"We talked about doing that in last week's meeting, didn't we? Yeah, I thought Sally was going to do that. No, it was Joe, wasn't it?" Anybody could have. Somebody should have. Everybody knew it needed to be done.
MeetingRecords are an effective tool to avoid this sort of mess; in particular, ActionItems record an intent by one person to take care of some group business, and the group's intent to pay attention until it gets done or no longer seems worth doing.
"One of the first indicators that an organization is struggling is that open action items are not tracked and reviewed." -- the Free Management Library(SM)
This is a useful form of accountability. If the meeting record shows Sally has the action, but she takes ill, Joe and the rest of the group know that it's at risk and they should probably step in.
RdfCalendar discussions have mostly been about scheduled events, but the Vtodo component is very close to the notion of ActionItems.
The closest thing in SUMO seems to be Committing.
Chaals wrote some scrappy cwm rules to take action items as recorded by rrsagent and make them into ical:vTodo things.
RRSAgent has support for tracking actions and saving them in RDF, for example TAG 5 Jan 2004 actions.
@@more about review of action items in bulk vs. under relevant agenda. due dates, default to next meeting.
@@more about actions as a result of decisions vs. in preparation for decisions
@@more about action items and issues.