
From W3C Wiki

Ontology for classification

NOTE: this becomes obsolete when the /ClassificationOntology is done These are classes of things we find important. At the moment, these are just tags on del.icio.us, but soon this will be part of a SKOS concept scheme.

Go here to find the tagged items:

  • [1]
    • article - magazine article
    • blog - blog discussing SW topics
    • book - indicates a textbook, applies to the book's home page, review or listing in Amazon or such.
    • casestudy - Article on a business case
    • conference/event - conferences or events where you can learn about the sematnic web
    • demo/demonstration - interactive SW demo
    • presentation - Powerpoint or similar slide show
    • person - If this is a person's home page or blog, see below.
    • organization - If the page is the home page of an organization, research, vendor etc, see below.
    • recommended - If the resource is seen to be in the top 10 of its kind
    • specification - a Semantic Web specification (RDF, RDF/S, OWL, etc)
    • software project/tool - For product/project home pages
      • browser, dbms, inference engine, rdf store, rdf api .... specifies the type of software.
      • end user applications - for browsers or tools that provide some functionality for end users
  • successstory - Article that can contain advertisment and clearly shows the benefit of semantic web
    • tutorial - a tutorial teaching some aspect of semantic web
    • vocabulary - a RDF vocabulary

If the page describes an organization, it can be tagged as:

  • vendor
  • research
  • enduser

If the page is a person's home page or blog or similar, it could be:

  • opinionleader
  • researcher
  • journalist
  • executive
  • geek

The type of audience can also be tagged, for example: LeoSauermann: changed the word to mean a type of audience (beginners)

  • generalpublic
  • beginners
  • technicians
  • researchers

Like this, queries like "sweo beginner presentation" give meaningful results on del.icio.us.

Of course, all this classification could be represented as a SKOS ontology. When stored as for example a SIOC graph where topics correspond to tags and bookmarks to posts, any SPARQL compatible

faceted browser or such provides a ready-to-go user interface for discovery. We'll show this along the way. The del.icio.us database with systematic tagging will be fine for input.

There should be no privacy concerns since this is all simply about expressing opinions on publicly available material.