HCLSIG BioRDF Subgroup/Demo Thoughts
Demo Thoughts
- Detailed information on the WWW2007 demo.
- Focus on Alzheimer's Disease, Huntington's Disease, and Parkinson's.
- Selected query for Huntington's Disease: Show me the location of receptors that bind to a ligand which is a therapeutic agent in {Parkinson’s, Huntington’s} disease in each of the dopaminergic neurons in the {pars compacta, pars reticularis, substantia nigra}. - Don Doherty
- Important to try to link demo results (from a query) to image data in order to make it more tangible to both wet lab scientists and clinicians. I think linking to expression data of any kind would make the demo more generally appealing and visualizations always seem to add value to demonstrations. - Scott Marshall
- One possible use case is one where we can use spatialization/location information (e.g. for a given type of receptor or compartment) and/or related gene information is used to map query results to a brain visualization of some sort (e.g. cross section with expression coloring, MRI, etc.). Using an existing tool to accomplish this would save time. One possibility is Mouse BIRN Atlasing Tool (MBAT). Other possibilities, such as with MRI can be found at Available BIRN Tools & Data. (thanks to William Bug for info about BIRN) - Scott Marshall
- An RDF system has been put in place to navigate to healthcare resources stored in many systems including genetic resources, proteomic resources, and healthcare medical record resources. One of the healthcare resources is a CDA document, which itself has a URI. However, within the CDA document, are detailed resources expressed as HL7 RIM Acts which also carry URI's. I would like to navigate from my RDF-based navigation system to a specific kind of HL7 RIM Act, e.g. a family medical history clinical statement, within a specific kind of CDA document. - Dan Russler
- Use of PubChem data - This data contains basic chemical structure and terminology information, InCHI and SMILES strings, as well as similarity links and synonyms. Some even include bioactivity summaries against a bank of assays, as well as limited Tox information. These compounds could be used in *mock* animal and/or human studies as part of the demo. For some identified compounds that are potential Parkinsons and Alzheimers Agents see http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/DEMO/ChemicalAgents - EricN
- /Alzheimer's Proposal
- Document outlining the progress in converting data sets into RDF/OWL for the demo.
Note: Entrez Gene ontology