HCLSIG/Meetings/2008-08-07 Conference Call
Conference Details
- Date of Call: Thursday August 7, 2008
- Time of Call: 11:00am Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) Boston, USA, 16:00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), 17:00 Central European Time (CET) Paris
- Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
- Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
- Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)
- Participant Access Code: 4257 ("HCLS").
- IRC Channel: irc.w3.org port 6665 channel #HCLS (see W3C IRC page for details, or see Web IRC)
- Duration: ~1h
- Convener: Chime, Scott, Susie
- Introductions
- News updates on COI, BioRDF, LODD, SWANSIOC, Terminologies - All
- Connecting Two Worlds: Healthcare and Research - Linda King
- Discuss Clinical Decision Support Project - Chime O.
- F2F Update - Eric P.
- http://www.w3.org/2008/08/07-hcls-minutes.html
- ** Susie [2800280a@] has joined #hcls
- ** Topic is: HCLS COI call — http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-hcls-coi/2008AprJun/0084
- ** Topic set by ericP [Tue Jun 10 15:03:25 2008]
- ** Susie johnbreslin ericP
- ** Channel created on Fri Mar 21 23:09:35 2008
- ** JohnMadden [john_madde@] has joined #hcls
- ** Huajun [huajunsir@] has joined #HCLS
- ** Huajun left #HCLS []
- ** chimezie [chimezie@] has joined #hcls
- ** Zakim [rrs-bridgg@] has joined #hcls
- ** RRSAgent [rrs-loggee@] has joined #hcls
<RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/08/07-hcls-irc
<ericP> Zakim, this is hcls
<Zakim> ok, ericP; that matches SW_HCLS()11:00AM
- ** mscottm [marshall@] has joined #hcls
<Zakim> +Kei_Cheung
<ericP> Zakim, please dial ericP-office
<Zakim> ok, ericP; the call is being made
<Zakim> +EricP
- ** Huajun [huajunsir@] has joined #HCLS
- ** Donald_Doherty [Donald_Doh@] has joined #HCLS
<Zakim> + +1.949.481.aagg
<mscottm> Zakim, who is on the phone?
<Zakim> On the phone I see +1.301.975.aaaa, +1.781.662.aabb, +1.919.597.aacc, +1.317.433.aadd, +, [Microsoft], +1.212.217.aaff, DavidClarke, Kei_Cheung, EricP,
<Zakim> ... +1.949.481.aagg
<Zakim> +Don_Doherty
<Zakim> + +1.216.636.aahh
- ** kei [kei.cheung@] has joined #HCLS
<Zakim> +??P9
<mscottm> Zakim, +1.317.433.aadd is mscottm
<Zakim> +mscottm; got it
<chimezie> Zakim, who is on the phone?
<Zakim> On the phone I see +1.301.975.aaaa, +1.781.662.aabb, +1.919.597.aacc, mscottm, +, [Microsoft], +1.212.217.aaff, DavidClarke, Kei_Cheung, EricP, +1.949.481.aagg,
<Zakim> ... Don_Doherty, +1.216.636.aahh, ??P9
<chimezie> Zakim, +1.216.636.aah is me
<Zakim> +chimezie; got it
<ericP> Zakim, +1.301.975.aaaa is Linda_King
<Zakim> +Linda_King; got it
<Zakim> -??P9
- ** Huajun [huajunsir@] has quit [Ping timeout]
<ericP> Zakim, + is Bosse
<Zakim> +Bosse; got it
<ericP> Zakim, +1.212.217.aaff is Mark
<Zakim> +Mark; got it
<JohnMadden> zakim, +1.919.597.aacc is JohnMadden
<Zakim> +JohnMadden; got it
<ericP> Zakim, +1.949.481.aagg is Carl
<Zakim> +Carl; got it
<ericP> Zakim, who is here?
<Zakim> On the phone I see Linda_King, +1.781.662.aabb, JohnMadden, mscottm, Bosse, [Microsoft], Mark, DavidClarke, Kei_Cheung, EricP, Carl, Don_Doherty, chimezie
<Zakim> On IRC I see kei, Donald_Doherty, mscottm, RRSAgent, Zakim, chimezie, JohnMadden, Susie, johnbreslin, ericP
<Susie> Zakim, pick a scribe
<Zakim> Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Linda_King
<ericP> scribe: ericP
<ericP> topic: news
<ericP> Susie: would like updates from the task forces
<Zakim> +Vipul_Kashyap
<Zakim> +??P8
<ericP> -> http://www.w3.org/2008/07/MappingRules/ SPASQL rule mapping paper (using COI data)
<ericP> vipul: we need the mapping from RxNorm to NDC code
- ** Huajun [huajunsir@] has joined #HCLS
<ericP> ... we'll meet on monday to search for candidate patients
<ericP> kei: have been on sabatical
<ericP> ... next BioRDF call will be 8Sept
<ericP> ... agenda: work on the hcls kb, including deri's hosting of the kb
<JohnMadden> eric,could you move your phone receiver away from your keyboard -- your keyclicks are coming through phone
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has joined #hcls
- ericP JohnMadden, better now?
<JohnMadden> much, thanks
- ericP had forgotten to switch to the headset mike
<JohnMadden> fine noe
<JohnMadden> now
<ericP> Susie: linking open drug data:
<ericP> ... have a call with mohammad uldrin, who will share his drug target paper with us
<ericP> ... expect to drill down and look for interesting questions
<ericP> ... expect to map peoples' data ourselves to convince people to host sparql endpoints themselves
<ericP> Zakim, who is speaking?
<Zakim> ericP, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: +1.781.662.aabb (8%), ??P8 (28%), EricP (9%)
<ericP> Zakim, plese mute ??P8
<Zakim> I don't understand 'plese mute ??P8', ericP
<ericP> Zakim, please mute ??P8
<Zakim> ??P8 should now be muted
<ericP> chimezie: terminology task force in early stages, but lots of interest
<ericP> ... have asked JohnMadden if he's interested in leading
<ericP> JohnMadden: happy to take it on, need to schedule regular meeting
<Susie> http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/Meetings/2008-08-07_Conference_Call
<ericP> topic: connecting two worlds
- ** vipul [aadff72d@] has joined #hcls
<ericP> -> http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/Meetings/2008-08-07_Conference_Call?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=EHRCR.pdf EHRCR paper
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)]
<Susie> http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/Meetings/2008-08-07_Conference_Call
<ericP> linda: am representing e-clinical forum and the CDC clinical task force today
<ericP> ... have presented at hands 2008 (SP?)
<ericP> ... have large vendors and niche providers
<ericP> ... been working with hl7
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has joined #hcls
<ericP> [slide 11]
<ericP> linda: tool their EHR profile to see where we need to extend it for clinical research
<ericP> [slide 12]
<ericP> [slide 12]
<ericP> s/12/13/
<ericP> [slide 14]
<ericP> linda: most research is global, needs to translate to EuroRec
<ericP> [slide 15]
<ericP> linda: hope for HL7 and ANSI standard in jan 09
<ericP> [slide 16]
<ericP> linda: release 1: make sure it had the req'd data for research
<ericP> [slide 17,20]
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)]
<ericP> linda: our EHR-CR is under Tier0
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has joined #hcls
<ericP> linda: Tier0 is RFD
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has joined #hcls
<ericP> [slide 21]
<ericP> linda: current state is very separate worlds with duplicate data entry
<ericP> [slide 22]
<ericP> linda: next state will still require the investigator to enter some research data
<ericP> [slide 23]
<ericP> linda: will need separate entry system even at Teir1
<ericP> [slide 24-26]
<ericP> linda: Tier3 gets real reuse of the data
- ericP Zakim, who is speaking?
- Zakim ericP, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: +1.781.662.aabb (8%), Linda_King (5%), EricP (38%)
<ericP> linda: we talked about the requirements for a clinic to participate in research
<ericP> ... we talked about what was needed, but have not prescribed any tech
<ericP> [slide 29]
<ericP> [slide 32]
<ericP> linda: all of these workflow participants are documented in IHE
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)]
<ericP> ... we started with C-DASH, to populate forms
<ericP> ... a lot of the data is collected in a running record format
<ericP> ... to facilitate that, we had the sponsor site (quintiles) send the data to a holding area for the form filler to interrogate
<ericP> [next slide: Cerner EHR System]
<ericP> linda: this does not introduce new reqs on the user
<ericP> ... the blanks indicate the data that the study corrdinator needs to supply
<ericP> ... we want to capture transient events (reported nausea)
<ericP> ... have option for mod'ing current other medication
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has joined #hcls
<ericP> [slide Submitted to Form Receiver Successfully]
<ericP> linda: no ids supplied apart from the sponsor's unique id
<ericP> ... demographics are preserved if they appear in the body of the case report
<ericP> [slide IPL Data Archive]
<ericP> [slide 44, tabular report]
<ericP> vipul: what's the relationship between OHM and SDTM?
<ericP> linda: [some folks] have been working on that connection
<ericP> vipul: Braun kissler suggested that all the clinical models will be harmonnized with the SDTM
<ericP> [slide Data Reciever]
<Zakim> +??P5
<ericP> linda: populates based on patient data passed from EHR system
<ericP> [sldie 47, Next Steps]
<ericP> linda: nuts and bolts stuff, like "how do you data-lock this?"
<ericP> ... actively looking for a trial site to compare RFD systems and conventional system
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)]
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has joined #hcls
<ericP> linda: hope to remove humans from the RFD process
<vipul> q+
- Zakim sees vipul on the speaker queue
<ericP> ... would give secondary uses (e.g. epidemiology research) that much more credibility
<ericP> vipul: have talked with kathrine about this
<ericP> ... see COI as a complement to your work
<ericP> ... [ref slide low 20s]
<ericP> ... trying to avoid hard coding the mapping
<ericP> ... a declarative mapping would allow us to just push a button
<ericP> ... there is a big push on the HC world to follow C-CHT recommendations
<ericP> ... would be great to take any EMR system, and a clinical trial system (e.g. face forward) and plug them in together
<Zakim> -Linda_King
<ericP> linda: are you in contact with IET? have hundreds of participants in trials
<ericP> vipul: picked a trial from clinicaltrial.gov
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)]
<ericP> ... challenges include structures and vocabularies
<ericP> ... in HC world, use many, e.g. RxNorm
- ** russell [russell@] has joined #HCLS
<ericP> linda: timeframe
<ericP> vipul: 2 months
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has joined #hcls
<ericP> [proliferation of TLAs and ETLAs]
<ericP> Carl_Tasswell: is there some part of what you presented today that is already hooked into semantic technologies, i.e. ontologies?
<ericP> ... or is it all say, XML, but not semantic yet?
<ericP> linda: Braun Kissler is C-DISC's ontologist
<ericP> ... if you can't share meanings for "adverse event", you get soup
<ericP> ... can invite Braun
<ericP> Susie: would like another update on the terminology/ontology work
<ericP> Carl: AMIA working on ... Barry Smith et al trying to build semantic tech for clinical trials
<Zakim> -JohnMadden
<ericP> linda: AMIA interested in RFD [was it RFD?]
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)]
<ericP> vipul: one prob with ontology work is that folks are rolling new onts instead of re-using current onts
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has joined #hcls
<vipul> http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/ClinicalObservationsInteroperability
<ericP> [Discuss Clinical Decision Support Project postponed 'till next meeting]
<ericP> Carl: difficult to address competing/conflicting demands of working with standards with established software infrstructure and addressing fundamental flaws coming from non-semantic origins
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has joined #hcls
<ericP> vipul: avg. worker in the health care delivery system not following the academic work
<ericP> ... need to show how the new work provides added value
<ericP> chimezie: there are legitimate concearns with existing tech
<ericP> ... at the same time, also legitamate critisims with building pure onts with no domain expertise
<ericP> ... ample space for a middle ground to work
<Zakim> -mscottm
- ** vipul [aadff72d@] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client]
<Zakim> -Kei_Cheung
<Zakim> -Bosse
<Zakim> -Vipul_Kashyap
<Zakim> -Carl
<Zakim> -chimezie
<Zakim> - +1.781.662.aabb
- ** kei left #HCLS []
<Zakim> -Don_Doherty
<Zakim> -??P8
<Zakim> -Mark
- ** Kristin [836b004d@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)]
- ** Huajun [huajunsir@] has quit [Quit: Huajun]
- ** Donald_Doherty [Donald_Doh@] has quit [Quit: Donald_Doherty]
- ** chimezie [chimezie@] has quit [Quit: chimezie has no reason]
<Zakim> -DavidClarke
<Zakim> -EricP
- ** JohnMadden left #hcls []