< SocialCG
Rescheduled from 2018-09-05
Membership of the group is open to everybody but all participants must sign the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement by joining the group.
Call info
This call will take place across IRC for text chat and Mumble for voice (there are clients for every mainstream OS). The call will be scribed for the record and so individuals who are unwilling or unable to speak on voice to be able to participate.
- Time: Wednesday, September 12th 2018 at 15:00 UTC
- IRC: #social on
- Logs:
- Mumble: Connect to: / port 64738 / password “goblincamp”. Join the Social Web Incubator Community Group channel.
- Please mute yourself or use push to talk so as to not interrupt when others are speaking!
- Also be sure to wear headphones when using a microphone. Otherwise there will be an echo and everyone will be sad.
- If this is your first time using Mumble, please show up 10-15 minutes early to set up your audio. (The audio wizard makes this pretty easy.)
- Minutes
- Chair: Chris Webber
- Regrets
- ...
- Re-schedule CG teleconference meetings
- Approve Extension process
- Approve adding vcard: prefix to context per #459
- Approve adding sec: prefix to context per #477