MBUI Telecon 2012 December 20

From W3C Wiki


  • Gerrit Meixner
  • Dave Raggett
  • Heiko Braun
  • Pascal Beaujeant
  • Joelle Coutaz
  • Gaelle Calvary
  • Javier Rodríguez
  • Cristina González
  • Paolo Bottoni
  • Jean Vanderdonckt
  • Nesrine Mezhoudi
  • Davide Spano
  • Carmen Santoro
  • Nikolas Kaklanis


  • Fabio Paternò
  • Jaroslav Pullmann


  • Dave Raggett


see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mbui/2012Dec/0014.html


Gerrit starts will welcoming everyone.

Introductory document

current status: main editor needed

Joelle and Gaelle could be minor editors from 28 January. Gerrit I could support you and we can finish the document together. Joelle you could work on the document now?

Gerrit: I will work on it in January and February, but then change jobs - Prof in University of Heilbronn. I am moving with my family in mid-Feb and will be off for 3 weeks at that time.

Joelle: I plan to work on the adaptation, thanks Heiko for granting access to that doc, see

Abstract UI document

Gerrit asks UCL colleagues for an update.

Jean: new text and model for the meta model section.

Joelle: I've re-read the whole document and note that there are some inconsistencies between the models and the text. (gives some examples).

Jean: this is to be expected since the meta-model has been evolving from week to week, and as soon as it stabilises we will update the text to match.

Paolo can't see the new section.

Jean: the part dealing with the behaviour meta-model has changed.

Carmen asks Jean to highlight the main changes.

... some explanation, but hard to minute ...

Some discussion around Paolo's email from yesterday.

Joelle: what was the motivation for introducing resource into the meta-model? (I wasn't here last week)

Paolo: the behaviours generally involve resources, and adding them allows us to provide a general treatment.

Joelle: do we have a reusable template for abstract behaviour, or is that the role of the behaviour meta model?

Jean: the primary goal of the abstract template is to capture the AUI model to re-use it where needed. Before moving it elsewhere we want to ensure it captures what we want.

Joelle ...

Jean: a template could cover the behaviour separately from the abstract UI, you are absolutely right

Joelle: this needs to made clearer in the description

Jean discusses some ideas for moving template to UI commands

Joelle: sounds good.

Jean: at Lyon we talked about changing localization to contextualization and moving it.

general agreement

Jean: we support Paolo's idea that behaviour can be described at any level of the CAMELEON reference framework

Joelle: how does that apply to task models?

... explanation ...

Gerrit: one question, at the end there is a list of open issues, is this up to date?

Jean: No. We plan to remove the issues that have been addressed.

Gerrit: that would be good!

Jean: we could perhaps keep track of the issues and how they were resolved in a separate document.

Joelle: a good idea

Jean: if everyone agrees with the new meta model, then we can update the text of the document to match.

We plan to include some examples to explain how the meta-models can be applied.

Joelle: that would be really nice.

Jean: one idea we've looked at is an auction.

Joelle: a simple case study that instantiates all of the meta model

We could have the examples in a separate document with links between this and the AUI spec.

Jean: we could also use the car rental example. The semantics are clear and the AUI is sufficiently complex to demonstrate the AUI features.

Gerrit: any other questions on the AUI document

Organizational stuff

  1. more participants from industry needed
  2. Who is going to implement the work in tools we're currently developing?)

Gerrit: I chatted with Philipp Hoschka (W3C Team) and agree that we need more participation from industry

Any suggestions who could be interested to join the group?

Carmen: we plan to support this in our Maria tool

Gerrit: but ISTI is an academic partner, not an industry company

Jean: if there is a company that is interested in implementation, but not a W3C Member, is that valuable?

Dave: yes, we want to hear about all companies ...

Jean: this will be easier once we have stable drafts

Gerrit: worried that in that case we don't meet industry needs

Jean: we need to get industry feedback and involvement once we have something of high quality to discuss with them.

Joelle agrees with Jean.

Dave: we should start to compile a list of prospective companies

Jean: in Serenoa, we have W4

Dave: that's fine, but only one company. It would be great start listing companies e.g. on the wiki, and we need to understand what we need to show them to get their interest in implementing the ideas, and also in getting involved in driving the standards work further.

We need to establish industry support for the work this coming year as it will be a precondition for extending the charter into 2014.

Next call?

As we are all breaking for Christmas and New Year festivities, we will have a break in the calls. The next call will be on Thursday, 10 January, 2013


We end the call with seasonal greetings!