Ontology editors

From W3C Wiki

If a data publishers cannot find a relevant vocabulary, or existing vocabularies are not good enough/suitable for the use case, they can make their own ontology. They can be helped by editors, such as:

This requires considerable efforts and requires some guidelines. Here are best practices:


Description: ontology editor (popular, pluggable).

Available at: http://protege.stanford.edu/

Unique strength:

Possible drawback:

NeOn Toolkit

Description: is another ontology editor with many pluggins available. It is especially suited for heavy-weight projects (e.g., multi-modular ontologies, multi-lingual, ontology integration, etc).

Available at: http://neon-toolkit.org/

Website last updated: 28 July 2014

Unique strength:

Possible drawback:


Description: is a small and simple ontology editor.

Available at: http://www.mindswap.org/2004/SWOOP/ (offline)

Unique strength:

Possible drawback:


Description: is an online vocabulary editor and publishing platform.

Available at: http://neologism.deri.ie/ (offline), remake available on GitHub (including a live demo)

Unique strength:

Possible drawback:

Topbraid Composer

Description: is a multipurpose Semantic Web editor.

Available at: https://archive.topquadrant.com/products/topbraid-composer-install/

Unique strength:

Possible drawback:


Description: is an Integrated Ontology Editor and Semantic Web Application.

Available at: http://vitro.mannlib.cornell.edu/ (offline)

Unique strength:

Possible drawback:


Description: is a community-oriented ontology and knowledge base editor.

Available at: http://www.knoodl.com/ (offline)

Unique strength:

Possible drawback:

Anzo for Excel

Description: will generate an initial ontology based on spreadsheet data and structure.

Available at: https://docs.cambridgesemantics.com/anzo/

Unique strength:

Possible drawback:


Description: a graphical ontology editor for OWL.

Available at: http://owlgred.lumii.lv/

Unique strength:

Possible drawback:

Fluent Editor

Description: a comprehensive tool for editing and manipulating complex ontologies that uses Controlled Natural Language.

Available at: http://www.cognitum.eu/Semantics/FluentEditor/

Unique strength: instant natural language representation of OWL/SWRL boosts productivity and makes much easier to read and understand edited ontologies.

Possible drawback:

Semantic Turkey

Description: a Knowledge Management and Acquisition Platform. OSGi-based framework plus various clients. The embedded client is a Firefox extension.

Available at: http://semanticturkey.uniroma2.it/

Unique strength: its Firefox interface allows for Semantic Annotation and/or Knowledge Acquisition (annotated text content can be used to produce new Semantic content). Support for OWL/SKOS/SKOS-XL

Possible drawback: support for OWL is limited. To version 0.10, there is no support for editing OWL Restrictions.


Description: a Collaborative Environment for SKOS-XL Thesauri (conversion to plain SKOS is also supported)

Available at: http://vocbench.uniroma2.it/

Unique strength: Strong support for collaboration and a detailed editorial workflow

Possible drawback: