
From W3C Wiki

Community Project

Content Label Wiki

David Rooks

1. Please provide a brief description of your proposed project.

The purpose of this project is to develop a wiki on [www.contentlabel.org] so that content labels have a central repository of information. It would include a list of all available content label vocabularies with detailed descriptions, implementation instructions and examples.

2. Why did you select this particular project?

I believe that content labels are one of the most compelling use cases for the Semantic Web. If they are marketted in the right way then mass adoption is very likely. For this reason i believe a well presented and well structured content label wiki is vital if they are going to be taken seriously by the developer community.

3. Why do you think this project will have a wide impact?

Content labels have the potential to revolutionise the way content on the web is discovered making it one of the most compelling use cases for the SW. Content labels could, if implemented correctly, have a positive impact on the entire web community.

4. Can your project be easily integrated with other wide-spread systems? If so, which and how?

It is already being adopted by the W3C Mobile Web Initiative. It can be adopted by the WCAG working group and all other initiatives which require conformance claims.

5. Why is it that this project should be done right now, i.e. why should people prioritise this ahead of other projects?

Because they are such a compelling use case for the SW.

6. What can you contribute to the project?

We can contribute resource to create new content label vocabularies and raise awareness withing the bloggng community.

7. What contribution would you need from others?

Design / build of website then endorse and promote.

8. What standardisation should the Semantic Web community at large undertake to support the project?

Whatever it can. It's already at Charter stage to progress onto a full recommendation track. So, it already has a foundation to build on top of.

9. How does your project encourage others not currently involved with Semantic Web technologies to get involved (by providing data or make a coding commitment)?

Mainstream bloggers are already volunteering to setup parts of contentlabel.org to help create new codes of conduct - starting with a code for blogs. Some Web 2.0 commentators are already talking about Content Labels.

10. What would be the main benefit of using Semantic Web technologies to achieve the goals of the project, compared to other technologies?

This project doesnt set out to use semantic web technologies but, rather, to promote them.


If you like this project, please write your name below and indicate what contribution you can make to the project.