HCLSIG BioRDF Subgroup/Tasks/URI Best Practices/Status 2007-06-08
History of this task
- Spring 2006: URI Best Practices identified as task of BioRDF subgroup.
- Summer 2006: Requirements/use case gathering (recorded in wiki)
- Sep 2006, Amsterdam:
- Alan presents resolution ontology idea, with reference implementation (see [[/../URI Statements]])
- Ivan proposes that a recommendations document be a work product of HCLS
- JAR (Jonathan Rees) recruited to work on writeup
- Winter 2006-07: JAR writes several exploratory memos; some discussion, no decisions. See http://wiki.neurocommons.org/UriBestPractices
- April-May 2007: JAR implements a PURL-based naming scheme for use in HCLS demo (http://sw.neurocommons.org/2007/uri-explanation.html, http://wiki.neurocommons.org/CommonNaming)
- May 2007: Alan presents at I3 and IWWWC (Banff); see http://wiki.neurocommons.org/I3 and his slides (where are they?)
- May 2007 Banff (WWW2007) - Informal discussion on requirements and provenenance of URIs
Components of this task
- Decide on requirements (i.e. what is in scope) - this is important because the task is always in danger of growing too large
- Design an ontology, if needed, and prepare reference implementation
- Develop recommendations for URI minting
- Propose particular URI's for troublesome entities, if this is in scope
JAR proposes for future progress
- Review use cases and requirements
- JAR to attempt to coax consensus on requirements. Problems and criteria introduced after this will be ignored or addressed at JAR's discretion
- JAR to draft ontology derived from Alan's work, with modular presentation (one concept at a time rather than monolithic)
- JAR to attempt to build consensus on particular URI choices and plan for ongoing maintenance, if necessary
- Target date for recommendations document: September 30
- Obtain blessing of W3C TAG (or at least ongoing review from some TAG member)
[[/../|URI Practices]]