October 30-31 2014
Meetings in conjunction with TPAC 2014. Morning Oct 30, afternoon Oct 31st.
Zakim: we'll set up an ad-hoc session IRC: irc.w3.org, #mediacap
See also WebRTC meeting.
Oct 30, 8:30 - 12:00 (we're taking one hour of the "open slot 11 - 15")
- Startup (chairs, all): 15 mins
- authenticated origins (TAG rep, all): 60 min
- Break 15 min
- MediaStreamTrack ended (Jan-Ivar): 30 min
- audio output device enumeration (Justin): 30 min
- Next steps for Media Capture and Streams document (chairs, W3C team): 60 min
- Readiness for Last Call
- Last Call mechanics and expectations
Oct 31, 13:00 - TBD (Starting early taking two hours from the "open slot 11-15")
- Screensharing (Martin) (30 min)
- Bugs waltkthrough (HTA) (30 min)
- Break (15 min)
- Preparing test cases and getting them to the repo (Dom) (30 min)
- open (deal with open issues Media Capture and Streams): TBD
- Revised schedule and next steps in the Media Capture Task Force
- Schedule for items beyond MediaCapture