Workshop on Interoperability Challenges for enabling secondary use of Electronic Health Records — ICEH 2014
European Medical Informatics Conference - MIE 2014 - Istanbul, August 31st - September 3rd, 2014.
Workshop Date & Time
- September 02, 2014: 15h00 - 18h30
Workshop Programme
Session 1: 15h00 - 16h30 The semantic interoperability challenge to exploit EHRs for enabling better care, clinical research and public health studies
- Semantic Interoperability in SemanticHealthNet Catalina MARTÍNEZ-COSTA, Iain BUCHAN, Dipak KALRA, Stefan SCHULZ
- Clinical Research Data Collection from Medical Summaries through Semantic Metadata Registries Ali Anil SINACI, Gokce B. LALECI ERTURKMEN, Anil PACACI
- Structured Data Capture Initiative Landen BAIN
- Towards a semantic PACS: Using Semantic Web technology to represent imaging data Johan VAN SOEST, Tim LUSTBERG, Detlef GRITTNER, M. Scott MARSHALL, Lucas PERSOON, Bas NIJSTEN, Peter FELTENS, Andre DEKKER
Session 2: 17h00 - 18h30 Addressing the integration and privacy challenges for secondary use of Electronic Health Records in clinical research studies
- Linked2Safety: Ensuring Patient Safety in Clinical Trials Ratnesh SAHAY, Aftab IQBAL, Yasar KHAN, Oya D. BEYAN, Stefan DECKER
- Towards access control to medical data on the Semantic Web John van SOEST , Tim LUSTBERG, Eric PRUD'HOMMEAUX, Kasper van den BERG, M. Scott MARSHALL, Andre DEKKER
- The Integration Challenges in Bridging Patient Care and Clinical Research in a Learning Healthcare System S.N. Lim Choi KEUNG, J.-F. ETHIER, l. ZHAO, V. CURCIN, T.N. ARVANITIS
- Building EHR4CR Data Elements and Value Set Repository via a Collaborative Template Editor David OUAGNE, Eric SADOU, Sajjad HUSSAIN, Christel DANIEL
Call For Abstracts
Enabling re-use of patient data collected during clinical care will considerably ease the conduct of clinical trials and also enable more pro-active pharmacovigilance studies for reinforcing patient safety. A major barrier to repurposing routinely collected data for clinical research and patient safety is the heterogeneity of healthcare information systems. In addition to the heterogeneity of healthcare information systems, both domains--patient care and clinical research--use different schemas and terminology systems. The collective international efforts of multiple organizations (such as ISO, HL7, CDISC, IHE etc) currently focus on defining the various standards required to achieve technical and semantic interoperability and bridge the gap between clinical research, pharmacoviligance and patient care.
The aim of this workshop is to present and discuss research issues and efforts in developing interoperability architectures for enabling re-using of electronic healthcare records and other sources of patient data for pharmacovigilance studies and clinical trials. We invite abstract submissions on the following related topics:
- Standardization activities to bridge clinical care and research domains - Terminology reasoning for enabling re-use of EHRs in clinical research studies - Semantic models of eligibility criteria for patient selection for clinical research studies - Use of ontologies and semantic mediation mechanisms enabling re-use of EHRs in clinical research studies - Syntactic and technical interoperability challenges for accessing EHRs for clinical research studies - Use of metadata repositories for enabling re-use of EHRs in clinical research studies - Use of linked data for clinical research studies
Important Dates:
1st call for submissions: | January 03, 2014 |
Abstract due date: | February 14, 2014 |
Notifications to Authors: | February 21, 2014 |
Final abstracts due: | February 28, 2014 |
MIE conference & workshop: | August 31 - September 03, 2014 |
Submission Guidelines:
We expect extended abstract submissions in this workshop. The Abstract must be outlined based on the MIE 2014 paper template (2 pages max.) in pdf format to be sent via email to iceh2014@srdc.com.tr (with the subject line: "ICEH 2014 submission") before the submission due date.
Accepted extended abstracts will be available on the workshop website and presented during the workshop. As the workshop is held during the MIE conference, we encourage authors to submit their extended abstracts at the main MIE 2014 conference as well. Submitted papers at MIE conference will go through the conference review process independently of the workshop process.
Should you have any further questions, please contact us at iceh2014@srdc.com.tr.
Workshop Organizers:
Asuman Dogac, SRDC Ltd., Ankara, Turkey
Marie-Christine Jaulent, INSERM, Paris, France
Gokce Banu Laleci Erturkmen, SRDC Ltd., Ankara, Turkey
Christel Daniel, AP-HP, Paris, France
Sajjad Hussain, INSERM, Paris, France