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This is a draft for a position paper submission to the FOAF Galway workshop. The subject of the submission is the issue of how to build an RDF schema as a community, with lessons and proposals for the SKOS RDF schemas, and a comparison with the FOAF style of development.

Community Driven Development of RDF Schemas: Lessons from and Proposals for SKOS

The SKOS RDF schemas provide a framework for publishing RDF descriptions of thesauri, and of inter-thesaurus mappings.

What is a thesaurus, and what is it good for?

Overview of SKOS-Core and SKOS-Mapping

The SKOS schemas are the product of the SWAD-E Thesaurus Activity, a workpackage within the Semantic Web Advanced Development for Europe (SWAD-E) project, which is an EU IST FP5 project.

This paper describes the current status and planned future direction of the SKOS schemas. The focus is, however, on the problem of how to manage the development of an RDF schema by an open community of interested parties, especially in the case where a user community becomes established before the schema becomes stable.

Versioning of RDF schemas ...

Allowing schemas to evolve under a namespace ...