The Pointer Events group has two types of meetings and this document includes general information about the meetings:
- Distributed meetings, aka teleconferences and voice conferences
- Face-to-face (f2f) meetings
- The WG's Code - describes how the group actually operates including links to various resources
- GitHub repository - GitHub is used for all bugs, issues, and as a tracker for spec-related actions
- public-pointer-events - archive of the group's Public mail list
Draft agendas for distributed meetings are sent to the group's public-pointer-events mail list at least 24 hours before the meeting starts.
F2f meetings are announced at least eight weeks before the start of the meeting. Draft agendas for f2f meetings are sent to the group's public-pointer-events mail list at least two weeks before the meeting begins.
IRC and Meeting Resources
IRC will be used for every meeting to record minutes. The group's IRC channel is #pointerevents (irc://irc.w3.org/).
If you do do not have an IRC client, or have trouble connecting to IRC from behind a firewall, W3C offers a browser-based IRC Web interface (note: you must have a Member or Invited Expert account to use this).
Some resources regarding meeting bots, minute taking and the teleconference bridge:
Starting a meeting
The Chair or Team contact will ensure all of the relevant meeting bots are invited to the meeting before the meeting starts.
To start a meeting, please invite Zakim to the IRC channel if it's not already there, then type:
zakim, start meeting
Meeting Scribes
Each meeting will have one or more Scribes that are responsible for recording the meeting's minutes directly in the group's IRC channel. The group will use the RRSAgent IRC bot to facilitate taking minutes.
Among the general expectations of the Chair or Scribe are:
- Record meeting boilerplate via the following keywords:
ScribeNick: scribe's_IRC_Nick
- Example:
ScribeNick: ArtB
- Example:
Scribe: Firstname_LastName
- Example:
Scribe: Art_Barstow
- Example:
Agenda: URI_of_the_draft_agenda
Chair: Firstname_Lastname
- Example:
Chair: Patrick H. Lauke
- Example:
- Use the Present macro to record all meeting participants. The general syntax to add one person is Present+ Firstname_Lastname and a comma-separated list is used to add additional attendees. For a list of the group's participants, see Public group list. Examples:
Present+ Art_Barstow
Present+ Art_Barstow, Doug_Schepers
- Use the Regrets macro to record the names of those members that sent advanced regrets. Examples:
Regrets: Art_Barstow
Regrets: Art_Barstow, Doug_Schepers
Regrets+ Doug_Schepers
- Note the start of a new discussion Topic via the "Topic: Title of the topic ..." macro. Example:
Topic: Issue 123: Event X's Y attribute is underspecified
- Record Resolutions via the "RESOLUTION: Description of the resolution ..." macro. Example:
RESOLUTION: Event X's Y attribute will be a DOMString
The general expectations regarding the scribing of the actual discussion are:
- Scribe: try to capture the general flow of the discussion, citing the person that speaks and use "..." at the start of a line to capture the continuation of a person's input. The name assigned to a person can be their first name e.g. Art or their initials e.g. AB or their IRC nick e.g. ArtB. If you use initials and two or more participants have the same initials, create some type of unique id for each participant. Examples:
AB: One line captures my comment
Art: One line captures this comment
ArtB: the 1st thing I want to say is ...
... 2nd thing is ...
... 3rd thing is ...
- All: use the "s/text that was recorded/text that should have been recorded/" macro (possibly with "g" appended to the end to signify the change should be made to the entire minutes) to update the meeting minutes. Examples:
s/change attribute to unsigned long/change attribute to long/
s/Issue 1234/Issue 1235/g
- All: every person that attends the meeting is responsible for the accuracy of the minutes. This means that if the Scribe did not accurately capture an attendees' input, or missed an important input, the attendee is responsible for correcting the meeting record, preferably by making the correction directly in the ongoing meeting's IRC channel.
Ending the meeting and Announcing Minutes
The Chair or Team contact will send the Draft meeting minutes to the group's Public mail list.
To end a meeting, type:
zakim, end meeting
The minutes announcement sent to the mail list should include both the URL of the minutes as well as a copy-and-paste of the minutes. See example.
Face-to-Face Meetings
Although the group may have up to three face-to-face meetings per year, currently, no f2f meetings are scheduled.
All meeting minutes are Public unless, on an exceptional basis, there is consensus for the minutes to be Member confidential. Links to all of the meeting minutes are consolidated in the Minutes Wiki.
The general expectation is a meeting's Chair will send the minutes to the group's mail list within 24 hours of the end of the meeting.