< SweoIG
Wild Ideas
- Use Second Life to reach the web developer community – Susie Stephens
- Create a best practices document that focuses on the UI – University of New Mexico
- Outreach to the OWL community about OWL 1.1 – Alan Ruttenberg
- Promote “A Semantic Web” rather than “The Semantic Web” – Alan Ruttenberg
- Review existing documents distributed by Jeff Pollock
- Should do an event around the semantic web and databases (possibly focused on mapping tools) – Ivan Hermann
- Create the definitive semantic web site.
- Brown bag lunches in semantic web hubs (what's a brown bag lunch? - TomHeath)
- Roadmap for the semantic web and identify places where the Semantic Web development is problematic – Alex Piner
- Semantic Web Tutorials - Danny Ayers
- Semantic Web in a Box (http://dannyayers.com/archives/2006/02/02/sweo-suggestion-2-semantic-web-in-a-box/) - Danny Ayers
- SemWeb Bases (http://dannyayers.com/archives/2006/02/03/sweo-suggestion-4-semweb-bases/) - Danny Ayers
- Shared server space code exchange (I do 3hrs Java in exchange for 3hrs Python) - Danny Ayers
- Semantic Web Pattern Repository (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_pattern_(computer_science) , http://webpatterns.org/ , http://www.welie.com/patterns , or ESW Wiki: see FilterDown - interface with RSS/OPML or TriplestoreWhiteBoard) - Danny Ayers
- Job Mart - Danny Ayers
- Web 2.0 Mashups - Danny Ayers
- New Media (Tech-management targeted White Papers, Screencasts, Podcasts, Posters, T-shirts) - Danny Ayers
- Semantic Web Services might be of greater interest to CxOs than just the Semantic Web core - Jai Jaidev
- I'd like RDF-CL to be used as a good case study - Dave Rooks
- Do you have any plan to make connection to local semantic web group - AJ Chen
- Displace the common SW myths, e.g. The Semantic Web requires people to (re) tag everything, and The Semantic Web is a top down (central ontology) approach that eschews the way people really work - Jeff Pollock
- Focus on 'Situation', 'Problem', 'Implication', and 'Need' - Paul Walsh
- Use simple terminology - Paul Walsh
- In the Wikipedia it states that 70% of EAI project fail(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterprise_Application_Integration). SW could fix a lot of the bear traps. - Danny Ayers
- Compile some usual mistakes people make when designing semantic web content, ontologies, etc. (what typically leads to frustration = kind of design anti-patterns) - Martin Dzbor
- Develop the siocosphere. Piggybank or Timeline client.
SWEO Challenge
as started in the e-mail thread here: [1]
pehaps rate ideas and topics using pro/con statements, giving your name
Suggestions for topics:
- The goal is to create a foaf based personal address book. Take references to foaf files, display the content with some faceted view, for example (a bit like [2]), use all the tricks to understand some common content in foaf files (geo locations, vcard data, pictures, flickr references, etc) and of course the friends of friends in those foaf files as further possible links. It does not require registration like, for example, LinkedIn, and it nevertheless updates itself automatically because it will always take the latest foaf file content. Ie, I could have my own address list on my machine taking care of itself automatically via the foaf connections. Maybe combining it with some agenda data, a bit like Lee's SPARQL did. It should really be aimed at a useful, *personal* tool, easy to run and with a minimal (if any) installation. I would certainly like to use something like that... (One of the attractive side of this is that there *are* lots of foaf files out there to give this an easy start in terms of available data!) (Ivan)
- a flickr and google maps mashup, the mother of invention (Leo)
Suggestions for requirements:
- has to use RDF (Leo)
- Pro: ++ (Leo)
- it has to be a free web application that requires nothing (Leo)
- the participants have to provide step-by-step introductions of what they did. (Leo)
- should use some data from social websites and rss feeds (Leo)
Assumed Challenges
- Dealing with content-oriented (often mixed content) documents
- XML can wrap data that might be best expressed as relational or RDF data (and then join that data in XQuery queries with document data), the RDF world may not have as nice a story.
- RDF/XML is widely disliked!
Ivan's FAQ http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/SW-FAQ