
From W3C Wiki

Netherlands Semantic Web Gatherings

This is an attempt to start a (semi)regular and not-entirely-formal gathering of people associated with the Semantic Web in Holland.


The people from CWI, UvA and VU have kindly offered to host the meeting.

Location 1: CWI (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Kruislaan, http://www.cwi.nl)

  + Open wireless for visitors
  + No limitations for the date
  - Public transport takes longer (only bus goes directly here)
  - The nearest nice pub quite far away

Location 2: VU (Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan, http://www.vu.nl)

  + No limitations for the date
  + Easy to reach by public transportation (fast tram connection, intercity train station, ringroad)
  - No open wireless for visitors
  - The nearest nice pub quite far away

Location 3: UvA (Universiteit van Amsterdam, Roeterseiland, http://www.uva.nl)

  + The most central location, easy to reach by public transportation
  + Nice pubs very close
  - No open wireless for visitors
  - Date limitation: available only the week before Christmas (17 - 21 December 2007)


A skeleton until we have more information. If you have a presentation/demo/talk you'd like to make, please contact YrjanaRankka.

:00 - :15 (15')
:15 - :45 (30')
:45 - :15 (30')
:15 - :45 (30')
:45 - : 15 (30')
:15 -> :35 (20')
:35 ->

List of interested, possible participants

Please add your information here if willing to participate

Who 20071210 CWI 20071210 VU 20071214 CWI 20071214 VU 20071217 CWI 20071217 VU 20071217 UvA 20071221 CWI 20071221 VU
Yrjana Rankka +1 until 1630 +1 until 1630 +1 until 1600 +1 until 1600 +1 anytime +1 all day +1 all day +1 from 1500 +1 from 1500
Orri Erling +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Ivan Herman until 1600 Sort-of No No Yes Sort-of Not really No No
Peter de Laat from 1500 from 1500
Zeljko Obrenovic
Frank van Harmelen +1 +1 No No No No +1 +1
Guus Schreiber +1 16-18 No No No No No No No No

Generally interested