RTOS/Example Service Providers

From W3C Wiki
  1. remote file storage services (e.g. “mount provider /home”)
  2. remote backup
  3. shared hosting services (“get you ~joe/public_html and ftp access”)
  4. dedicated hosting services (“here’s root access to an actual server we let you rent”)
  5. infrastructure-as-a-service (“here’s a virtual server, ssh as root”)
  6. platform-as-a-service (“here’s an API, package and upload your code, we run it the way we see fit”)
  7. application hosting (“tell us which app you want, and we run it for you the way we see fit”)
  8. software-as-a-service (“go to our website which does what you want”)
  9. IoT backends ("the data collected about you from IoT sensors, and the code that determines what happens in response resides on this website")
  10. computation service providers ("give us a bunch of data, we run our code on it and our website will tell you something interesting about it")