Pay lots near MIT include: (all prices are as of January 2007):
MIT Mass Ave and Vassar St. Lot 139 Massachusetts Ave. 617-258-6510 1 hour: $3; 2 hours: $6; 3 hours: $9; after 3 hours: $12
- Visitors must make prior arrangements for parking in this lot by calling the number above and paying in advance. Arrangements are made through the MIT Parking and Transportation Office which is open Monday - Friday from 9am-5pm.* This is an outdoor lot.
Network Park (formerly University Park) Greenand Sidney Streets 617-621-8023 1 hour: $6; 4 hours: $15; 12 hours: $18; 18-24 hours: $25 Payment with cash, MasterCard or Visa (but not Discover or AmericanExpress) is collected at the end. This is a covered garage.
Kinney System Entranceon Ames St. or Broadway 617-225-0830 1 hour: $8; 1-3 hours: $15; over 3 hours to 24 hours: $20 Payment with cash, MasterCard, Visa or American Express is collected at the end. This is a covered garage.
Kinney System, North Garage BinneySt. off Broadway 617-225-0830 1 hour: $8; 3 hours: $15; over 3 hours to 24 hours: $20 Payment with cash, MasterCard, Visa or American Express is collected at the end. This is a covered garage.