Socialwg/Social API/Foursquare API
The Foursquare API gives access to Foursquare's core functionality.
Foursquare is a service that lets users announce their presence at a venue ("check in"). They can build up a social graph on the service, or just announce their checkins on other services like Twitter or Facebook.
The Foursquare social graph requires two-way relationships, so all "friend requests" must be approved by the friend.
If users check into certain places at certain times, they can win badges from the system. For example, checking into multiple Italian restaurants can earn them a badge about Italian food.
Users can add tips to a venue. They can also make lists of venues, like "Best parks for running in Cleveland".
Users can also "follow" pages (for brands) or lists and get updates as they come in.
The API uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication.
The venues list is partially user-curated. Users can submit venues to the service as new businesses open or close; they can also create venues like "Gate 84" or "The Mission" that might be smaller or larger than a typical business. They can also add venues that are private, for example their own house or office.
- User
- A foursquare user. Has a unique ID, name, avatar, and counts of social graph and badges.
- Venue
- A place that someone can check into. Restaurants, cafes, parks, etc. Includes geographical metadata (address, lat/long) as well as categories, hours, and counts of responses by users (e.g. likes).
- Badge
- An award given by the site to a user for doing some actions, such as checking into the same kind of venue multiple times.
- Checkin
- An activity where a user "checks into" a venue -- announcing his or her presence there. Other users can comment on or "like" the checkin.
- Tip
- A comment about a venue, expected to be informative to other visitors. "Try the chicken."
- List
- A user-curated list of venues, like "Best BBQ joints in Austin". Other users can follow updates for the list.
- Update
- Broadcast message from the system.
- Photo
- A picture associated with a checkin (and thus a venue).
- Special
- A special deal that's only available to people who check into a venue.
- Event
- An event at a venue; for example, a play at a theatre or a conference at a convention centre. Users can check into the "event" rather than the venue.
- Page
- A user account with additional profile information, typically for a multi-venue brand (like Starbucks).
There are about 105 endpoints in the Foursquare API. Since Foursquare's single app was separated into two apps, the API endpoints are marked as part of "Foursquare" or "Swarm". There are also some endpoints that are deprecated.
Content management
- checkins/add
- Check into a venue.
- checkins/<id>
- Get information about a checkin
- tips/add
- Create a tip
- tips/<id>
- Get information about a tip
- photos/add
- Add a photo to a checkin.
- photos/<id>
- Get information about a photo
- lists/add
- lists/items
- lists/<id>
- lists/additem
- lists/deleteitem
- lists/moveitem
- lists/update
- lists/updateitem
- Create, read, update a list.
- venues/add
- Create a venue
- venues/<id>
- Get information about a venue.
- venues/claim
- Claim ownership of a venue (to get editing privileges)
- venues/edit
- Change a venue's data (privileged users only)
- venues/events
- venues/herenow
- venues/hours
- venues/links
- venues/menu
- venues/nextvenues
- venues/photos
- venues/similar
- venues/stats
- Extra data about a venue
- specials/add
- Add a special to a venue (privileged user only)
- events/add
- Add an event to a venue (privileged user only)
- users/checkins
- users/lists
- users/tips
- users/photos
- Content created by a user.
- users/mayorships
- users/tastes
- users/venuehistory
- users/venuelikes
- Achievements by the user
- checkins/recent
- Recent checkins by people you follow.
- checkins/like
- Like or unlike a checkin.
- tips/like
- Like or unlike a tip.
- venues/like
- Like or unlike a venue.
- venues/dislike
- Dislike a venue.
- tips/unmark
- checkins/addcomment
- checkins/addpost
- checkins/deletecomment
- CRUD for comments on checkins. A "post" is a reply from a third-party application.
- checkins/likes
- Read who likes the checkin.
- tips/likes
- tips/listed
- tips/saves
- Response information about tips.
- venues/likes
- venues/listed
- venues/tips
- Response information about venues.
- lists/suggestphoto
- lists/suggesttip
- lists/suggestvenues
- Suggest content for another user's list
- venues/proposeedit
- Suggest changes for a venue.
- lists/share
- Share a list with your friends.
- lists/saves
- Show who's "saved" the list.
Social graph
- users/friends
- See who a user's friends are.
- users/requests
- Outstanding requests to become a user's friend.
- users/approve
- users/deny
- Manage the outstanding friend requests.
- users/unfriend
- Remove a user from the friends list.
- users/leaderboard
- Friends ranked by who's earned more points for checkins.
- users/setpings
- Manage notifications of another user's checkins.
Content relationships
- lists/follow
- lists/unfollow
- Follow or unfollow a list.
- lists/followers
- users/<user-id>
- Get a single user's data.
- users/badges
- Badges earned by a user
- users/update
- Update the avatar and other user data.
- settings/all
- settings/set
- Change how the application works, e.g. how it sends notifications to Twitter or Facebook.
Spam or other bad content
- tips/flag
- Flag a tip as offensive or spammy.
- venues/flag
- Flag a venue.
- specials/flag
- Flag a special
User search
- users/search
Content search
- events/search
- specials/search
- venues/search
- venues/categories
- venues/explore
- venues/trending
- Search for venues, events, or specials near a spot.
Most of these are for brand managers, not for regular users.
- venues/managed
- venues/suggestcompletion
- venues/timeseries
- venues/setrole
- venues/setsinglelocation
- venuegroups/add
- venuegroups/delete
- venuegroups/list
- venuegroups/timeseries
- venuegroups/addvenue
- venuegroups/edit
- venuegroups/removevenue
- venuegroups/update
- updates/notifications
- updates/marknotificationsread
- specials/list
- events/categories
- pages/add
- pages/managing
- pages/access
- pages/similar
- pages/timeseries
- pages/venues
- pages/follow
- pageupdates/add
- pageupdates/list
- pageupdates/delete
- pageupdates/like
- multi/multi
Example JSON
Below is a (truncated) example of a checkin object in JSON form from the API.
{ "id":"56282702498e24896627ac1d", "createdAt":1445472002, "type":"checkin", "shout":"Homebrew Website Club!", "timeZoneOffset":-420, "user":{ "id":"59164", "firstName":"aaronpk", "gender":"male", "relationship":"self", "photo":{ "prefix":"https:\/\/\/img\/user\/", "suffix":"\/QREPPTELDVOJ5CE5.jpg" } }, "venue":{ "id":"5518748f498ec1c4b3e6ff9f", "name":"Cup & Bar", "contact":{ "phone":"5033387701", "formattedPhone":"(503) 338-7701" }, "location":{ "address":"118 NE M L King Blvd", "lat":45.52398725868241, "lng":-122.66165710999158, "postalCode":"97232", "cc":"US", "city":"Portland", "state":"OR", "country":"United States", "formattedAddress":[ "118 NE M L King Blvd", "Portland, OR 97232" ] }, "categories":[...], "url":"http:\/\/", "allowMenuUrlEdit":true, ... }, "source":{ "name":"Swarm for iOS", "url":"https:\/\/" }, ... }