Oliver Ruebenacker
Email: MailTo(curoli AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com)
- Oliver Ruebenacker
- Center for Cell Analysis and Modelling
- University of Connecticut Health Center
- Farmington, CT 06030
- Project: Virtual Cell (http://vcell.org/biopax)
- Responsibility: BioPAX integration
- Interests: BioPAX, OBO, SPARQL, Jena
- Description:
I work for the Virtual Cell at the Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling at the University of Connecticut Health Center.
My current project aims to integrate formats for molecular pathways, especially BioPAX and SBML, aiming to include other formats in the future. For this project, we have developed a Java application called Systems Biology Linker (Sybil), which makes extensive use of Semantic Web technologies (including querying, reasoning and program-based ontology-building) with the help of Jena and an ontology we developed called Systems Biology Pathway Exchange (SBPAX).
I am also facilitating the bi-weekly meetings of the BioPAX-OBO group, which aims to integrate BioPAX into the OBO Foundry, a task that requires an extensive revision of BioPAX. The workgroup usually meets every second, fourth and last Tuesday of the month form 3pm to 6pm in Stata Center MIT. Feel free to join our mailing list.