From W3C Wiki

Diabetes Management Guideline Representation Using Ontology and Rules

Diabetes Ontology

Diabetes rdfs:subClassOf :Diagnose.
Diabetes1 rdfs:subClassOf :Diabetes;
          rdfs:comments  """ A severe, chronic form of diabetes caused by insufficient production of 

insulin and resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The disease, which typically appears in childhood or adolescence, is characterized by increased sugar levels in the blood and urine, excessive thirst, frequent urination, acidosis, and wasting. Also called insulin-dependent diabetes, type 1 diabetes.""".

LADA rdfs:subClassOf :Diabetes1;
          rdfs:comments """Latent Auto-Immune Diabetes of the Adults""".
Diabetes2 rdfs:subClassOf :Diabetes;
          rdfs:comments  """ A mild form of diabetes that typically appears first in adulthood and is exacerbated 

by obesity and an inactive lifestyle. This disease often has no symptoms, is usually diagnosed by tests that indicate glucose intolerance, and is treated with changes in diet and an exercise regimen. Also called non-insulin-dependent diabetes, type 2 diabetes.""".

MODY rdfs:subClassOf :Diabetes2;
          rdfs:comments """Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young""".
MIDD rdfs:subClassOf :Diabetes2;
          rdfs:comments """Maternal Inherited Diabetes and Deafness""".
GestatopmaDiabetes rdfs:subClassOf :Diabetes;

rdfs:comments """impaired glucose tolernce during pregnancy. possible consequences for child. Sign for possible type 2 later""".

MetabolicSyndrome rdfs:subClassOf :Diabetes;
          rdfs:comments  """combination of insuline resistance, high bloodpressure, 

obesitas, and dislipedemie ( low HDL cholesterol, high triglicerides (can be treated with Fibrate according to ACA guideline)""".

SecondaryDiabetes rdfs:subClassOf :Diabetes;
          rdfs:comments """Secondary diabetes can be caused by a wide range of health problems 

that damage, injure, interfere with, or destroy the pancreas. If the underlying cause of secondary diabetes can be successfully treated, insulin production may improve or return to normal. """.

Patient State Rules

  • #rules for derive diabetic patient state

{?S pcontext:ofPatient ?P;

   pcontext:lastLDL ?A.
?A math:lessThan 130.}
{?P acpo:inPatientState dia:LDLnormal}.

{?S pcontext:ofPatient ?P;

   pcontext:lastHDL ?A.
?P pcontext:gender   rim:Male.  
?A math:lessThan 40.}
{?P acpo:inPatientState dia:HDLAbnormal}. 

{?S pcontext:ofPatient ?P;

   pcontext:lastHDL ?A.
?P pcontext:gender   rim:Male.  
?A math:notLessThan 40.}
{?P acpo:inPatientState dia:HDLNormal}. 

{?S pcontext:ofPatient ?P;

   pcontext:lastHDL ?A.
?P pcontext:gender   rim:Female.   
?A math:lessThan 50.}
{?P acpo:inPatientState dia:HDLAbnormal}. 
{?S pcontext:ofPatient ?P;
   pcontext:lastHDL ?A.
?P pcontext:gender   rim:Female.   
?A math:notLessThan 50.}
{?P acpo:inPatientState dia:HDLNormal}. 
{?S pcontext:ofPatient ?P;
   pcontext:lastTriglyceride ?A.
?A math:greaterThan 150.}
{?P acpo:inPatientState dia:triglycerideAbnormal}.
 {?S pcontext:ofPatient ?P;
   pcontext:lastTriglyceride ?A.
?A math:notGreaterThan 150.}
{?P acpo:inPatientState dia:triglycerideNormal}.

{?P acpo:inAllStateOf (dia:triglycerideAbnormal dia:LDLNormal dia:HDLAbnormal pcontext:CVA). } =>{?P pcontext:hasProblem :diabeteCVA}.

Fibrate Treatment

MetabolicSyndrome :isTreatedBy :TriglyceridesLoweringTherapy.

(:Fibrate :TriglyceridesLoweringTherapy) rpo:mu 0.9.

Examples of Supporting rules

{(?M ?T) rpo:mu ?mu. ?D :isTreatedBy ?T } => {?M rdfs:subClassOf ?T}.

  • #if a medication is contra-indicated, dont prescribe

{?P :hasProblem ?D. ?D a ?DC.

?DC :isTreatedBy ?MC.} 
=> {?P :candidateFor (?MC ?D)}.

{ ?P :hasProblem ?D. ?D a ?DC. ?P :candidateFor (?M ?D2). ?M :excludedFor ?DC. } => {?P :notPrescribed (?M ?D2) }.