Kjetil Kjernsmo
Email: MailTo(kkj at computas.com) at work or MailTo(kjetil@kjernsmo.net) privately
I've been interested in the Semantic Web since around 1998. Then a student at the Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics in Oslo, Norway, I didn't have too much time to actually work on it. I worked on some smaller projects after graduating in 2002 where Semweb ideas were central, and I continued to work on some semweb-related things at Opera Software, which I joined in 2005. In particular, I put up a SPARQL Endpoint for my.opera.com data, and created support for various vocabularies including FOAF on that site.
I left Opera in 2007 to join Computas AS, a Norwegian consultancy, where I now work 100% on Semantic Web projects.