The DocRulesClosure of an RDF graph is another RDF graph which is a particular subgraph of the (enormous) deductive WebClosure of the first graph. It is a subgraph which is hoped to be useful in size. This is an experimental design for FollowLinksForMoreInformation, based on the doc:rules predicate.
The DocRulesClosure of an RDF graph serialized as document D1 is defined roughly like this:
create an empty formula R for each URI U in D1 (starting document): fetch the document (D2) at address U for each triple `U doc:rules ?U3` in D2: fetch the document (D3) at address U3 add all contents of D3 to R Compute the deductive closure of D1 with respect to R.
Should we do this kind of processing on each URI in D2 and D3???
Test: includes triples from D1 (yes)
Test: includes triples from (each) D2 (no)
Test: includes triples from (each) D3 (yes)
(Also test whether such triples are used in rule application; should be same.)
Test: do we use rules in D1 (no, that's a separate thing)
Test: do we use rules in D2 (no)
Test: do we use rules in D3 (yes)
Test: various forms for D2
Test: various forms for D3
Test: various indirections and redirections on U and U2
Test: multiple D3's for a single D2