Linked Open Data (LOD) - W3C Track @ WWW2010
The Linked Open Data Camp, organized by W3C, will be held at the upcoming 19th International World Wide Web Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina (USA), on 29 April 2010. See W3C Track @ WWW2010 for a more detailed agenda.
The event will feature a mix of structured content (talks, demos, lightning talks, etc.) and unstructured content. Topics of discussion for the two afternoon sessions will be selected at the camp during the mroning session. This Wiki page is intended to collect suggestions in advance and to record the discussions that will be held on site.
If you're willing to lead a discussion, please add your name to a topic below. Thx!
Pre-camp Topic suggestions
Feel free to edit this section and append your own suggestion to the list or refine an already suggested topic!
- Vocabularies
- Identity (alternatives and refinement for owl:sameAs)
- Crawling through the LOD
- Visualizing
- User Interfaces
- User scripts for server-side Semantic Apps
- Methods of mapping public databases to LOD
- Metadata
Lightning Talks (LTs)
Anything from announcements, controversial statements, project proposals, observations, etc. is great material for a lightning talk.
Old idea for talks: one slide (optional) and two minutes time (sharp).
Maybe a better idea: as many slides as you want, 3 minutes talk, 2 minutes questions/answers. Since we currently have 17 talks and 90 minutes allocated, that's about right.
Suggested procedure: add your talk/topic here. Include link to slides, so we generally wont have to switch machines.
Morning Keynotes (10:30)
- TimBL, W3C Tim's TED talk
- Thomas Roessler, W3C domain lead
Lightning Talks (11:00)
Add/edit yourself here. Link you slides from here. Three minutes to present, two minutes for discussion.
- eGov opportunities John Sheridan or Jeni Tennison ( (one slide)
- Raw Government Data Now: from Linkable Data to Linked Data - Li Ding (data-gov experience on US gov data, one slide)
- Legislation and Linked Data - John Sheridan (one slide)
- Publish experiment data and their provenance as Linked Data - Jun Zhao (one slide)
- Crawling the LOD with ldspider -- Andreas Harth (slides)
- Linked Data Structures -- Niko Popitsch (slides)
- Using RIF (Rule Interchange Format) with Linked Data -- Sandro Hawke (one slide)
- Dataset Dynamics/Change Notifications -- Juergen Umbrich (two slides)
- LOD For Models & OMG Architecture Ecosystem SIG - Cory Casanave Slides
- Linked Data and Memento - Herbert Van de Sompel, Michael Nelson, Robert Sanderson
- Financial and Business Data -- Dave Raggett (slides)
- Do we need Hypermedia/Write-able RDF? (e.g. RDF Forms, PushBack, other? related: Hypermedia Factors) (Updated slides)
Lunch (12:00)
Afternoon Keynote (1:30)
- Facebook's latest announcements - David Recordon
Lightning Talks, Continued (2:15)
- - Ian Millard / Hugh Glaser (2min demo:
- Linked Open Drug Data Health Care/Life Sciences opportunities (ericP)
- The Munnin WW1 Project - Rob Warren (one slide) -- Dumping the contents of First World War archives as linked open data.
- EnAKTing Project - 4sreasoner (4store reasoner) - Manuel Salvadores
- Linked Data Tables (publishing RDF using WYSIWYG HTML) -- Sandro Hawke (Tutorial)
- Triplification Challenge deadline extended - Olaf Hartig (slide)
- dotNetRDF RDF API for .Net Developers - Rob Vesse (one slide)
- Transparency Laws and Linked Data in Chile - Claudio Gutierrez
- The third International Provenance and Annotation Workshop late breaking contributions CFP - Li Ding(one page flyer)
- Linked Data API, JeniT
Planning for Breakouts (2:45)
- Government Linked Data (selected)
- LD crawling, searching
- Dataset Dynamics, see meetings for details (selected)
- Writable RDF
- Facebook / (selected)
- Identity / owl:sameAs /
Afternoon Break (3:00)
Breakouts I (3:30)
1) Government Linked Data
2) Dataset Dynamics for further information and results see notes
- Laurent Alquier
3) Facebook /
Reconvene (4:30)
- breakout results
- possible future plans
Adjourn (5:00)
If you're planning on participating to the camp, feel free to let other know by adding your name below:
- Marie-Claire Forgue, W3C Track chair contact
- Ivan Herman, W3C
- Eric Prud'hommeaux, W3C
- Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
- Dave Raggett, W3C
- Fabien Gandon, INRIA
- RaphaelTroncy, EURECOM
- Davy Van Deursen, Ghent University - IBBT
- Milan Stankovic,
- Harald Sack, Hasso-Plattner Institute (HPI), University of Potsdam
- Jeni Tennison, The Stationery Office
- Elena Montiel-Ponsoda, Ontology Engineering Group, UPM, Spain
- Richard Cyganiak, DERI
- Matthew Rowe, University of Sheffield
- Oshani Seneviratne, MIT
- Niko Popitsch, University of Vienna
- Andreas Harth, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Jürgen Umbrich, DERI, NUI Galway
- Philipp Cimiano, CITEC, Bielefeld University
- Hugh Glaser, Seme4 Ltd.
- Ian Millard, University of Southampton
- Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Jörg Waitelonis, Hasso-Plattner Institute (HPI), University of Potsdam
- Bernhard Haslhofer, University of Vienna
- Li Ding, RPI
- Mike Amundsen
- Karen Myers, W3C Development Officer
- Jeff Jaffe, CEO, W3C
- Jane Greenberg, SILS/Metadata Research Center, UNC, Chapel Hill
- John Sheridan, The [UK] National Archives /
- CoryCasanave, Model Driven Solutions
- Rob Sanderson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Michael L. Nelson, Old Dominion University
- Olaf Hartig, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- David Recordon, Facebook
- Jun Zhao, Oxford University
- Manuel Salvadores, University of Southampton
- Dave Challis, University of Southampton
- Ian Jacobi, MIT
- Rob Vesse, University of Southampton
- Claudio Venezia, Telecom Italia
- Mike Dean, BBN
- Claudio Gutierrez, University of Chile
- Rob Warren, University of Zurich
- Laurent Alquier, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development