socialwg Teleconf 2016-12-13
Tuesdays at 10am US/Pacific, 1pm US/Eastern time for 60 minutes
- Check your timezone
Dialing / connection details:
Previous Meeting
- Chair: Evan
- Regrets
- Julien
- ...
Chair to start the meeting by typing on irc:
trackbot, start meeting
Trackbot should already be on the channel but if for some reason it is not call it with the following command:
/invite trackbot
Zakim won't know what meeting it is. Just ignore it. Pick a scribe from the list or ask Zakim to pick one up with the following command:
Zakim, pick a victim
Unfortunately Zakim has no idea who's scribed before so you may have to ask several times before getting an acceptable answer...
Then type:
scribe: xxx
Also, with WebEx, Zakim doesn't know who is on the call so, as people join they should record their attendance with the command: present+ <nickname>
For additional info, see the Zakim documentation page.
- Participation is limited to members
Approval of Minutes
Discussion Items
- Webmention
- PR to REC status (sandro)
- informative/editorial issues (aaronpk, tantek)
- AS2 - retry from last week (evan, jasnell, amy)
- Implementation reports summary:
- Publication: We had agreed to publish a new CR with the new editorial changes in Core. If we can resolve to republish CR today, we may be able to get it published on Dec 15 (before the publishing moratorium). If we don't resolve until Dec 13, that's unlikely. We're not entirely clear if these changes count as substantive and restart the 4-week clock, so let's try to get them done now, just in case!
PROPOSED: Confirm last week's decision to publish AS2 as a new Candidate Recommendation, now that we have a proper changelog for AS2 Vocabs and diff:
Tracking Document Status
Explicit check for updates on all our documents - if not covered by individual Discussion Items above.
Next Meeting
- 2016-12-20 with chair Tantek
Chair to close the meeting with the following command:
trackbot, end meeting
If you forget, trackbot will close the meeting for you when the activity dies down.
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