SPARQL queries
Transations of queries from into SPARQL.
# ==== Ex 1 : Names of proteins with a gene with a specific name or synonym # # SELECT # ?protein, ?name # WHERE # [?protein rdf:type :Protein] AND # [?protein :name ?name] AND # [?protein :encodedBy ?gene] AND # [?gene :name "CRB"] # USING # "", # "" AS rdf PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX : <> SELECT ?protein ?name WHERE { ?protein rdf:type :Protein ; :name ?name ; :encodedBy ?gene . ?gene :name "CRB" . }
# ==== Ex 2 :Ranges of transmembrane regions # # SELECT # ?protein, ?begin, ?end # WHERE # [?protein rdf:type :Protein] AND # [?protein :annotation ?annotation] AND # [?annotation rdf:type :Transmembrane_Annotation] AND # [?annotation :range ?range] AND # [?range :begin ?begin] AND -- Note: Should use MAYBE... # [?range :end ?end] # USING # "", # "" AS rdf PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX : <> SELECT ?protein ?begin ?end WHERE { ?protein rdf:type :Protein ; :annotation ?annotation . ?annotation rdf:type :Transmembrane_Annotation . # As given ?annotation :range ?range . ?range :begin ?begin . ?range :end ?end . # Optional ## OPTIONAL ## { ?annotation :range ?range . ## ?range :begin ?begin ; ## :end ?end . ## } }
# ==== Ex 3 : Proteins with publications by authors with matching names # # SELECT # ?protein, ?author, ?title # WHERE # [?protein rdf:type :Protein] AND # [?protein :modified ?modified] AND # [?protein :citation ?citation] AND # [?citation :author ?author] AND # ?author ~ "bairoch %" AND # [?citation :title ?title] # USING # "", # "" AS rdf PREFIX : <> PREFIX rdf: <> SELECT ?protein ?author ?title { ?protein rdf:type :Protein . ?protein :modified ?modified . ?protein :citation ?citation . ?citation :author ?author . FILTER ( regex(?author, "^bairoch ", "i") ) . ?citation :title ?title }
# ==== Ex 4 :Number of times a publication by a specific author is cited # # COUNT # ?protein # WHERE # [?protein rdf:type :Protein] AND # [?protein :citation ?citation] AND # [?citation :author "Bairoch A."] # USING # "", # "" AS rdf # No COUNT in SPARQL PREFIX : <> PREFIX rdf: <> SELECT ?protein WHERE { ?protein rdf:type :Protein ; :citation [ :author "Bairoch A." ] . }
# ==== Ex 5 :Resources that are related to proteins annotated with a specific keyword # # SELECT # ?related # WHERE # [?protein rdf:type :Protein] AND # [?protein :classifiedWith <>] AND # [?protein rdfs:seeAlso ?related] # USING # "", # "" AS rdf, # "" AS rdfs PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX : <> SELECT ?related WHERE { ?protein rdf:type :Protein ; :classifiedWith <> ; rdfs:seeAlso ?related . }
# ==== Ex 6 : Genes associated with human diseases # # SELECT # ?gene AS "Gene", ?name AS "Name", ?text AS "Disease" # WHERE # [?protein rdf:type :Protein] AND # [?protein :gene ?gene] AND # [?gene :name ?name] AND # [?protein :organism taxon:9606] AND # [?protein :annotation ?annotation] AND # [?annotation rdf:type :Disease_Annotation] AND # [?annotation rdfs:comment ?text] # USING # "", # "" AS rdf, # "" AS rdfs, # "" AS taxon PREFIX : <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX taxon: <> # No variable aliases SELECT ?gene ?name ?text { ?protein rdf:type :Protein . ?protein :gene ?gene . ?gene :name ?name . ?protein :organism <> . ?protein :annotation ?annotation . ?annotation rdf:type :Disease_Annotation . ?annotation rdfs:comment ?text . }
# ==== Ex 7 : Sequences of bacterial proteins # # SELECT # ?protein, ?aa # WHERE # [?protein rdf:type :Protein] AND # [?protein :organism taxon:2] AND # [?protein :sequence ?s] AND # [?s rdf:value ?aa] # USING # "", # "" AS rdf, # "" AS rdfs, # "" AS taxon PREFIX : <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX taxon: <> SELECT ?protein ?aa { ?protein rdf:type :Protein . ?protein :organism <> . ?protein :sequence ?s . ?s rdf:value ?aa }
# ==== Ex 8 : Recently modified entries # # SELECT # ?protein, ?date # WHERE # [?protein rdf:type :Protein] AND # [?protein :modified ?date] AND # ?date > "2004-08" # USING # "", # "" AS rdf PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX : <> SELECT ?protein ?date WHERE { ?protein rdf:type :Protein ; :modified ?date . # Not a date! FILTER ( ?date > "2004-08" ) }
# ==== Ex 9 : Interactions between two specific enzymes # # SELECT # ?interaction, ?p1, ?p2 # WHERE # [?p1 rdf:type :Protein] AND # [?p1 :enzyme ec:2.7.7.-] AND # [?p2 rdf:type :Protein] AND # [?p2 :enzyme ec:] AND # [?interaction rdf:type :Interaction] AND # [?interaction :participant ?p1] AND # [?interaction :participant ?p2] # USING # "", # "" AS rdf, # "" AS rdfs, # "" AS ec PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX : <> SELECT ?interaction ?p1 ?p2 WHERE { ?p1 rdf:type :Protein ; :enzyme <> . ?p2 rdf:type :Protein ; :enzyme <> . ?interaction rdf:type :Interaction ; :participant ?p1 ; :participant ?p2 . }