding or removing cues through addCue()/deleteCue() will not affect the DOM.
1. Parse the Document ttml and populate the readonly attributes, the parameter dictionary, as well as title, extent and lang.
2. Run populateCues();
1. Either returns a valid TTML document rooted at a tt element in the ttml namespace corresponding to the current list of cues.
or throw an TTMLNotValidException.
The returned value is not a 'Live' DOM, it is a serialisation generated from the current list of serialised cues.
It is possible to use this value to set the live DOM as in the following example, but note that this will replace all of the cues in the cue list
// create a new track var ttml = new TTMLTexttrack("ex1", { } ); var xml = ttml.getTrackAsXml(); while(moreCueContentAvailable()) { // make a new cue content element var cueBody = xml.createElementNS( ttmlNamespace, "region"); // populate cueBody here... ttml.appendCue(cueBody); } var xml = ttml.serialiseCuesAsXml(); ttml.setTrackFromXml(xml); ttml.appendTo( document.getElementsByName("theVideo");
The TTMLParameters object models the parameters that may be set on a TTML document instance.
dictionary TTMLParamters { // parameters TBD if we want to have more approriate types here. attribute DOMString cellResolution; attribute DOMString clockMode; attribute DOMString dropMode; attribute DOMString frameRate; attribute DOMString frameRateMultiplier; attribute DOMString markerMode; attribute DOMString pixelAspectRatio; attribute DOMString profile; attribute DOMString subFrameRate; attribute DOMString tickRate; attribute DOMString timeBase; };
The TTMLTextTrackCue element represents a serialised view of the TTML document at a defined time period.
interface TTMLTextTrackCue : TextTrackCue { TTMLRegionElement? getCueAsXml(); DocumentFragment? getCueAsHtml(); HTMLMediaElement? getCueAsAudio(); };
Returns an XML Element for the cue content. This Element is not 'Live' however and changes made to it will not affect the presentation of the cue if presented. A User Agent may return null for this method; for example if it implements a native TTML renderer and does not use the See rules for rendering TTML as HTML.
See rules for rendering TTML as HTML
Returns an DocumentFragment for the cue content. This DocumentFragment is not 'Live' however and changes made to it will not affect the presentation of the cue if it is presented. A User Agent may return null for this method; for example if it implements a native TTML renderer and does not use the See rules for rendering TTML as HTML
See rules for rendering TTML as HTML
Returns an Audio object containing a spoken rendering of the text in the cue. Note UA that do not support TTS must return NULL
See rules for rendering TTML as Description
interface TTMLCollection : HTMLCollection { };
interface TTMLElement : Element { attribute DOMString lang; };
interface TTMLTimedElement : TTMLElement { attribute DOMString begin; // define a type for <timeExpression> attribute DOMString dur; // define a type for <timeExpression> attribute DOMString end; // define a type for <timeExpression> attribute DOMString timeContainer; // define an enum for (par|seq) readonly attribute TTMLStyleElement? style; // inline styles on the element readonly attribute TTMLRegionElement? region; // referenced region // note can use Node.setAttribute("region", someAttribute); };
// models an element that can carry style children - do we need this, or just use DOM creation? interface TTMLStyledElement { TTMLStyleElement? addStyle(DOMString name); void deleteStyle(DOMString name); }
interface TTMLHeadElement : TTMLElement { TTMLRegionElement? addRegion(DOMString name); void deleteRegion(DOMString name); TTMLHeadElement implements TTMLStyledElement };
interface TTMLRegionElement : TTMLTimedElement { TTMLRegionElement implements TTMLStyledElement };
interface TTMLBodyElement: TTMLTimedElement { };
interface TTMLDivElement: TTMLTimedElement { };
interface TTMLPElement: TTMLTimedElement { };
interface TTMLSpanElement: TTMLTimedElement { };
interface TTMLBrElement: TTMLTimedElement { };
interface TTMLSetElement : TTMLTimedElement { };
// use get/setAttribute here to access individual styles interface TTMLStyleElement : TTMLElement { readonly attribute CSSStyleSheet style; // creates a CSS version of the style attributes on this element where origin-clear is clear. };
Profile Objects
Metadata Objects
Cue Objects
The following objects are used in a serialised cue list derived from a TTML Track Object.
interface TTMLCueRegionElement : Element { /// TBD };
interface TTMLCueBodyElement : Element { /// TBD };
interface TTMLCueBodyElement : Element { /// TBD };
interface TTMLCuePElement : Element { /// TBD };
interface TTMLCueSpanElement : Element { /// TBD };
interface TTMLCueBrElement : Element { /// TBD };
interface TTMLCueMetadataElement : Element { /// TBD };
interface TTMLCueAnonymousTextElement : Text { /// TBD };
[DOM] Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification, Arnaud Le Hors, Philippe Le Hégaret, Lauren Wood et al.. W3C.