BOF on a Tools and Applications For Linked Data
Location: Room M1 at WWW 2009 in Madrid
We need to put this on linkeddata.org, share it on the lod mailing list.
- JuanSequeda
- Patrick Sinclair
- ThomasTikwinski
- JamieTaylor
- OshaniSeneviratne
- AlexOConnor
- JunZhao
- TomHeath
- OlafHartig
- ...
1. Brainstorming
1.1 Tools
- Crawling and Indexing (Synchronization)
- Link Discovery
- UI/Linked Data Browsers
- Programming Frameworks (e.g. RDF in Active Resource for Ruby)
- Revise Best Practices
- Answers on the LD FAQ
- Reasoning and Inference
- Easier RDB to RDF/LD
- Collaborative tool to maintain vocabs and schemas
- Querying Linked Data
- Finding URIs
1.2 Applications that consume Linked Data
These are ideas that we hope the community will start to develop. Please add your name if you are going to work on something.
- Music/Location recommendations (JuanSequeda)
- Consume DBPedia location data about artists and integrate it with BBC (Patrick Sinclair)
- Use Linked Data to enhance browsing experience
- Travel/Geo mashups
- Product reviews
- Use Linked Data to enhance Advertisements
- Health Care (JunZhao)
- Financial services (e.g. background research on companies)
- Social Network applications
- Data Mining on Linked Data
- Embed Linked Data in desktop applications
- Semantic Web Meetup mashup (JuanSequeda)
1.3 Best Practices for consuming Linked Data
- Create Linked Data ecosystem: share results of linked data combination as linked data so others can reuse it.
- Linked Data Consuming architecture for a developed applications (blueprints)
1.4 What are the things on the web that we can't do easily now
- Finding the most relevant research papers. Finding papers on new topics in which you may not know the correct keywords
- Finding the optimal hotels when traveling
- Optimal travel from start to finish
- Track threads on news
- Mashup applications
- Analyze scientific datasets