List of events
- load
- progress
- xforms-close
- xforms-output-error
- xforms-submit-serialize
- dci-prop-change
- DOMNodeInserted
- DOMNodeRemoved
- DOMSubtreeModified
- activateEvent
- beginEvent
- DOMActivate
- DOMFocusIn
- DOMFocusOut
- endEvent
- focusInEvent
- focusOutEvent
- inBoundsEvent
- outOfBoundsEvent
- repeat
- repeatEvent
- topLayoutCloseEvent
- topLayoutOpenEvent
- activate
- beginEvent
- click
- DOMActivate
- DOMAttrModified
- DOMCharacterDataModified
- DOMFocusIn
- DOMFocusOut
- DOMNodeInserted
- DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument
- DOMNodeRemoved
- DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument
- DOMSubtreeModified
- endEvent
- focusin
- focusout
- mousedown
- mousemove
- mouseout
- mouseover
- mouseup
- repeatEvent
- SVGAbort
- SVGError
- SVGLoad
- SVGResize
- SVGScroll
- SVGUnload
- SVGZoom
- DOMActivate
- DOMFocusIn
- DOMFocusOut
- xforms-binding-exception
- xforms-compute-exception
- xforms-deletes
- xforms-deselects
- xforms-disabled
- xforms-enabled
- xforms-focus
- xforms-help
- xforms-hints
- xforms-in-range
- xforms-insert
- xforms-invalid
- xforms-link-error
- xforms-link-exception
- xforms-model-construct
- xforms-model-construct-done
- xforms-model-destruct
- xforms-next
- xforms-optional
- xforms-out-of-range
- xforms-previouss
- xforms-readonly
- xforms-readwrite
- xforms-ready
- xforms-rebuild
- xforms-recalculate
- xforms-refresh
- xforms-required
- xforms-reset
- xforms-revalidate
- xforms-scroll-first
- xforms-scroll-last
- xforms-select
- xforms-submit
- xforms-submit-done
- xforms-submit-error
- xforms-valid
- xforms-value-changed
- abort
- blur
- change
- click
- DOMActivate
- DOMAttributeNameChanged
- DOMAttrModified
- DOMCharacterDataModified
- DOMElementNameChanged
- DOMFocusIn
- DOMFocusOut
- DOMNodeInserted
- DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument
- DOMNodeRemoved
- DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument
- DOMSubtreeModified
- error
- focus
- keydown
- keyup
- load
- mousedown
- mousemove
- mouseout
- mouseover
- mouseup
- reset
- resize
- scroll
- select
- submit
- textInput
- unload
- begin
- end
- repeat
- resync
- mediaComplete
- prebind
- bound
- unbinding
- xbl-bound
- connectionDataReceived
- connectionDataSent
- connectionError
- connectionClosed
- connectionConnected
- timer
- postload
- loadProgress
- preload
- wheel
- zoom
- scroll
- load
- keyup
- keydown
- textInput
- mouseout
- mousemove
- mouseover
- mouseup
- mousedown
- click
- DOMActivate
- activate
- focusout
- DOMFocusOut
- focusin
- DOMFocusIn
- beginEvent
- repeatEvent
- endEvent
Internet Explorer 6 (Core, HTML+TIME 1.0, HTML+TIME 2.0, maybe others)
- abort
- activate
- afterprint
- afterupdate
- beforeactivate
- beforecopy
- beforecut
- beforedeactivate
- beforeeditfocus
- beforepaste
- beforeprint
- beforeunload
- beforeupdate
- begin
- blur
- bounce
- cellchange
- change
- click
- contextmenu
- controlselect
- copy
- cut
- dataavailable
- datasetchanged
- datasetcomplete
- dblclick
- deactivate
- drag
- dragend
- dragenter
- dragleave
- dragover
- dragstart
- drop
- end
- error
- errorupdate
- filterchange
- finish
- focus
- focusin
- focusout
- help
- keydown
- keypress
- keyup
- layoutcomplete
- load
- losecapture
- mediacomplete
- mediaerror
- medialoadfailed
- mediaslip
- mousedown
- mouseenter
- mouseleave
- mousemove
- mouseout
- mouseover
- mouseup
- mousewheel
- move
- moveend
- movestart
- outofsync
- page
- paste
- pause
- propertychange
- readystatechange
- repeat
- reset
- resize
- resizeend
- resizestart
- resume
- resync
- reverse
- rowenter
- rowexit
- rowsdelete
- rowsinserted
- scriptcommand
- scriptletevent
- scroll
- seek
- select
- selectionchange
- selectstart
- start
- stop
- submit
- syncrestored
- timeerror
- trackchange
- unload
- visibilitychange
Mozilla Firefox 1.5 (roughly, not xforms-*)
- abort
- beforeunload
- blur
- broadcast
- change
- click
- close
- command
- commandupdate
- compositionend
- compositionstart
- contextmenu
- dblclick
- DOMActivate
- DOMAttrModified
- DOMAutoComplete
- DOMCharacterDataModified
- DOMContentLoaded
- DOMFocusIn
- DOMFocusOut
- DOMFrameContentLoaded
- DOMLinkAdded
- DOMLinkRemoved
- DOMMenuItemActive
- DOMNodeInserted
- DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument
- DOMNodeRemoved
- DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument
- DOMPopupBlocked
- DOMSubtreeModified
- DOMTitleChanged
- dragdrop
- dragenter
- dragexit
- draggesture
- dragover
- error
- focus
- input
- keydown
- keypress
- keyup
- load
- ls-load
- ls-progress
- mousedown
- mousemove
- mouseout
- mouseover
- mouseup
- overflow
- overflowchanged
- pagehide
- pageshow
- paint
- PluginNotFound
- popuphidden
- popuphiding
- popupshowing
- popupshown
- PopupWindow
- reset
- resize
- scroll
- select
- submit
- SVGAbort
- SVGError
- SVGLoad
- SVGResize
- SVGScroll
- SVGUnload
- SVGZoom
- text
- underflow
- unload
- ValueChange
- windowZLevel
- xforms-moz-hint-off
Safari/WebKit, latest source version, as of 15 Feb 2006.
- abort
- beforecopy
- beforecut
- beforepaste
- blur
- change
- click
- contextmenu
- copy
- cut
- drag
- dragend
- dragenter
- dragleave
- dragover
- dragstart
- drop
- error
- focus
- input
- keydown
- keypress
- keyup
- load
- mousedown
- mousemove
- mouseout
- mouseover
- mouseup
- mousewheel
- beforeunload
- paste
- readystatechange
- reset
- resize
- scroll
- search
- select
- selectstart
- submit
- textInput
- unload
- zoom
- DOMActivate
- DOMAttrModified
- DOMCharacterDataModified
- DOMFocusIn
- DOMFocusOut
- DOMNodeInserted
- DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument
- DOMNodeRemoved
- DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument
- DOMSubtreeModified
- khtmlDblclick
- khtmlDragdrop
- khtmlError
- khtmlHorizontalmousewheel
- khtmlMove
- khtmlOrigclickMouseup
WML 2.0
- timer
- enterforward
- enterbackward
- pick
- change
- formchange
- input
- forminput
- invalid
- submit
- reset
- received
- DOMControlValueChanged
- loadstart
- progress
- error
- abort
- load
The specification also lists some other events like click, DOMActivate etc. but the above are somewhat changed in definition in comparison to HTML 4.01. (These are implemented by Opera.)